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I am really enjoying this site and appreciate the suggestions and input from other guitarists into this music.
I am wondering if anyone has other similar sites with forums, they're involved with, on covering other music styles eg Blues, Jazz, country guitar etc

I play blues,jazz, fingerstyle and bluegrass guitar so I would love to find similar communities to this one in those styles. Or is this one a one off? I also play a few other instruments eg sax, bass, banjo etc and love to find similar friendly groups like this one.

I don't post there very often but I check it several times a week. If you enjoy Hawaiian music, especially slack key guitar playing, try Taro Patch dot net. Lots of talk story and similar to this place tricks and techniques for playing in the thousands of alt tunings of slack key. Aloha!

Happy Sunsets!

tahitijack wrote:

I don't post there very often but I check it several times a week. If you enjoy Hawaiian music, especially slack key guitar playing, try Taro Patch dot net. Lots of talk story and similar to this place tricks and techniques for playing in the thousands of alt tunings of slack key. Aloha!

Thanks for that. I will check it out!

Strat Talk - is an interesting forum with a wide variety of subjects.
TDPRI for telecaster enthusiasts.

I am not obsolete, I am RETRO.... Cool

Teiscofan wrote:

Strat Talk - is an interesting forum with a wide variety of subjects.
TDPRI for telecaster enthusiasts.

Thanks that. Will check it out. What is TDPRI?

Last edited: Dec 28, 2016 17:17:34

philjudd wrote:

Teiscofan wrote:

Strat Talk - is an interesting forum with a wide variety of subjects.
TDPRI for telecaster enthusiasts.

Thanks that. Will check it out. What is TDPRI?

Telecaster Discussion Page Reissue, so called I think because it is version 2.0 of that forum. From what little I've observed it seems like a good place.

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

Lots about Jaguars and Jazzmasters.


TPDRI is a nice forum. But I have to say about TheGearPage that it's a shark pool. There are 'heavy hitters' there that rule the roost on no uncertain terms and are quite rude if you mix it up with them. TGP has such a large member base that they can get away with pissing contests.

Squink Out!

JObeast wrote:

TPDRI is a nice forum. But I have to say about TheGearPage that it's a shark pool. There are 'heavy hitters' there that rule the roost on no uncertain terms and are quite rude if you mix it up with them. TGP has such a large member base that they can get away with pissing contests.

The Gear Page looks great. Do you mean there are guys on there who know all and can't discuss anything? Shame when that element take over...

Didn't know about the offset guitar page. That's what I like about this forum you can always learn something and the people are great too.
This is by far one of the best forums I have belonged too and prima donnas strolling through the threads flexing their binary muscles just doesn't seem to happen or happens rarely.

I am not obsolete, I am RETRO.... Cool

philjudd wrote:

JObeast wrote:

TPDRI is a nice forum. But I have to say about TheGearPage that it's a shark pool. There are 'heavy hitters' there that rule the roost on no uncertain terms and are quite rude if you mix it up with them. TGP has such a large member base that they can get away with pissing contests.

The Gear Page looks great. Do you mean there are guys on there who know all and can't discuss anything? Shame when that element take over...

If you stick to noncontroversial topics you wont have much trouble but if you engage any of the many subjects discussed which touch upon real life outside of music you will get shot down rudely by heavies who throw their weight around. I bet they are all Obeast!

Squink Out!

Thanks guys. These look good. This Surf site is the best as far as support, input and a source of good material. Plus it's a positive site, not like others where people opiniated and difficult. Maybe like surf music the people are cool. I have people here very open.
I play a few different instruments and would love to find other guitar sites like this.
There's good ones for other acoustic instruments around.

Last edited: Dec 29, 2016 19:14:52

For acoustic guitars try The Acoustic Guitar Forum. Folks there tend to be mellow with a few having strong opinions from time to time.

Happy Sunsets!

I found TGP years ago because I googled things and kept getting it as the first response and it usually answered my questions.

I regularly participate there. There are a lot of personalities, as you'd expect from a forum with so many members. Runs the gamut I'd say. It also runs the gamut of musical tastes, knowledge, seriousness, and opinions.

So you just have to take things with a grain of salt - it is the internet after all.

I come here for specific surf-related info, or to help anyone else out with whatever knowledge I can.

TGP is broader - everytime someone asks a surf question, I send them here.

As a smaller community, with similar interests, forums like this may be more to some people's tastes.

With TGP, it's wide open. But I find it on the whole to be genial. Most of the time, the people who cause problems are the ones who get butt-hurt themselves very easily. And of course, anyone who doesn't like being corrected - or being corrected in a way they find derogatory (which is any way).

TDDRI answers a lot of my questions as does Strat talk, as I'm a fender guy. But I'm not a member of either.

Ultimate Guitar has a forum, but I find that geared mostly to metal - too much so for my tastes.

There's always Surfmusic-Forum Germany There is an English speaking section if you can't speak German.

Would be great if they changed to Surfmusic Europe fully English speaking. And tailor all our European needs to Europe.

Last edited: Jan 10, 2017 03:22:02

I don't think that is going to happen: There are only a handfull of people still active on the surfmusic-forum, some of the side features don't work properly anmyore, many of the main contributors have left and sometimes they deleted all of their posts, which makes even research somewhat unsatisfying. Cry

Los Apollos - cinematic surf music trio (Berlin)
"Postcards from the Scrapyard" Vol. 1, 2 & 3 NOW available on various platforms!
"Chaos at the Lobster Lounge" available as LP and download on Surf Cookie Records!

simoncoil wrote:

I don't think that is going to happen: There are only a handfull of people still active on the surfmusic-forum, some of the side features don't work properly anmyore, many of the main contributors have left and sometimes they deleted all of their posts, which makes even research somewhat unsatisfying. Cry

All the more reason to make it into Surfmusic Europe. There are many people from other countries feel incompatible here on SG101, I'm not saying America is unfriendly for one minute let me make that absolutely clear but I have noticed difficulties sometimes. And of course there are many others that can't speak German. It could be the ideal time for to branch out to the rest of Europe and the world.

Last edited: Jan 10, 2017 05:13:40

Can you elaborate on the incompatibility? I always had the impression that the surf scene is already past the continental thing, but maybe that's just me. I, personally, would have little desire to have a European forum around, when I can get worldwide discussions here on SG101.

To transform the surfmusic-forum into something more international it would take someone, who would be willing to put a lot of time and effort into it, like Brian does with SG101. And AFAIK Ehrie, the founder and admin of the forum, has had very little time on his hands during the last years.

Los Apollos - cinematic surf music trio (Berlin)
"Postcards from the Scrapyard" Vol. 1, 2 & 3 NOW available on various platforms!
"Chaos at the Lobster Lounge" available as LP and download on Surf Cookie Records!

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