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Those two parts will work 51. Make sure you get the correct style and voltage bulb for however you are going to monitor the circuit. If you follow the diagram that comes with the board, it shows splitting the 12v side. You still have to have correct polarity but if you hook it wrong, it has protection so you don't ruin the board. AT least that's what I think I remember Surfy Bear telling me. Smile The board isn't grounded. The single mounting screw is insulated from all circuitry.

Clarry wrote:

I've reworded the pilot light correctly and all my "drip problems" I had earlier have disappeared!!

Must have been a current problem?

It sounds bloody amazing now!

It's great to come on here to try and help someone and get my own problem sorted.

It was a coincidence I spotted the problem. Glad you got it sorted.

wfoguy wrote:

You still have to have correct polarity but if you hook it wrong, it has protection so you don't ruin the board. AT least that's what I think I remember Surfy Bear telling me. Smile The board isn't grounded. The single mounting screw is insulated from all circuitry.

Yes, thats correct!
There is a third MOSFET that blocks the input current if polarity of the power supply is reversed. This is a very secure way to protect the circuit.

I decided this was a good idea since many 12V adapters have the opposite polarity compared to the standard 9V pedal-adapters. This means there is a considerable risk for reverse polarity supply voltage.


So if I buy a center negative power supply, what would be the correct solder point ?
Again thanks for a the help for us newbies ,

51, no matter what you have on the power supply, you still will run positive to positive and negative to negative. As long as you are sure you have the correct polarity, it will work. The board won't know how the adapter is run, only that it has the correct polarity where you solder to the power connections on the board. As a safe guard, plug your power supply into the adapter and check the connections where you solder the wires on and check polarity. This will verify that the center is negative. Just remember to always use that style of adapter.

While on the topic of power supply, I just picked up a 1 Spot Pro CS7 which comes with a "reverse polarity converter" plug that works great with the 12v Surfy Bear Fet Reverb.


My toolbox transformation! Now I gotta wait for my patina solution to dry,then I will clear coat and rivet on all the handles and latches. I couldn't deal with just a plain od green box....I had to surf it up and make it nasty! Received my Surfy Bear yesterday! Got it all soldered up except I'm waiting on my new bigger jeweled lamp i ordered the other day after being jealous of everyone elses. I am also waiting on a new RCA cable to arrive. Once it's all here,which should be's on!!!

If you want the ultimate,you gotta be willing to pay the ultimate price.



Got the latches and handle riveted back on! Now to drill holes for the SB!

If you want the ultimate,you gotta be willing to pay the ultimate price.



Any if you guys chop these little tabs off? It's making my pots sit crooked.....wondering if it serves an important purpose....if not I shall chopem!

If you want the ultimate,you gotta be willing to pay the ultimate price.


Just adjust the nut on the pot shaft.

I cut mine off with a pair of wire cutters, then filed down the edge.

Unless you can use two nuts per pot to create a bit of space for the tabs, you can just snap them off with a pair of pliers. Or you can drill small holes for the tabs to fit in. That's how they're supposed to be mounted.

I ended up scavenging some extra pot nuts from an old crappy overdrive,so ima save myself some trouble and go that route! Thanks!

If you want the ultimate,you gotta be willing to pay the ultimate price.


Latherman87 wrote:

Any if you guys chop these little tabs off? It's making my pots sit crooked.....wondering if it serves an important purpose....if not I shall chopem!

Just use a pair of wire cutters & bend it over prying/wiggling & it should snap off; no need to actually "cut" it. Most times these things aren't needed; I've crunched a bunch of 'em off in pedal builds as they do exactly what's irritating you.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

cambeezy wrote:

While on the topic of power supply, I just picked up a 1 Spot Pro CS7 which comes with a "reverse polarity converter" plug that works great with the 12v Surfy Bear Fet Reverb.

The PS you linked, each 12V out can supply only 200mA, while for reliable operation the Surfy-Bear requires 1000mA.

Like wfoguy said,
Since we make the internal power connection ourselves, no need for specialty converters, just switch the wires as needed.

Yeah just snap those off.

Last edited: Dec 26, 2016 16:38:20


Another update! Holes are drilled.....proper surfy bear sticker applied and all labels done. Nothing about this thing is done very clean,but I think it all makes for a better look! My brother in law thought he would be funny while making my you can see the "inputtt" I actually think it looks pretty rad! Tomorrow I should finish it all!

If you want the ultimate,you gotta be willing to pay the ultimate price.


DreadInBabylon wrote:

cambeezy wrote:

While on the topic of power supply, I just picked up a 1 Spot Pro CS7 which comes with a "reverse polarity converter" plug that works great with the 12v Surfy Bear Fet Reverb.

The PS you linked, each 12V out can supply only 200mA, while for reliable operation the Surfy-Bear requires 1000mA.

Good point Ariel! Embarassed
With some help from my son Jef, we A/B'd the two power sources today. There's a small drop-off in drip with the One Spot Pro (which he noticed with his unbiased ears) but its OK for a back-up PS.

Latherman87 wrote:


Another update! Holes are drilled.....proper surfy bear sticker applied and all labels done. Nothing about this thing is done very clean,but I think it all makes for a better look! My brother in law thought he would be funny while making my you can see the "inputtt" I actually think it looks pretty rad! Tomorrow I should finish it all!

The label fun reminds me of when we were high schoolers just getting started messing around with guitars and amps and used a label maker to designate a 2w ss flashlight amp a "Marshall" and the controls on a Memphis bolt-neck LP "POW R", "ENTHUSIASM", "BRITE" and "POLISH".
Dumb, huh?

Squink Out!


It's alive!!!!!! And oh so drippy!

If you want the ultimate,you gotta be willing to pay the ultimate price.


The label fun reminds me of when we were high schoolers just getting started messing around with guitars and amps and used a label maker to designate a 2w ss flashlight amp a "Marshall" and the controls on a Memphis bolt-neck LP "POW R", "ENTHUSIASM", "BRITE" and "POLISH".
Dumb, huh?

It all adds character haha!

If you want the ultimate,you gotta be willing to pay the ultimate price.


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