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Bay City, Michigan

Posted on Jun 22 2007 05:03 PM
i recently got a pack of GHS flatwounds, and i definetely like them better than the D'addarios, those are way too bright.
i know for sure the next set of strings i get are going to be tomastik-infeld flatwounds, i really wanna hear how good the nickel winding sounds.
my D'addario flatwounds were only lasting me like a freaking month, what is up with that? anyone else have a lot of pre-mature string breakage with them? i do sweat a lot through my palms though, and i palm mute a lot, and they always break at the bridge saddles, but still, they should last a bit longer.
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Posted on Jun 24 2007 04:37 PM
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Posted on Jun 24 2007 04:58 PM
i recently got a pack of GHS flatwounds, and i definetely like them better than the D'addarios, those are way too bright.
i know for sure the next set of strings i get are going to be tomastik-infeld flatwounds, i really wanna hear how good the nickel winding sounds.
my D'addario flatwounds were only lasting me like a freaking month, what is up with that? anyone else have a lot of pre-mature string breakage with them? i do sweat a lot through my palms though, and i palm mute a lot, and they always break at the bridge saddles, but still, they should last a bit longer.
I preferred Chromes over the GHS strings. Also, I am a fan of Rotosound Flats, and the old gibson flats were pretty great.
Are you breaking all the strings or just one or two? My Chromes used to break prematurely as well. Mainly the G.
Thomastiks are the best(I haven't tried Pyramids though). Who cares about how good Thomastiks sound, it is how good they feel.
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Posted on Jun 24 2007 05:33 PM
Maybe it's the way I set my controls on my amps but I don't feel chromes are excessively bright. In fact I just got some nickel roundwounds to try to get a little more aggressive sound. As to breaking, mine break more frequently than other strings I use I guess but not THAT much more, and I do use my trems much more on my surf guitars than on my others, so I just chalked it up to that. As to breaking locations it's definitely in the end wraps. Not necessarily at the ball, but in the wraps on the plain strings. Then again I got a dozen sets for about $4.00 each so I don't really care that much.
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Posted on Jun 24 2007 05:38 PM
Dozen sets for $4 each. Is this deal still around? I don't know if I'd take advantage of the deal but I want to try out flats on my Gretsch without paying too much. Also, always nice to have some extras strings.
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Posted on Jun 24 2007 08:10 PM
Dozen sets for $4 each. Is this deal still around? I don't know if I'd take advantage of the deal but I want to try out flats on my Gretsch without paying too much. Also, always nice to have some extras strings.
Actually somebody here posted an online coupon for Musicians friends "strings and drumsticks" sale months and months ago. The chromes were already on sale, and then I got the extra savings and they came out to $4.60 a set. It was my first Musician's Friend purchase and I've gone back to their sale well many a time since. I try to post online deals in the For sale or trade section when I see them. I'll be sure to post it when I see that online string sale "coupon" again.
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Toronto, ON

Posted on Jun 26 2007 09:55 PM
i play 9-46 on my strat with low action of 2-3 mm and 13-56 on my slideguitars with an action of 5 mm. thats a fifts of an inch i guess.
do suerfat strings actually sound so much better for surfstuff? i am not shure, because i can get all sorts of twang out of my whimpy-strings and they are so hard on my fingerjoints. i am 47 years old and i teach a lot of guitar, so my hands need all the help they can get. specially the first joint on my left indexfinger. i even have 10-47 on my acoustic, because i have to play cowboy-chords for hours.
i would like to present the idea here, that a pretty high action can do a lot for your sound too.
Yeah I can get a nice sound with thin strings too.
I use Ernie Ball Super Slinkies (Pink ones .009-.042)
I guess I'll have to try with heavier gauges.
— Augusto Vite
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Posted on Jun 27 2007 08:32 PM
On the G&L I use .42 to .11's
The Squire with Floyd Rose system can't handle that, so I went back to .9's
( I just divebomb alot to make up for the sissyness)
— The Mighty Surf Lords- Sparks,Nv.
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Posted on Jul 19 2007 08:35 PM
Chromes .012 after using .013 for years, now considering going bigger again. Pyramids and Thomastik Infelds sound dull to me, probably because they're nickel (while chromes are stainless steel). Every now and then I venture into roundwound territory because the Chromes cost me a lot of money, however I still haven't found a roundwound I like. Just now I did an experiment comparing Chromes .012 with D'Addario XLS (stainless steel) roundwound .012. Surpisingly, the Chromes sounded much brighter but also smoother. The XLS had that roundwound "growl" and an annoying "zing". Maybe they need to be played in for a while, but I like to change strings before a show so this is not an option.
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Bay City, Michigan

Posted on Jul 21 2007 06:01 PM
i just got the tomastik flats the other day...and WOW do they sound amazing.
nice and dull...even duller brand new than the chromes are fully broken in. i love it. i sat and played my guitar for about 5 hours straight and am still wowed by how good they sound. they even sound amazing when not played through an amp.
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La Playa, Mexico

Posted on Jul 21 2007 08:07 PM
D'Addario XL Nickelwound 11s on all my guitars. I just think nickel strings have a mellower tone and sound better than chromes. Tried flatwounds, tried Ernie Balls= Slinkys, tried Fender Supers Bullets, tried many others, always come back to these. Good all 'round surf strings that stay in-tune and last awhile (although longevity is not their strength).
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Las Vegas

Posted on Jul 21 2007 08:37 PM
sometimes strings breaking at the saddle often is an indication of burrs on the saddle. A good tech can take care of those.
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Posted on Jul 27 2007 07:28 AM
sometimes strings breaking at the saddle often is an indication of burrs on the saddle. A good tech can take care of those.
Good advice, I too found this to be a source of string breakage, a real bastard halfway through a song and yet I always try to load up a new set of strings a few days before a gig to break them in.
As for leaving strings on for any extended time, I guess the last statement takes care of that, usually a week or two as we are only part timers.
I found the balance with - GHS 10 - 46's
These seem to suit the Tele quite well, where as the Fender bullets I used to use on both the Strat & Tele were prone to both breakage and rusting up in no time flat.
Interesting thread.
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San Diego, CA

Posted on Aug 17 2007 12:35 PM
Been using D'Addarrio XL115 .11s for ages. I hear so many good things about flats though, I'll definitely need to give them a shot.
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Posted on Aug 18 2007 07:14 AM
Just trying SIT 12~52 rounds with a wound G... sound is great, really pefect for the Jaguar/surf sound.
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Posted on Aug 18 2007 02:24 PM
I was finally able to get my hands on a set of .012 Rotosounds and I'm actually pleasantly surprised, especially at that price. I still prefer the sound of chromes (maybe I just need to get "used" to the new sound) but the difference in price is making me consider jumping ship.
The pack just says "nickel" but some sites say they are nickel plated steel, can anyone confirm wich it is?
I preferred Chromes over the GHS strings. Also, I am a fan of Rotosound Flats, and the old gibson flats were pretty great.
Jake, what are your observations as to the difference between chromes and the Roto flats? I understand the Roto's have monel windings (nickel + copper) but how do they sound?
— Matter is just energy waiting to happen.
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Posted on Aug 18 2007 02:30 PM
The rotosounds have a better thud than the Chromes do. There is one specific song of ours that makes me prefer the roto flats over the chromes. The first note of Riverside Drive if anyone has the CD.
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Posted on Aug 28 2007 10:37 AM
I strung my Epiphone with D'Addario Chromes .11's for the first time last night. I went with the 11's because I was told that the flatwounds will feel stiffer than the rounds. So far I like them and I will move up to 12's in the future. I also play Bass so the heavy strings don't bother me.
Do they make flatwounds for the Fender Jag bass 6?
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Stockholm, Sweden

Posted on Nov 22 2007 01:35 PM
I recently put on a set of the new Pyramid Nickel Classics 010-046 round wounds on my Mosrite Excellent. Sound and play great I think.
Product description:
_These strings are made exactly the same way as electric guitar strings were made in the Fifties and Sixties using a round core. Around 1970 (or so) most string manufactures switched from round core to hex coreâs for wound strings. This helped them âlockâ the wrap onto the core for less defective wound strings. Unfortunately, the tone and sound of the strings changed considerably. Sadly, this is what we are all use to hearing and playing these days⦠Until NOW!
Round core constructed string offer better harmonics, longer string vibrations, better tone and longer string life. Pyramid is about the only company offering a true round core, pure nickel wrapped strings. These are exact to the specs they used originally from the late `40âs thru the 1960âs and feature a small core and large wrap._
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Posted on Nov 22 2007 01:50 PM
I'm a big fan of Pyramid Gold Flatwounds .013-.052