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Permalink The Surfy Bear Fet Reverb

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stratdancer wrote:

I would like the new build to be rock solid for transport and I will put a pan in there that is better suited than the MOD. Something with a shorter tail and more pronounced initial drip. I guess that would be an accutronics. I like my MOD but if I can find better then that would be plus.

Just my $.02 Had a MOD in a little combo once; was an improvement but way too much tail from the get-go. After some journeys with pans I've come to the conclusion (if one is really down to parsing hairs) that they can differ even within same model/maker. I've found older Accutronics pans that are not as good as the newer Korean-made ones... and vice versa.

I do prefer Accutronics and the current ones seem pretty good. My amp guy had a bakery-rack full of pans he let me pick from, old & new, and after trying 7 kept the best 3. I've had a new one arrive very dull, and its replacement from the vendor sound wonderful. I think you just have to try a bunch - but I'd start with Accutronics if you don't like the over-abundance of tail in the MOD.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Badger, you may have described what was different from my 2 builds. The good part of this is that tanks aren't real expensive. Smile

wfoguy wrote:

The good part of this is that tanks aren't real expensive. Smile


SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Sounds like I should just order a couple new pans and hope for the best.

The Kahuna Kings

NOS pans, better.

Squink Out!

JObeast wrote:

NOS pans, better.

I've found differences in same pan/maker/model, sometimes differences between enclosures (silver vs. the brass colored ones) but nothing repeatable, other than maybe a pref toward the brass colored ones. I think the first step would be getting away from the MOD pan, which is a different type of deal to his ear, although some like it just fine. Try an Accutronics, if it works get a spare.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

This may have been somewhat covered... but can I get one of these already built? Perhaps even cab and/or pedal enclosure already done and put together? I am looking for cost effectivness. But I'm also not good and soldering circuit boards and wiring. My ideal thing would be to have this in the smallest enclosure possible, with silverface cosmetics. Anyhow, would the finished product be noticeably cheaper new than a reissue fender for used? If so, I'd be seriously interested if anyone is so inclined.

Guitarist for Black Valley Moon & Down By Law

After having built mine (pic posted here 9.10.2016) I made a spreadsheed with all the materials and assembly times. It was ca. 180€ for the materials and parts and ca. 10h working time. With all the drawings made time could drop to ca. 7h working time, If you make > 3 pieces a item a time, time could drop to 6h and material price could drop to ca. 140€.

see you at monokinibeach

SamDBL wrote:

This may have been somewhat covered... but can I get one of these already built? Perhaps even cab and/or pedal enclosure already done and put together? I am looking for cost effectivness. But I'm also not good and soldering circuit boards and wiring. My ideal thing would be to have this in the smallest enclosure possible, with silverface cosmetics. Anyhow, would the finished product be noticeably cheaper new than a reissue fender for used? If so, I'd be seriously interested if anyone is so inclined.

Try the Surfer Joe site: HERE "Bear" in mind The circuit board gets fairly warm so a small enclosure will need some extra attention.

Did I win the thread! do I get a badge? Smile
Surfer Joe offers a complete kit - no soldering needed.


Really? The website says "A POPULATED R4 SMD BOARD + HARDWARE: POTS, CONNECTORS AND WIRES". I don't read "completely assembled".
I would double-check before order. Just to be sure...

see you at monokinibeach

I mean like all completed. Enclosure, pan, etc. There's no way I could come up with a cool pedal enclosure on my own. Or I'd manage to screw the thing in sideways, or something, etc.

Guitarist for Black Valley Moon & Down By Law

I could be mistaken (and not speaking for them) but somewhere in the back of my mind this is - along with the Surfy Trem pedal - something that Bjorn & Lorenzo had as a goal or were discussing, offering a completed unit. However, there are numerous manufacturing details, not to mention international trade hoops (read "lawyers & bureaukrats"), to jump through.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Do remember that a smidgen of soldering is involved: you need to wire the control pots and RCA connectors to the (populated) board. You also need to wire the power connector and - though extremely simple to anyone with a basic understanding of electronics - if you've never wired a plug then it can be a bit confusing.

But a local electronics shop would easily be able to give advice and mark exactly what connectors to wire on the power jack.

As for the box / cabinet, that's entirely your call. You can screw the whole thing to the back of an amp and get away with it if need be.

Bjorn has made very cool completed units that he has sold in person at Surfer Joe:


I'm not sure if these are available to the general public and/or if he will ship to the US, but it couldn't hurt to ask?

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

Wooooooooow the brown one is gorgeous! Shock

The Mentawais
The Rentones

I just built one of Bjorn's brilliant kits. You get a bag of parts; a populated board, plus pots, jacks, and wire. A little skill and electronics know-how is needed, but you can put the kit together in an hour. The difficult/expensive/time-consuming part is creating a chassis and building or buying a cabinet.


Last edited: Dec 01, 2016 12:36:58

Needs some cosmetic stuff done to it; black metal paint on the chassis etc.
But there's room for a rack mounted Surfy Trem in there.

I now have to sort out why it's less reverby and drippy, now that it's been mounted...



Just finished mine today. Works great, sounds great...except for one small wiring problem...the pilot light goes on when the unit's off and goes out when the unit's on. But that's for tomorrow. Now, it's time to play!

taijiguy wrote:

Just finished mine today. Works great, sounds great...except for one small wiring problem...the pilot light goes on when the unit's off and goes out when the unit's on. But that's for tomorrow. Now, it's time to play!

Flip the on/off switch - it's the only thing it could be.

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

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