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Permalink So I dumped facebook... now what?

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I'm discovering that many of the band's I like don't have websites. Besides SG101 how do you check out or follow bands and such?

METEOR IV on reverbnation

Get back on FB,
See if they will post info here.
Maybe band camp for some.


bigtikidude wrote:

Get back on FB,
See if they will post info here.
Maybe band camp for some.


They great FB holdout BTD telling someone to get back on it. Big Razz

Yup, funny huh,
It's a FB world, sadly.


Most of the bands you like wouldn't update a website if they had it, so what's the point? You can still look at their Facebook profiles.

For a small band like ours Facebook is the best way to reach out to folks, plus sites like this one! But echoing BigTikiDude it is a Facebook world.

The Me Gustas

Thanks for the input. I'm pretty committed to staying off FB, so I'll have to figure out something?

METEOR IV on reverbnation

Bandcamp is good, especially if you start following a few other surf nuts.

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

I like Twitter but I have no idea what it actually does or who sees what or anything. I've heard it called the world's largest bathroom wall.

There are a buttload of surf bands and fans on it.

I also have FB. And a website and Bandcamp as well as the aforementioned Twitter. Sharawaji Records set up all these social media accounts for me and I try to use them advantageously. NOT something I would do on my own. And my accounts are all overseen by the benevolent all-seeing all caring EyE in the Sky monsignor Mike.

PS: Ooh ooh! My YouTube account is 100% bonafide ALL ME! It was the 1st thing I did when I got my music 'out there' and yeah, that was the stuff that got Sharawaji interested in my band.

Take THAT world.


Da Vinci Flinglestein,
The quest for the Tone, the tone of the Quest

The Syndicate of Surf on YouTube

Last edited: Nov 15, 2016 11:24:03

I'm with Jake, I'm not sure what your concern is. If the band set up their FB band page correctly, it is viewable by the public. So do what you perhaps did before FB:

  1. Create a folder in your browser's bookmarks called "Surf Bands"
  2. Search for surf bands using your favorite search engine.
  3. Bookmark the page.
  4. Repeat 2-3 as necessary
  5. Periodically visit your bookmarked pages

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Last edited: Nov 15, 2016 08:29:09

bigtikidude wrote:

It's a FB world, sadly.

Only to those people on FB...

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Las_Barracudas wrote:

I'm discovering that many of the band's I like don't have websites. Besides SG101 how do you check out or follow bands and such?

If they are only active on one social site I wouldn’t bother trying to stay in the loop. They excluded you, maybe on Twitter, Bandcamp or Soundcloud is a band with a similar sound?

The Exotic Guitar of Kahuna Kawentzmann

You can get the boy out of the Keynes era, but you can’t get the Keynes era out of the boy.

The question is, why did you leave FB?
If it's because of not wanting to see political posts, I feel your pain.I just stopped following my feed.

If I want to see band info, I go directly to a bands page or see posts in the FB surf forums. But I must say, I'd still rather see bands news posts about releases,shows etc. here on SG101.


Last edited: Nov 15, 2016 11:13:46

Unless you only follow bands that pay Facebook you will not see all the news of all bands you follow in your timeline. I think if a band doesn’t run ads you only see 60% of their updates.

The Exotic Guitar of Kahuna Kawentzmann

You can get the boy out of the Keynes era, but you can’t get the Keynes era out of the boy.

bigtikidude wrote:

The question is, why did you leave FB?
If it's because of not wanting to see political posts, I feel your pain.I just stopped following my feed.

If I want to see band info, I go directly to a bands page or see posts in the FB surf forums. But I must say, I'd still rather see bands news posts about releases,shows etc. here on SG101.

Well yes, all the political nonsense was definitely the straw that broke the camel's back. I wish that now that the election is over I could say things will get better on FB, but if anything I think it's getting worse.

Here's a few other reasons:

  • I'm not actively gigging at present, so no need for the free advertising, although it seems that facebook pay to play might be a reality one day.
  • Since FB, people seem to have become less sociable (including me). I used to get regular and frequent phone calls from friends and fellow musicians, but not so much anymore.
  • I feel like I spend too much time on FB, which takes away from positive productive activities.
  • Facebook has enlightened me to many aspects of people (friends & family) that I'd just assume not know.
  • Imho it's become a depository of misinformation and provides all manner of idiots a stage to spew their nonsense and hatred.
  • Most of my true friends and favored family members hardly participate (same with me), so it's kind of like why bother?

With that said, most of the music related groups were pretty cool and I will miss that, along with the fishing and kayak groups.

Who knows, maybe if I start gigging again I'll join back up for networking / promo purposes but I really feel the need to just unplug from "social media" right now.

METEOR IV on reverbnation

Last edited: Nov 15, 2016 18:31:53

Brian wrote:

bigtikidude wrote:

It's a FB world, sadly.

Only to those people on FB...

Yes, this precisely. Not having Facebook does not impact me in the slightest. No sleep lost.

As I said, I stopped following the news feed.
I only look at stuff people send to me, or tag me on.
And stuff in the some 25 or so Surf FB groups.

So I don't see any of the stuff people say that they hate seeing on FB.


bigtikidude wrote:

So I don't see any of the stuff people say that they hate seeing on FB.

you're a better man for that ^^^

the thing with FB too is posts get lost in the shuffle quickly. i never scroll back through looking for something. on SG101 each discussion or whatever is all right there or easy to find.

I asked this question a while ago when my website server shut down. Facebook is a royal pain in the rear and any publicity on it is generally ignored. It may be useful for promoting events, but that's about it.
I find Bandcamp is really good, for listening/buying music and even for merchandise, but not so good for finding out about shows.

My suggestion would be to see what bands have a mailing list and send out news, like Double Crown do, and get your email address on their list.

I gave up Facebook a while ago and was forced back on because of the band. And why does the band have a Facebook page? Because everyone else does! Once upon a time musicians would spend their time writing music and practicing, now you have to update Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+ ad nauseum.

I have an idea for an app to help with this if anyone can write code? we can go halves...?

Interestingly, I was with a friend of mine this afternoon; he's the guy who books shows at one of the venues where I work doing sound. He was being interviewed by someone doing a survey on how bookers and promoters find acts (I suspect he was angling to sell some new kind of online tool for bands). My friend told him that Facebook gave him all the information he needed to find out about bands. The interviewer was somewhat deflated, but it is the truth, isn't it? You may not want to use Facebook personally, but I'd suggest it was pretty foolish to abandon it for your band at this point.

Los Fantasticos

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