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Permalink FINAL HOURS to VOTE for the Classic Surf & Surf Revival Top 101

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On December 18th we will broadcast the best 202 surf music tracks according to the listeners of North Sea Surf Radio and the members of the SurfGuitar 101 forum.


Do you want to contribute your personal favourites to the fourth edition of these lists and help decide what the best instrumental surf music tracks of all time are?

Fill out your personal Top 10 Surf Revival and Top 10 Classic Surf tracks over here:

If you would like to share your personal Top 10's with your fellow SG101 members, please post them in this thread as well.

Happy voting!


Niels Jansen
Program Director
North Sea Surf Radio

To submit your surf music to North Sea Surf Radio send the tracks as .mp3 in 320kbps bitrate with correct tags to via Dropbox.

North Sea Surf Radio: Website- Facebook - Twitter
North Sea Surf Festival: Website - Facebook - Twitter
The Phantom Four: Website - Facebook - Twitter

Last edited: Dec 11, 2016 18:18:03

As long as you don´t publish the votes for the songs I will not contribute.
I like to see how many votes the songs got that made it into the top the top.

As long as you don´t publish the amount of votes that the songs got
which made it into the top 101 I won´t contribute.
I just like to see with which number the lower ratings just got into it.
Are two or three votes enough to get mentioned and played in the top 101??

tired wrote:

As long as you don´t publish the amount of votes that the songs got
which made it into the top 101 I won´t contribute.
I just like to see with which number the lower ratings just got into it.
Are two or three votes enough to get mentioned and played in the top 101??

I also think it would be interesting to see how many votes for every song.

Twang cheers!

Ralf Kilauea

Hi guys,

We will not be publishing all the individual votes, those that want to share can do so at this forum. The past years more and more people have been emailing us their list, processing all that data from various sources like SG101, email and Facebook turned out to be too time consuming. This is why we decided to move to Google Forms. It saves us a lot of time and hassle. Processing that data is already a lot of work that takes me hours to complete.

In the beginning of NSSR about 50% of the votes came via SG101. If you look at the very first thread of the 101 lists in that hread you can find a lot of individual lists. The last couple of years the numbers of votes coming in via SG101 has declined. Nevertheless the number of votes coming in via email more than made up for that and for every edition we get more and more lists in. The new way of voting made it a lot easier for people to submit and for Halloween turned out to deliver us more votes than previous years.

No radiostation in the world shares all the individual votes for a list. This is very valuable information for the station and for the competition. If I was to share ALL individual lists for the Classic Top 101 people would have a list of 446 tracks that have been voted for and basically have a list with the 446 best classic surf music tracks. Anybody could easily start a radiostation with that information. Same goes for the 905 Surf Revival tracks that were voted for last year. I have a background in commercial radio in The Netherlands (commercial station with over 3 million listeners) and have been in the radio bussiness for a long time. NO radiostation will EVER share that sort of information.

As for the number of voters, that's another thing I will not exactly share. Why? Because if this year there will be let's say 265 votes and the year after that 198 votes people will say the list is less representitive and less valuable. That is nonsense and is not the case if you have hundreds of votes but a band that drops out of the list will be disappointed and start complaining and bitching the list is not representative. Same thing if I was to give the number of votes a track receives. If last years number one received 88 votes and this years number one receives 60 votes people will say this years number one is not as much a number one as the year before. Believe me, I have been there during my time at commercial radio.

Also the number of people that voted for a track does not say a lot. You gotta keep in mind it's not only the number of people voting for a track but also the position in their Top 10. Ten #1 positions generate more points that thirty #8 positions.

So those are the reasons.
But to give you an indication, the number of votes are a couple of hundred and to be able to enter the list a track needs to appear in at least a dozen lists or so. If your personal Top 10 includes 10 tracks nobody else votes for none of those tracks will enter the 101, they will all end up in the bottom regions of the list with 446 (Classic) or 905 (Revival) tracks. And to respond to your question Ruediger, tracks with two or three votes will not enter the list either.

So, is that a reason for you not to vote?
By not voting you are sure your favourites will not end up in the list.
By voting you at least give them a chance.
Still deciding not to vote? So be it.

Best regards,

Niels Jansen
Program Director
North Sea Surf Radio

To submit your surf music to North Sea Surf Radio send the tracks as .mp3 in 320kbps bitrate with correct tags to via Dropbox.

North Sea Surf Radio: Website- Facebook - Twitter
North Sea Surf Festival: Website - Facebook - Twitter
The Phantom Four: Website - Facebook - Twitter

Last edited: Nov 03, 2016 19:39:20

That makes sense on so many levels.

Thanks a lot for the manyx informations, Niels.
I got the message except why would anybody make a profit out of percentages
or votes for certain titles?
I had big troubles at the end of February with a cyber attack on my PC.
My service team (who had sold the computer to me) told me not to use Google any longer.There are too many possibilities to infect my files.
I had lost all my ebook pages as well on ym pc an on a standalone extern saftey machine, which unfortunately was connected to the pc when that attack happened.
John Blair had given me some advice for the ebook but there are still some minor problems with Microsoft word which hinders me to complete the work.
I have nearly 600 pictures, label and covers "printed", extra pages and listings. As some of you might know we have a big problem in Europe with the refugees. I thought I will give away (as so far I gave away 12 copiesd of my ebook)it and the buyer donate some money for the help of the refugees.
I had given mathematic lessons to a 22 years old guy from Africa who is four years in Germany and has already gotten a working / education contract.
Unbelievable many difficuties occur to these people with the language.
I will not go into detail here but imagine yourself you have to learn japanese of Chinese laguage with different rules and signs.
etails on my book will be published later here.
So far I have gives away 12 copies, if you like to gewt a copy please write to me an email at:
This will be in use till the end of November only!!

Here is my list of vintage surf recordings:
10 Safaris - Kick out
9) Hondells - Haulin´Honda
Cool Fender IV - Everybody Up
7) Dave & The Customs - Ali Baba
6) Roulettes - Surfer´s Charge
5) Surfaris - Waikiki Run
4) Sentinals - Latin´ia
3) Jesters - Drag Bike Boogie
2) Original Surfaris - Surfari
1) Dick Dale & The Deltones - The Victor

all tracks have a specific meaning and story behind them for me!!

I admire your refugee work immensely Ruediger.

My personal Revival Top 10.

  1. The Madeira - "Journey to the Center of the Surf"
  2. Los Twang! Marvels - "Sea of Glory"
  3. Jon & The Nightriders - "Force of Gravity"
  4. Langhorns – "The Eternal Wave"
  5. The Space Cossacks - "Transylvanian Orbit"
  6. The Anacondas - "Tucson"
  7. Satan´s Pilgrims - "Scorpio 6"
  8. El Ray - "Den Shaker"
  9. The Surf Coasters - "Intruder"
  10. The Surfites - "Space Encounter"

Niels Jansen
Program Director
North Sea Surf Radio

To submit your surf music to North Sea Surf Radio send the tracks as .mp3 in 320kbps bitrate with correct tags to via Dropbox.

North Sea Surf Radio: Website- Facebook - Twitter
North Sea Surf Festival: Website - Facebook - Twitter
The Phantom Four: Website - Facebook - Twitter

Clarry wrote:

I admire your refugee work immensely Ruediger.

I am so sad that some people forget how they had been helped when they< were in trouble. I only want to remind the floods of the river ODER
when much money had been donated to the people in East Germany
(formula 1 racer Michael Schumacher donated 2 Million DM when I remember correctly). Since the reunion in 1990 every worker has reducted his income with a small percentage of his gross income to help the East to get developed - this will go till 2020 and then the politicians will find another reason to take the money off us.
Onlky 2 percent of the muslims in germany live in the staes of the former GDR but many "right radical left over" from the brown dictatorship of Hitler and after that the red communisman dictatorship.
I once had sent a parcel with two LPs and two singles to a friend in Cossebaude. He got only 1 lp and when he went to the post office and asked for the other items the postman asked him if he can prove that the recoprds were inside. He told him yes. I´ve got two letters, one before the parcelk was sent and the other one the day the parcel was sent and both confirm the content of the parcel.
He only replied "yo uca write anything on paper, that ´s not a proof.
These thieves still live among us and didn´t develop a sence for right and wrong.
There are 80 million people living in Germany and most of them can be happy to live here and not in the regions were brutality is normal.
We are still a rich country and could afford much more help to those who need it.
When a policman in Albany gets 320 € a month for his dangerous work
he might think " In Germany I get 360€ as a refugee, so why not moving to "the country where milk and honeey are floating"?
This of course is wrong. Every Euro given away is subducted from other sources.
People should be informed that you have to learn the language of the country you are living in and you have to have certificats which prove your level for working in a Job.
That will be the main task in the upcoming years for all of us.

Here is my top ten list of modern surf recordings:
10.Los Coronas - Rockaway Surfers
9. The Surf Rats - Rat Motor
8. The Surf Raiders - Tsunami
7. Surfer Joe - The North Swell
6. Los Cowabungas - GRAN-OLA
5. The Cruncher - Desert Run
4. The Surfites - Pioneer Surf Trail
3. The Kilaueas - Surf Demon
2. Jon & The Nightriders - Depth Charge
1. The Chantays - Killer Dana


I am sorry for all the other great bands and their fantastic recordings which didn´t make this time into my top ten!!

My personal Classic Surf Top 10:

  1. The Invictas - "Missing"
  2. The Hondells - "Haulin' Honda"
  3. Jerry Cole & his Spacemen - "Deep Surf"
  4. The Pharos - "Pintor"
  5. Attila & The Huns – “The Lonely Huns”
  6. The Original Surfaris - "Exotic"
  7. The Blazers - "Sound of Mecca"
  8. Wes Dakus & The Club 93 Rebels - "El Ringo"
  9. The Surfmen - "Paradise Cove"
  10. The Trashmen - "Malaguena"

Niels Jansen
Program Director
North Sea Surf Radio

To submit your surf music to North Sea Surf Radio send the tracks as .mp3 in 320kbps bitrate with correct tags to via Dropbox.

North Sea Surf Radio: Website- Facebook - Twitter
North Sea Surf Festival: Website - Facebook - Twitter
The Phantom Four: Website - Facebook - Twitter

Dear people,
Please do not forget to vote.
This weekend is your final chance.
Polls close on Sunday.
Go to

Niels Jansen
Program Director
North Sea Surf Radio

To submit your surf music to North Sea Surf Radio send the tracks as .mp3 in 320kbps bitrate with correct tags to via Dropbox.

North Sea Surf Radio: Website- Facebook - Twitter
North Sea Surf Festival: Website - Facebook - Twitter
The Phantom Four: Website - Facebook - Twitter

Dear all,

You have about 7,5 hours left to vote!

Deadline is
Midnight PST

Go to


Niels Jansen
Program Director
North Sea Surf Radio

To submit your surf music to North Sea Surf Radio send the tracks as .mp3 in 320kbps bitrate with correct tags to via Dropbox.

North Sea Surf Radio: Website- Facebook - Twitter
North Sea Surf Festival: Website - Facebook - Twitter
The Phantom Four: Website - Facebook - Twitter

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