Joined: Aug 18, 2016
Posts: 4
Posted on Nov 04 2016 08:08 AM
hoping i can get a little feedback on how others do it. i generally have no problem picking up songs by ear. i can get the chords, riffs, and leads but when it comes to taking a song with vocals and turning it into an instrumental, i struggle translating the vocal line to guitar. not sure if i'm approaching it wrong or what. how does everyone else do it? any tips? any software or websites that will help?
Joined: Jul 04, 2010
Posts: 369
Posted on Nov 04 2016 10:56 AM
I feel the same way. I can learn a guitar riff in no time but give me a vocal line with 3 notes in it and it takes me half an hour!
I use "Transcribe!", a software that slows down music (and much more).
Vocal lines are general way simpler note wise, but way trickier to make sound good on guitar. First thing I do is get the chords down then the melody (the melody more often the not uses many notes from the chords) then experiment with bends, vibrato and double-stops to try to breath some life into it. When you have something that sounds good you can add some licks and fills.
— -Pierre
The Obsidians! (Ottawa surf)
The Obsidians debut EP