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I don't think we are going to see brutality like the season opener for some time (perhaps until Neegan gets it). As Robert Kirkman explained on the Talking Dead, when the comic hit issue 100 it was a milestone. People were going to start to drift away and the writers decided a big drastic change was needed. Thus they introduced Neegan and killed Glenn.

In the show they needed to convincingly show that Neegan now has Rick under his thumb. He had to break Rick and he probably broke part of the audience in the process. It had to be brutal and distressing. Now did they take that too far? Maybe... it was almost too much for me as well. But at this point I don't think they are going to continue at this crescendo every show. They would lose viewers.

It's still my favorite show by far. I love the characters and the constant questions it raises about humanity. I'm constantly asking myself what I would do in those situations. I can't wait to see what happens next.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Last edited: Oct 27, 2016 13:25:09

I thought they did a great job of showing Rick breaking. The whole "Get my ax" thing was very well done. Same with the marker and Carl's arm. Rick is broken. Job accomplished.

It has nothing to do with killing good guys or show favorites either. I don't even want to see Negan get it in such graphic detail, and I REALLY want him to get it. But by all means, squash all the zombies heads you want in new a creative ways.

Maybe it was too real. If it was more cartoonish, I would have been ok with it. Maybe a "Kabong" sound, or something like that. Very Happy

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

Last edited: Oct 27, 2016 15:56:44

I understand your point completely, Chris.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

So what do you zom-heads think of FTWD? Is it lame? Derivative? Wussy?

Squink Out!

Overall I like FTWD. A lot of my friends gave up on season 1, but I enjoyed it. It was a bit slow during season 1.

Season 2 was much better, and I think the 2nd half of season 2 arose to almost the heights of TWD. The second to last episode of the season was quite powerful, I thought.

I was super stoked when they revealed Dayton Callie (Charlie Sutter on Deadwood, Sheriff Unser on Sons of Anarchy) has joined the cast for season 3. Kim Dickens (Madison) was also on Deadwood.

I was bummed when they had Daniel Salazar unwind and go crazy. I thought he was a very interesting character.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I am still confused by the reaction of the death scenes being too violent. I'm not directing that to anyone, in particular. As I am seeing it all over the internet. My take is that it's a zombie/horror show. It can't possibly get too gory. I, personally, find the aspect of children being turned into zombies and then dispatched to be much more disturbing. But even then, I'm not bothered. That's almost entirely why I'm tuning in. To be shocked and amazed by bloody gore. As is the case with any zombie movie I watch. The story is nice. But show me new and imaginative ways for characters to bite it. Better yet, make it a character I care about.

FTWD is nowhere near the show that TWD is. It's extremely slow. With even less emphasis on zombies. The characters, for the most part, are extremely dislikable. The only one I liked was the old man, and he died in kind of an unclimactic, nonsensical way (he was the tough guy that had been through all sorts of horrors in his life, and knew how to handle the situation better than anyone.. Then he abruptly goes mad because everything is too much. Huh?).

The last season was much better than the first. But again, it's relying on the formula that every person left alive is a backstabbing scumbag plot device, right off the bat. Very contrived.

Guitarist for Black Valley Moon & Down By Law

My main grievance with the episode was the extension of the previous season's cliffhanger. That can definitely equate to "torture porn".

Apart from them showing Glenn's battered head, which apparently is in the comic, I can't remember much other gore rather than bloodstains. Is it graphic to see someone swinging a bat and here a crunch? I don't know. I do know, in the past I've revisited a movie that I thought was graphic only to find that my imagination had filled in loads more afterwards. That's why I prefer "less is more" in movie violence.

Anyway, after watching this episode my wife and I decided we needed light entertainment, so watched the new film "Grimsby" by Sacha Baron Cohen (of Borat fame), mainly because we know he can be outrageously funny. Two men hiding from assassins inside an elephant's vagina whilst a male elephant decides to mate it...that's graphic!!! Ridiculously stupid tongue-in-cheek film.

Clarry wrote:

My main grievance with the episode was the extension of the previous season's cliffhanger. That can definitely equate to "torture porn".

Apart from them showing Glenn's battered head, which apparently is in the comic, I can't remember much other gore rather than bloodstains. Is it graphic to see someone swinging a bat and here a crunch? I don't know. I do know, in the past I've revisited a movie that I thought was graphic only to find that my imagination had filled in loads more afterwards. That's why I prefer "less is more" in movie violence.

Anyway, after watching this episode my wife and I decided we needed light entertainment, so watched the new film "Grimsby" by Sacha Baron Cohen (of Borat fame), mainly because we know he can be outrageously funny. Two men hiding from assassins inside an elephant's vagina whilst a male elephant decides to mate it...that's graphic!!! Ridiculously stupid tongue-in-cheek film.

Hahaaaa! Clarry! The "contrast" with a Sacha Baron Coen movie is the best contrast you can have after this episode!
I also felt it too much in torturing the viewer in all the happened aspects.
I also like it more when "unreal" Zombies are killed.

Anyway TWD rules!

Twang cheers!

Ralf Kilauea

I thought it was an excellent episode. Sure it was over the top taken on it's own, but you have to consider this part of an over arching story. It's the resolution of events and a momentum that have been building for quite some time. Don't forget our "Heroes" had just murdered a whole lot of people they didn't even know in their sleep. They acted like killers for hire in order to benefit their own group at the behest of Gregory who isn't a good guy. Rick has killed many people that didn't necessarily deserve it. He was going to execute that kid in season 2, or that cop from the hospital group that he ran down and then shot dead, he almost turned Michone over to the Governor knowing he would torture and kill her...
The group has developed a hubris and arrogance and self righteousness about themselves. It's actually very refreshing to see Rick get emasculated and slapped down.
Now the slate is wiped clean and the show is opened up to take on new directions. I was worried they were getting stuck with a lot of un-killable characters, especially after two lame shark-jumping episodes last season and the show was certainly falling into a routine and turning into an action hero show.
This episode also reconciles the comic book with the show. Negan is a great villan, he makes the Guv'ner and the Terminus bunch look like schoolgirls.

Ha ha! Thank you Hallmark SW...Grimsby is a mad film, and Im not offended being from tbat part of the UK.

Psychonaut - yes, yes, and yes!

I thought I'd killed this thread by mentioning an Elephsnt's capacious vagina. 25 square foot apparently.

I still haven't watched the episode or even caught up on the last season, but I'm almost current with the comic. I thought they'd stay true to the comic on this, and I've found that they did (I haven't read this entire thread or had the entire episode spoiled). Honestly, I saw them foreshadow it last season too, so if I were betting I'd have made a buck.

Issue 100 of The Walking Dead was and remains the piece of fiction that has disturbed me the most. It stuck in the back of my mind like a splinter, so I can understand people's feelings on the episode.

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

Daniel was played by Ruben Blades, the musician. He was a very cool character, I don't know why the killed him off so soon. I guess they couldn't afford to pay him... and they needed a way to burn down the hacienda.

Been watching Guillermo del Toro's The Strain. I read the trilogy of books and loved how the first episodes followed it closely, or at least captured the horrible creepy feel. By Season 3 they are completely off track from the novels but I guess TV is a different media, isn't it? I like the characters a lot, even Quintus/Quinlan has mettle and soul.

I hate the way FTWD spends so much effort showing the inner conflict of most of the characters, esp. Travis Manawa. But now they are all self-conscious killers (end of 2nd season) and so things will go downhill precipitously. SHould be fun to watch!

SamDBL wrote:

I am still confused by the reaction of the death scenes being too violent. I'm not directing that to anyone, in particular. As I am seeing it all over the internet. My take is that it's a zombie/horror show. It can't possibly get too gory. I, personally, find the aspect of children being turned into zombies and then dispatched to be much more disturbing. But even then, I'm not bothered. That's almost entirely why I'm tuning in. To be shocked and amazed by bloody gore. As is the case with any zombie movie I watch. The story is nice. But show me new and imaginative ways for characters to bite it. Better yet, make it a character I care about.

FTWD is nowhere near the show that TWD is. It's extremely slow. With even less emphasis on zombies. The characters, for the most part, are extremely dislikable. The only one I liked was the old man, and he died in kind of an unclimactic, nonsensical way (he was the tough guy that had been through all sorts of horrors in his life, and knew how to handle the situation better than anyone.. Then he abruptly goes mad because everything is too much. Huh?).

The last season was much better than the first. But again, it's relying on the formula that every person left alive is a backstabbing scumbag plot device, right off the bat. Very contrived.

Squink Out!

If the actual episode was too disturbing. ..

Yeah, it's not any better with legos.

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

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