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Permalink Anyone eat a banana before a gig?

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I hear it keeps your hands from locking up.

Groovy Guitar Groovy



I don't like bananas.

I've never had my hand lock up - except - the most recent gig I played, I was playing "Play That Funky Music (White Boy)" which has 9th chords where you just barre across the top three strings - and I play all that slidey stuff with just my index finger. I was playing "broomhandle grip" but my finger started cramping up - scared me to death - I've never, ever, had that happen before.

The drummer in my previous band brought a banana with him to every gig and ate it - I wonder if that was why (we played a lot of very drum-centric complex music).

It is the only food I can eat before a gig! Everything else gives me stomach age on stage. And it absorbs alcohol really good Big Grin
Aloha Sluts on BandCamp (my photography)
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It's the Magnesium, which bananas are rich with. It does help with cramps, to a degree. Especially if a person is deficient to begin with.
Can be taken as supplement (Citrate is best type). I imagine having a 500mg emergency capsule in your pick box!
Too much though, and your lower valve is at risk of breaking lock, which would be far more problematic than locked hands.

Last edited: Oct 13, 2016 04:21:03

DreadInBabylon wrote:

It's the Magnesium, which bananas are rich with. It does help with cramps, to a degree. Especially if a person is deficient to begin with.

Big contributor (bananas having both) is the potassium. Regular intake of some of this (as you say moderation applies) also helps us oldies with the occasional charlie-horse type cramp at night. Of interest, something that has more K and Mg than bananas are dates. (Yummmm.)

A banana can help before a gig especially if it's hot & you're sweating (or drinking) because you'll tend to hit the rest-room and end up flushing your electrolytes down the drain if you haven't replaced them. Has a nice wrapper & you can eat it down to the handle.

If you look back to Tiger Woods' hey-day you'll see him munching one during a match off the courtesy fruit stands at the tee-box.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Good info!

The Kahuna Kings

Great for cramp and stomach hernia/reflux. I once took a guided tour of a Banana plantation in Tenerife and learned the plant is not fruit but the largest herb on the planet. I love those half sized tasty bananas from Tenerife but (sorry to moan) the idiots at the EU decided we should all eat bland tasteless bananas of a certain size and shape!

crumble wrote:

I love those half sized tasty bananas from Tenerife but (sorry to moan) the idiots at the EU decided we should all eat bland tasteless bananas of a certain size and shape!

Maybe you can do something about that now.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Badger wrote:

crumble wrote:

I love those half sized tasty bananas from Tenerife but (sorry to moan) the idiots at the EU decided we should all eat bland tasteless bananas of a certain size and shape!

Maybe you can do something about that now.

I'll become an illegal banana exporter Smile

DreadInBabylon wrote:

Too much though, and your lower valve is at risk of breaking lock, which would be far more problematic than locked hands.

I LOL'd uncontrollably at this.

I'll have to look up if there are other sources rich in magnesium without other such deleterious effects!

I used to be a fairly serious classical guitarist. Eating bananas was known as a way to prevent nerves. I don't know if there is any science behind that or if it was a placebo effect. Don't care because it worked. I don't get nerves playing in a band, but when you're playing solo classical guitar in front of a silent audience on live TV - that can be pretty intense.

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