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Permalink The Surfy Bear SurfyTrem

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josheboy wrote:

Gilette wrote:

bjoish wrote:

Yes, thats right. Its exactly the same thing. I think most people dont use a footswitch to their reverb tank, but for a tremolo it is probably needed. It makes the build a little more expensive.

By some crazy coincidence I've made a double footswitch for my Surfy Bear. Even before I knew there was going to be a SurfyTrem. So switching isn't going to be a problem, but the addition of a STrem brings a new dilemma: will the reverb go first in the chain or the tremolo? With a stomp box chain I'd put the reverb in last place, but in a classic amp like the Fender the tremolo goes in last. Any thoughts?

Surely there's a way to include a switch or something so that you can choose the order

Good thinking. Yet an extra feature, but very useful. thanks Smile

Gilette wrote:

bjoish wrote:

Yes, thats right. Its exactly the same thing. I think most people dont use a footswitch to their reverb tank, but for a tremolo it is probably needed. It makes the build a little more expensive.

By some crazy coincidence I've made a double footswitch for my Surfy Bear. Even before I knew there was going to be a SurfyTrem. So switching isn't going to be a problem, but the addition of a STrem brings a new dilemma: will the reverb go first in the chain or the tremolo? With a stomp box chain I'd put the reverb in last place, but in a classic amp like the Fender the tremolo goes in last. Any thoughts?

Although trem after reverb is more "vintage correct Fender", my experience is that the trem masks the reverb too much that way. Chopping or otherwise modulating the reverb can be a useful effect on occasion, but overall I much prefer the reverb to be last in the chain, especially when either or both are set on the "wet" side.

mike_fried wrote:

Although trem after reverb is more "vintage correct Fender", my experience is that the trem masks the reverb too much that way. Chopping or otherwise modulating the reverb can be a useful effect on occasion, but overall I much prefer the reverb to be last in the chain, especially when either or both are set on the "wet" side.

Personally I find this to be true, based solely on my ears. Trem in an amp normally is where it is in the circuit because of how it has to function inside the amp. However, I've found that I much prefer my trem pedal before my tank - it seems to let both be richer. With the reverse, seems to wash the reverb out or, if really wet on the tank, the effect of a given trem rate is much diluted.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Thank you for the compliments on the design. We'll see how and if it merges with the product(s). It will be offered I believe with the kit's version.

IvanP wrote:

DreadInBabylon wrote:

My recording situation is abysmal, but I managed to come up with... something. Apologies to Madeira... Uh-Oh

Very Happy Thumbs Up Thanks, Ariel!! That was a nice little surprise! I just shared your video (and your post) on the Madeira's Facebook page - so, you've finally ended up on Facebook, despite your best efforts! ;)

(BTW, I REALLY dig that design!! Wow!!!)

I appreciate that very much Ivan, thank you! I'm honored. As a 1st and only mention yet on social media, can't get better than this.
Again sorry for the not-so-great riffing... where did all my sustain go? No

Just in case anybody is curious:

Mine arrived late this morning. I couldn't be more pleased. Not being schooled in the more brownish tremelo I took an opportunity recently to acquaint myself using a vintage amp at my dealer. Quick impressions of this pedal:

There is an almost imperceptible teeny-tiny bit of volume increase when kicked in, but appropriate to a trem pedal; really had to listen to detect it - for practical purposes you can call it unity gain. NOTHING like the tone/volume boost when a Tremulator kicks in, for example.

Note for others; this one arrived with a 9V battery in it already connected.

Blackface: as luscious as my Vibrolux, but dead church-mouse quiet (and my particular amp is pretty quiet to begin with). Love it. I will really like having this around on the pedal board when I'm just coming direct out of the end of the chain, which is a Gomez tank.

Brownface: Just as lush as you can imagine, a whole 'nuther effect. The literal feeling of playing a somewhat "spongy" instrument really manifests itself with the Intensity up past 10:00. Forget the original track, just play yourself some James Bond theme & you'll understand. Lots of fun.

This one immediately got painter's tape/velcro and went straight on the board; the Tremulator is now on the backup board, OR I may put it back up for sale again.

Bjorn you killed it with this one, at least in this house.
Kilian: Thanks so much for soliciting views on a couple of things. It's obvious Bjorn listens because this pedal is a great effect and has no tonal hidden agenda.

This is my trem pedal. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Any update about when a new batch could be available to purchase?

I concur !Need to know when the new batch is going to be ready.. Drool

I am not obsolete, I am RETRO.... Cool


Hi guys
I am sorry about the slow progress Cry
Me and Lorenzo are currently looking into the CE/FCC certification process. This has been difficult in the vacation season...
The plan is still to have a new batch ready in the autumn.
Its difficult to be more precise.

bjoish wrote:

Hi guys
I am sorry about the slow progress Cry
Me and Lorenzo are currently looking into the CE/FCC certification process. This has been difficult in the vacation season...

Rut-roh! When I see acronyms I suspect a government (or two).
I'll be happy to testify that my SurfyTrem is not turning on microwaves in the area, causing brownface signals to overlay my HF radio station (tested throughout the spectrum), affecting local VHF/UHF repeaters, or opening garage doors or turning off televisions. Squirrels don't seem to like it, but what do I care about tree rats?

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Oh darn, I just heard the amazing demo of this unit and whipped out my credit card ready to buy one. Looks like it's not available, and who knows when it will be?! Does it ship to the states? What is the current cost of a unit? Also, does it come ready to play, or will I need to tinker with it a bit? Thanks in advance, and this pedal looks and sounds absolutely amazing! Thumbs Up - A tribute to Dick Dale. New EP Louder Than Life available on bandcamp and website.

SixStringSurfer wrote:

Oh darn, I just heard the amazing demo of this unit and whipped out my credit card ready to buy one. Looks like it's not available, and who knows when it will be?! Does it ship to the states? What is the current cost of a unit? Also, does it come ready to play, or will I need to tinker with it a bit? Thanks in advance, and this pedal looks and sounds absolutely amazing! Thumbs Up

If recalling correctly believe Surfer Joe (Lorenzo) and Bjorn are still setting up the mechanisms to make it an item through the Surfer Joe store.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Thats right.
The last few months we have put a lot of work in trying to get the pedal CE marked. There are also European rules for electric equipment waste.
Lots of directives and documents. Electronics is not easy these days.

any chance of offering a kit for the intrepid among us in the meantime? I've been thinking a surfy bear reverb+tremolo in one unit would be pretty great.

Björn, where in the schematic of the SurfyTrem would you suggest to add the footswitch to keep the unit as close to the original as possible? Or is the output volume close enough to the input volume to use a true bypass switch?

Gilette wrote:

Björn, where in the schematic of the SurfyTrem would you suggest to add the footswitch to keep the unit as close to the original as possible? Or is the output volume close enough to the input volume to use a true bypass switch?

Hi Frank!

I suppose you mean the schematic on my blog. That schematic shows the principle of replacing the tubes of the original circuit with jFETs. For making it sound good you need matched jFETs and maybe the circuit also need some tweaking...

I am working on a new board especially for DIYers. But unfortunately things take time Cry

Yes Frank, either you can stop the oscillator (with a switch) or add true-bypass. A volume pot can be added to the output.
Mail me, and we can discuss these details further !!

Hi guys, it's been a while since we heard something from the SurfyTrem front. Any news yet?

I have been trying to locate soundclips of the Surfy Trem and the only one is the 0:38 Youtube video.
After falling in love with an out-of-reach Brownface Super at a local shop (they have a matching year's reverb unit, too! - sounded glorious together) I am on the lookout for the Brownface harmonic trem-in-a-pedal. I am curious to hear how close the Surfy Trem gets to it. Words are nice but clips are what I hope to hear when they are available. Looking forward to seeing more news about this Smile

The Surf Shakers:
Vancouver BC Canada

The first post in the the thread has over 10 minutes of audio samples

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
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