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I have to disagree with Mr. Greg. Okay. So blues don't move you. Surf does. Blues and surf both move me. It's a question of what appeals to your psyche.
You need to look further than Joe B. That is rock with a blues flavor.
As for the same five notes played over the same three chords,here are some white guys playing a I IV V :

Thanks for posting Freddie, psychonaut. He is one of my favorites. A true master of feel; playing the right note at the right time.

JObeast wrote:

You wanna know why blues suck? Because they use the same 5 notes across all 3 chords! At least when surf guitarists played I-IV-V in 1962 they would play 5-note scales on each chord!
That's the difference between blues and rock'n'roll.

You know why skyscrapers suck? They block my view. Ronnie Earl advises in his instruction video a friend of mine had back in the '90s, to learn how to play ONE note expressively, then, add another.

Thanks for mentioning Ronnie Earl, Dave. An incredible player who plays deep, complex blues in a way that can really touch the listener.

Yep, fenderfan. I'm an admirer of Ronnie Earl as well.

Army - You have impeccable taste ion the blues. Junior kimbrough and R.L Burnside are awesome!
Having become disenchanted with the modern blues I dug into the distant past and found that the early blues had the raw 'real" sound that resonated with me. A lot of people don't like the poor recordings but they are period pieces and well worth a listen for blues fans.... Not modern rock/blues fans as it may be too unpolished.

Edit: forgot a few

I am not obsolete, I am RETRO.... Cool

Last edited: Aug 24, 2016 19:21:58

Elmore James and His Broomdusters sure know how to play the Blues.


Canadian Surf

Aww Dave I was being sardonic. But it's a true fact of music theory!
I just hate the way blues music became associated with a very mainstream idea of badassery that brings us the likes of a Bonnamassa whose putative awesomeness is supposed to blow us all away. It's an art form whose heroes are utterly lacking in irony and ambiguity, and taking themselves way too seriously deserve to be lampooned.

SlacktoneDave wrote:

JObeast wrote:

You wanna know why blues suck? Because they use the same 5 notes across all 3 chords! At least when surf guitarists played I-IV-V in 1962 they would play 5-note scales on each chord!
That's the difference between blues and rock'n'roll.

You know why skyscrapers suck? They block my view. Ronnie Earl advises in his instruction video a friend of mine had back in the '90s, to learn how to play ONE note expressively, then, add another.

Squink Out!

Last edited: Aug 27, 2016 10:57:58

JObeast wrote:

I just hate the way blues music became associated with a very mainstream idea of badassery that brings us the likes of a Bonnamassa whose putative awesomeness is supposed to blow us all away.

Who associates what with what now Wink ?
Dude, are you complaining about the "Camel guy" image, at 2016, seriously? Who buys it? (not much unlike Surf... sadly), and who sells it, expect ol' Joe B. and a couple of other sunglasses totting cats. They're dwindling constantly.
Someone has to hold the torch, still. Any music genre is worth persevering, and we never know if there's a kid somewhere around the corner that can inject incredible new soul into it, like SRV did for example.

The youths, aren't into him, relax.
I don't know if they're better off though, with the likes of Taylor Swift or whatever is REALLY popular these days, autotuned, quantisized and compressed 3 times until mp3 form.
Sad times, yeah, but just like the ground, it needs to rest in garbage for a while until it's ready for a fresh, wonderful crop.

At least someone plays an instrument, live, with a real band, and not some laptop. He does what he does boringly well, and his decaying crowd thanks him for that. I see nothing wrong with this picture.

I wouldn't listen to him, and find Clapton also boring as beige paint, but after 4 hours of doing sound at a wedding, believe me, ANY natural guitar track is like water for the soul. Big Razz

Last edited: Aug 27, 2016 13:33:39

I lost interest in the new Blues players post SRV and Rory Gallagher and tend to seek the awesome playing of Sam LIghtning Hopkins and the plethora of original players from back in the day.

I am not obsolete, I am RETRO.... Cool

JObeast wrote:

Aww Dave I was being sardonic. But it's a true fact of music theory!
I just hate the way blues music became associated with a very mainstream idea of badassery that brings us the likes of a Bonnamassa whose putative awesomeness is supposed to blow us all away. It's an art form whose heroes are utterly lacking in irony and ambiguity, and taking themselves way too seriously deserve to be lampooned.

When I saw your opening statement, I was in a moment of weakness... had just woke up. I have a tough time with statements like that. Go listen to the Muddy Waters box set, maybe the Ray Charles box, then, try to to emulate the vocal performance using a guitar of the Elmore James song posted above.

The guy you mention plays too many notes for me, seemingly, from an intellectual vantage point. I have noticed he has a nice left hand vibrato, though.

This music, in my opinion is not to be judged by how many of the 12 notes are employed during what duration of time, but, the expressiveness of the playing.

The difference, for me, comparing surf type instrumentals, is that the quality is determined by the imagery created by the playing/music, as well as the expressiveness.


Last edited: Aug 27, 2016 21:55:22

JObeast wrote:

I just hate the way blues music became associated with a very mainstream idea of badassery that brings us the likes of a Bonnamassa whose putative awesomeness is supposed to blow us all away.

Who associates what with what now Wink ?
Dude, are you complaining about the "Camel guy" image, at 2016, seriously? Who buys it? (not much unlike Surf... sadly), and who sells it, expect ol' Joe B. and a couple of other sunglasses totting cats. They're dwindling constantly.

Smile You've got to come to the Upper Midwest of the U.S.

Oakley type wraparaound sunglasses
Leather Vests
American Flags with Eagles tearing through them
Flames on everything

They pretty much hand all this stuff out as soon as you leave any city limits around here.

...and the music goes with it.

There's still tons of people buying it.

I just try to sit back and smile at it all.

Dread wrote:
"Dude, are you complaining about the "Camel guy" image, at 2016, seriously? Who buys it? (not much unlike Surf... sadly), and who sells it, expect ol' Joe B. and a couple of other sunglasses totting cats. They're dwindling constantly."

Yeah, the Camel Cigarettes "Hard Pack" of yore. But that predates Joey B. I think he must have modeled his look on them, with help from Steve Segall the famous guitar collector and blues man who hangs with Lukashenko lately.

In response to the Joey B. Hardpack, it would be cool in a bad way to see Shoggoth Otis with his Boneless Combo lay down some smoking blooze ooze lines in imitation of the culture of the Great Old Ones who invented the form, in the Nameless City on the Plateau of Leng beyond the Mountains of Madness a billion years ago, when shoggoths knew, or rather inchoately sensed their proper place in the order of "things". Now every young Shoggoth thinks itself a badass and thus we have to suffer the blooze bloviations of a Joey B. & a Jon Mayer.

Squink Out!

Last edited: Aug 27, 2016 22:38:23

pemkt wrote:

Oakley type wraparaound sunglasses
Leather Vests
American Flags with Eagles tearing through them
Flames on everything

They pretty much hand all this stuff out as soon as you leave any city limits around here.

You listed some of the better exports of America.
All positive things, from where I stand Smile

...and the music goes with it.

Still great, overall. Rock'n'Roll, at it's core, is basically a ridiculous concept. Bunch of ego maniacs who boogie. An advanced mating ritual, combined with musicianship.
Be proud! There's honesty in flames.

I do humbly retract my statement "who buys it". Apparently I'm only fed the media I'm actively looking for...

Have compassion for douchebags, is what I'm saying. Big Razz

Last edited: Aug 28, 2016 06:40:19

Thanks for this, hilarious.

JObeast wrote:

In response to the Joey B. Hardpack, it would be cool in a bad way to see Shoggoth Otis with his Boneless Combo lay down some smoking blooze ooze lines in imitation of the culture of the Great Old Ones who invented the form, in the Nameless City on the Plateau of Leng beyond the Mountains of Madness a billion years ago, when shoggoths knew, or rather inchoately sensed their proper place in the order of "things". Now every young Shoggoth thinks itself a badass and thus we have to suffer the blooze bloviations of a Joey B. & a Jon Mayer.

A friend of mine started a cult some years ago: "Cool Immortality".

from "God Emperor of Dune" (Frank Herbert):

These were not Fremen! These poor creatures lived on the margins, trying to retain parts of an ancient wholeness. And all the while, that lost reality slipped farther and farther from their grasp. What had Leto created here? These Museum Fremen were lost to everything except a bare existence and the rote mouthing of old words which they did not understand and which they did not even pronounce correctly!

and a bit after:

Idaho felt shamed by the plaintive request. He spoke without thinking: "I will teach you anything Fremen that I know." He looked up to see Nayla scowling at him. "It will help to pass the time," he said. "And who knows? It may return something of the true Fremen to this land."

DreadInBabylon wrote:

from "God Emperor of Dune" (Frank Herbert):

These were not Fremen! These poor creatures lived on the margins, trying to retain parts of an ancient wholeness. And all the while, that lost reality slipped farther and farther from their grasp. What had Leto created here? These Museum Fremen were lost to everything except a bare existence and the rote mouthing of old words which they did not understand and which they did not even pronounce correctly!

and a bit after:

Idaho felt shamed by the plaintive request. He spoke without thinking: "I will teach you anything Fremen that I know." He looked up to see Nayla scowling at him. "It will help to pass the time," he said. "And who knows? It may return something of the true Fremen to this land."

I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain

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