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Got MP3s Crazy Aces Greatest Hits Vol. 2, really digging that. Also got Atomic Mosquitos Meltdown, third album from these guys. Both albums are great, both bands are among my favorite modern surf bands.
Great additions.

Thanks for picking up our music!
We really appreciate that and it's an honor to be included in someone's favorites list.
Made my day!

We'll have some new music available in August when we hit the SG101 Convention so be on the lookout for more Crazy Aces


Love this site and it's forums. What other genre has a site where some of the scene's notable artists are contributing members?
Thanks for the music Jeff. I can't wait for the new material!
Also, really enjoyed the recent interview and congrats on the Model One, looks great!

Last edited: Jun 12, 2016 18:23:29

I got The Tikiyaki Orchestra CD "idol worship and other primitive pleasures" from 2015.
It has 11 tracks, playing time 37 minutes and 14 seconds.
The first 7 tracks sounds very jazzy(vibaphone, keyboards, organ dominated).
Track Cool "paniole", 9) eden awaits, 10)malaga cove and 11) the final transmission sound like a very good instrumental track without that jazzy feeling that determine the first 7 tracks.
No reverb and surf sound at all.

Back in the USA and totally diggin' the Italian sounds of Bradipos IV!! Absolutely beautiful album! Great job, Amerigo & Co. Genius idea to cover these traditional Italian melodies. So moody, melancholy and downright cool.


BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

The Reefriders - Dawn Patrol 14 tunes, 36 min. and 11 sec. 2016
de SurFures - rock surf 9 tunes, 24 minutes and 20 seconds, 2014
Dirty Fuse - last wave 15 tunes, 38 minutes and 18 seconds 2015
Volcanics - Girls, Girls,Girls,14 tunes,36 minutes 32 seconds, 2006
Volcanics - Stompin´ Grage, 13 tunes, 34 minutes 56 seconds 2016
The El Caminos - Behind The Surf, 19 tunes,45 min. 55 seconds 2016
Los Venturas Miles High 11 tunes 37 minutes and 41 seconds 2016

all cds features very fine surf instrumentals (plus some vocals the Volcanics cd)! No failure buy this time!!

New Continental magazine/disc arrived yesterday
Urban Surf Kinfs - Livorno

I am not obsolete, I am RETRO.... Cool

Teiscofan wrote:

New Continental magazine/disc arrived yesterday
Urban Surf Kinfs - Livorno

Thanks for ordering usk!


Canadian Surf

Finally back home from Surfer Joe Summer Festival, vacation is over! But we brought back some nice souvenirs Wink

Aloha Sluts on BandCamp (my photography)
Aloha Fest on facebook

In Los Angeles for SG101. Wife set up a whole day of stuff and managed to sneak in an hour of record hunting at the end of the night (like 9pm). How did the rest of y'all leave these unpurchased?

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

The Kilaueas and Surfer Joe Play The Astronauts & More (vinyl album)
I want to start with a quote from the Astronauts´ Surfing With LP from 1963:
"DYNAGROOVE CHARACTERISTICS: Brilliance and Clarity-the original sound in startling definition"
This is absolutely what you will get here on this album.
16 tunes, side one by The Kilaueas and side two by Surfer Joe.
Who decided who offers which title, Ralf or Lorenzo??
Side two sounds like a hit after hit compilation (Though it is not) which reminds me of the Fiberglas Rocket cassette which I received from John Blair in 1996 and one track was hotter than the other.(The cd release came after the cassette!)
So you will hear more tradtional Astronauts on Lorenzo´s side and more "versatle sounds" on the Kilaueas part.
Lorenzo has one new strong tune with Astrobeat Stomp while the Kilaueas have 4 tracks by themselves (Astronuts #1, Koy-O-Sunrunara (original arrangement),Reverborama and Deo in Expenseo. Considering there are only three tracks originally written by the Astronaus or Lee Hazlewood on the side two are is six.
Considerung Henri Mancinis "Banzai Pipeline" another modern arrangement aside the "true" Astonauts sound, we have here more sophisticated music.
IMHO an album every collector should add to his collection.
Very well played and recorded by all musicians, arrangers and producers!

expensive Very Happy

Loving this album!


The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

Last edited: Aug 23, 2016 14:20:20

Coffin Daggers - Aggrivatin' Rhythms, and Luau or Die - Dead on the Floor were the last ones for me, I believe.

The Aquamaniacs on ReverbNation
The Aquamaniacs on Facebook
The Aquamaniacs on Twitter
The Aquamaniacs on Instagram


GASOLINES! I would LOOOOOVE to play with this band! Headbang

bent playing for benter results
Do not attempt to adjust your TV set.


And i can't stop listening to this album...

Last edited: Aug 24, 2016 05:45:49

a few of the items i picked up at the g101 convention a few weeks ago


For the first time ever,
I was to busy to do any shopping at the convention.
The only thing I got was the new Crazy Aces ep.
At tiki oasis, I did a little shopping from Lee,
And got the new Stereophonic Space Sound unlimited,
And a Los Derumbas 45


Picked up some great goodies recently!


Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Got me a copy of Shadowy Men's Dim the Lights, Chill the Ham (on lp) to complete my collection. The new Yep Roc reissue sounds and looks great! I may have to buy the other 2 on vinyl as I only have them in the original CD form.


Canadian Surf

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