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Permalink How many songs are in your bands repertoire?

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we are getting up there with around 30 songs.

Covers and/or originals, how many songs does your band have down?

I'm guessing somewhere about 75-100, in different states of readiness.


Canadian Surf

A hundred for the Royal Aces.

jeez, that's a lot of tunes guys. But I guess if you stay together for several years, 25 songs a year is not unreasonable. You get up there pretty quick.

SandBlast! 40-50 with more on the brew -ALWAYS!

bent playing for benter results
Do not attempt to adjust your TV set.


35ish originals, 5 or so covers we've forgotten and 2-3 covers we've remembered. Haven't written or learned a new song as a band since 2008.

You only need 10-15 good songs that you can create a compelling setlist with. The is to leave the audience wanting more, not to wear them out.

We have about 40 original tunes at the moment Cool

The Air Cats Band - Instrumental surf-rock music from Russia

Last edited: Aug 02, 2016 03:06:05

Just looked at our old set-list and we had about 35; 6 or so originals and the rest covers.

No longer gigging with the band, but generally we only solicited 2 set gigs (2.5 hours). 1 set / break / 2nd set / end. And we did a lot of 1 set (15 songs) multi-bills.

METEOR IV on reverbnation

Last edited: Aug 02, 2016 17:36:22

Waimea Bay: Around here, the good gigs are four sets long (8 to midnight, or 9 to 1, etc), and we play a lot, so we need a big song list, not only due to the length of the gigs, but so that we can mix up the songs and set aside ones that we're tired of playing.

A popular brewery, Denver Beer Co., asked us to play at their big block party anniversary event, along with other bands. They ended up having problems with the other bands, and asked if we could play for the whole thing (six sets). We said yes - because the pay was good - and we didn't repeat any songs. But we sure were beat by the end!

^^ sounds awesome man.


WaimeaBay wrote:

jeez, that's a lot of tunes guys. But I guess if you stay together for several years, 25 songs a year is not unreasonable. You get up there pretty quick.

21 years and 3 set shows helps.


Canadian Surf

We've been going since Last November and have around 35 to 40 tunes including a handful of originals
Tends to give us 3x 45 min sets with room for encores

Our Surf-Rock trio "The Aquatudes" have built up to a variety of 140 tunes over the years. Across several closely-related genres and styles. Some are dormant, and we dust them off for specific audiences. We have Played together since 2007, with gigs ranging from single 45 minute sets to 3-4 hour marathons. Check out "The Aquatudes" Master Song List: The secret is to keep it fun for everyone, - especially your audiences!

*Dick B.
The Aquatudes

Last edited: Aug 06, 2016 08:32:31

JakeDobner wrote:

You only need 10-15 good songs that you can create a compelling setlist with. The is to leave the audience wanting more, not to wear them out.

We've got 30 done, about 10 getting dusty and three or so new ones that are getting polished. I'd been following Jake's advice above for the last couple years, but we've had a couple requests to play 2-3 hour restaurant-type gigs and so had to expand our repertoire. We're still focusing on the club show sets of 30-40 minutes, that's the best fit for our band.

The Spoils - FB - RN
Second Saturday Surf in Austin, TX - FB

Last edited: Aug 08, 2016 16:27:33

100? Something like that, anyway.


15 but we have just started

Bottle Caps for Dollars is sitting at close to 45 songs currently, and it's 50/50 originals and (mostly obscure surf and non-surf-turned-surf)covers. But we end up playing with the intensity of a punk if we're booked say for 4hrs we end up washing and repeating at the end of the night...oops. Working on that as well. I'm guilty as all get out of getting amped and pushing things. It doesn't help my main guitarist is the same way.... lol!!

Picard Face Palm Picard Face Palm Duh

Gear:Kit:Pearl Reference series in Emerald Fade,Pearl rack,Pearl Demon Drive pedals,Tama Iron Cobra hi-hat stand, Sabian & UFiP cymbals.

Last edited: Aug 18, 2016 18:25:50

drumsdick wrote:

The secret is to keep it fun for everyone, - especially your audiences!

Very true, and wise words! We are learning to gauge the crowd better as we go...but this last year or so is the most this particular band of mine had ever gigged, so despite the band having been around a number of years up here, we'd never had to consider such a thing. Before we'd play maybe a 2hr show at best, or just a 40 or so min gig with other bands, so we didn't really have to worry about that too much. Now that we've been getting offers to play longer bar gigs, we've been changing things up. Focusing on more 'classic' covers and trying to spread the songs out in a way that it's not pure energy overload for everyone. Depends on the crowd however. The gig I'm playing this weekend? We could probably play the same 10 songs over and over again and that particular spot will go ballistic the whole time. Haha!

Gear:Kit:Pearl Reference series in Emerald Fade,Pearl rack,Pearl Demon Drive pedals,Tama Iron Cobra hi-hat stand, Sabian & UFiP cymbals.

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