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Permalink A good fuzz?

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I just bought a Mahoney Acid Tone - it's in Fuzzrite territory.

I made a clone of the ColorSound Tone Bender 3 knobs and it's a great fuzz pedal. Anyway you don't use it much in surf music. I tried it in my rig but droped it for a good overdrive/disto pedal.
Speaking about fuzz, the best for me is Univox Superfuzz.

Monkey Ju

Pirato Ketchup

Does anyone own an Ashbass Fuzzbrite AND a Spaghetti Western Fuzz? I have the Ashbass and I'm looking for something similar that's a little more subtle (Maestro?), would adding the SWFuzz to my arsenal be redundant?

The Del-Vipers

I got a Fuzz Factory for cheap a week or two back. I haven't tried it out yet. I'm looking forward to using it.

I just picked up this awesome FUZZ on a recommendation from my old pal Garrett (Ghastly Ones). It's has the early 60's Maestro Fuzz-Tone sound all the way.

Sam Ash has it in store or you can get it online...


BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

I have a few. Big Muff Pi, which is more of a distortion pedal, but you can dial in some nice warm fuzz with it. I have a Catalinbead Merkin, which is Fuzzrite clone. Really nasty spitty fuzz. I also have the Earthquaker Devices Terminal, which is hands down my favorite so far. It's what I've been searching for. It's basically a Shin Ei clone.

Either you surf, or you fight.

I'll second that the new EHX Satisfaction is a good pedal for surf. When you play at home it sounds really thin and trebly (like a treble booster, which other posters mentioned are apropo for spasketi westernz) but when played in a group with another guitar player doing fender/reverb tones it really cuts through.

That's the problem with 70s style fuzzes like big muffs in a surf setting. They are huge and bassy and full sounding at home (and mid-scooped so sound right with fender styles) but all that disappears with a bass player and second guitar.

The ehx satisfaction fuzz aint a maestro clone though. It's a clone of the jordan bosstone with the diodes missing. You can verify this on the schematics. But open one up and there are empty pads to fill in with the correct diodes and a "Bass ++" pad to make it more full sounding.

I've made all of the aformentioned fuzzes as clones from general guitar gadgets. I recommend you do too. It's fun and you learn a lot. You realize how dead simple those circuits are and can the "roll your own."

Someday I'll make a comprehensive comparison video since I have all these pedals, but in the meantime if anyone has questions or needs motivation for building their own, hit me up! (I'd say that I'll make you one, but really it's a fun thing all guitar players should know how to do.



"We spent the last 50 years mired in the 1960s, let's spend the next 50 years mired in NOW!" - Principle Skinner

I have a Catalinbread Fuzzrite (Silicon) and love it for Surf / Spaghetti Western sounds but to have an alternative I was thinking of a Fuzz Face kind of pedal or maybe a Tone Bender, have any any of you guys used either or have any suggestions?


Last edited: Jan 31, 2024 15:26:57

I have a few fuzz pedals that I love. I highly recommend Surfy Industries's SurfyFuzz, Nocturne's The El Fabuloso Seltzerado Fuzz De Los Muertos, Nocturne's Fuzz-Ray, and Ty Pierce's Ennio Ultimate Trilogy Fuzz.

The doofus formerly known as Snorre
Surfysonic on YouTube
World Famous Philistines: 2014 - 2015
K39: 2013 - 2014

I love this one but also planning to buy SurfyFuzz

Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine

Lost Diver

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