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Permalink 9th annual Surf Guitar 101 Convention! Sat. August 13th 12pm to 12am, info for SG101 BBQ on page 11

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For those who may be coming to the SG101 convention from or thru nor cal to central cal, here is a show kinda near San Luis Obisbo. For Thursday night.



I'll be there! Cheers


Tiki Tena posted in 9th Annual Surf Guitar 101 Convention.

Tiki Tena
July 7 at 8:51pm

6 song ep/CD

The Tikiyaki 5-0 is the smaller, combo version of the Tikiyaki Orchestra. Formed, basically, to bring the Orchestra’s big sound down to a pared down, smaller combo version of the group.
The idea was to bring those great Tikiyaki tunes with a smaller footprint, for a more intimate setting.
Comprised of original Tikiyaki Orchestra Members, Jim Bacchi - Guitar, keys, bongos, Brian Kassan Keys, guitar, Jonpaul Balak, bass, and Pablo Baza, drums, the band has morphed that original idea into more of a guitar-oriented, exotic surf sound, added some of that surf energy and tons of reverb, while still seeking that exotic feel to the music.

With that in mind, the group will be releasing an ep in August, with some made for 5-0 originals, as well as some classic exotica and surf instro covers.

On the original side, the up-tempo “Supernova” will satisfy fans of traditional as well as more modern surf. Fast, guitar-driven, with a nice Latin, Farfisa-laced mid-section, all before blasting off to a thrashing finish.
“Ilikai 65” brings the band a little more towards it’s roots with a mid-tempo surf/spy vibe, cool guitar interplay between Bacchi and Kassan, and ending with a nice slow crime jazz swing section in the 2nd half of the track.

On the cover end of things, the band has been performing The Zorba and the Greeks cult classic “Shockwave”, and a cool version of “Taboo”, which is a pretty standard Exotica track, done, at first, in the style of the Jokers version, then slowly ramping up and turning into a nice mid-tempo surf track. Most definitely a different read on this track than most versions recorded before.

Also, on the more Exotica side, “Song of Delilah” and “Enchanted Sea” are both slow, moody and exotic sounding, if not ExoticA sounding.Drenched in reverb with some nice atmosphere and space being utilized to it’s full potential.

This ep will serve as a great introduction to Tikiyaki 5-0 as an exotic Surf instro band, as well as mark a definite separation from the Tikiyaki Orchestra, who do jump into the surf genre a fair amount. The production is kept simple as to reflect the live feel of the band as they've been performing over the past 2 years as Tikiyaki 5-0.!page3/cee5




Tiki Tena posted in 9th Annual Surf Guitar 101 Convention.

Tiki Tena
July 7 at 9:17pm

FEATURED SPONSOR: Fender Musical Instruments Corporation

Standard Jazzmaster with two humbucking pickups (with a chrome + black bobbins) w/trem.
Jaguar bass in metallic silver.
Photos in comments. The instruments each come with a gig bag. Raffle tickets $10 each and will be sold at the venue only.


The world’s foremost manufacturer of guitars, basses, amplifiers and related equipment. With an illustrious history dating back to 1946, Fender has touched and transformed music worldwide and in nearly every genre: rock ‘n’ roll, country and western, jazz, rhythm and blues, and many others. Everyone from beginners and hobbyists to the world’s most acclaimed artists and performers have used Fender instruments and amps, and legendary Fender instruments such as the Telecaster® and Stratocaster® guitars and Precision® and Jazz® bass guitars are universally acclaimed as design classics.

In the 1940s, southern California inventor Leo Fender realized that he could improve on the amplified hollow-body instruments of the day by using an innovative and rather simple solid-body electric guitar design. Further, he realized that he could streamline the process of building them.

In 1951 he introduced a prototype solid-body instrument that would eventually be called the Telecaster® guitar. The Tele®, as it was often called then and still is today, was the first solid-body Spanish-style electric guitar to be commercially mass-produced.

That same year, Fender introduced a revolutionary new invention—the Precision Bass guitar. It was played like a guitar and had frets so that it could be played with “precision,” and it could be amplified, thus liberating bassists from unwieldy and increasingly difficult-to-hear acoustic basses.

These two historic instruments laid the foundation for a new kind of group and a revolution in popular music—what we know today as the modern rock combo. As opposed to the “big bands” of the era, electric Fender instruments made it possible for smaller groups of musicians to get together and be heard.

The Stratocaster first appeared in 1954, incorporating many design innovations based on feedback from professional musicians, Fender staff and Leo Fender himself. Its third single-coil pickup offered more tonal possibilities, its sleekly contoured body made it more comfortable, and its double cutaway design made access to upper registers much easier.

Most important, however, was the addition of the new Fender vibrato (or “tremolo”) bridge, an innovation originally intended to let guitarists bend strings, thus achieving the pedal steel-like sound so popular among country music artists of the day.

Nobody could have foreseen then how the Stratocaster would go on to revolutionize popular music. Essentially unchanged since its 1954 debut, it is the most popular and influential electric guitar ever, and players at all levels and in all genres continue to rely on its sound, playability and versatility to this day.

Leo Fender himself remained an immensely creative force over the next decade, introducing many classic instrument and amplifier designs, including the Jazz Bass® guitar, the Jaguar® and Jazzmaster® guitars and the Twin Reverb® amplifier.

"About Fender Musical Instruments." FENDER. Fender Musical Instruments, n.d. Web. 08 July 2016.

Guitar and Bass For raffle at the Surf Guitar 101 convention



Sad news for anyone wanting to do the Fender Factory tour when here for the Surf Guitar 101 convention.
Not this year, hopefully next year.



Tiki Tena posted in 9th Annual Surf Guitar 101 Convention

Featured Sponsor: Soest Guitar
Steve will be donating to the Convention Raffle,
A Guitar set up job, value 80 dollars.

Orange County's longest running owner-operated independent guitar repair shop located in historic Old Towne Orange, California.
Respected source for vintage and used instruments. Consultant and designer to major manufacturers.
Expert authentication and assessment of high end vintage guitars.
Soest Guitar has over 40 years experience in repair, modification, restoration and construction of guitars and other fretted stringed instruments. Soest works closely with the Fender Custom Shop and Artist Relation program and specializes in repairs on vintage and new instruments from all manufacturers.
Home -
Featured Sponsor: Soest Guitar

Orange County's longest running owner-operated independent guitar re...


Last edited: Jul 11, 2016 12:21:31

Ok been meaning to post about the Friday Pre convention BBQ.

Bill, AKA Remora 1 here on SG101, has graciously stepped up to host
The pre convention,BBQ, meet n greet party.

It will be at his house in San Pedro,
Fairly close to the Event venue for Sat.
To get the address email Bill directly at

Please bring some side dishes,
Or beer or soda, and throw some dollars in the tip
Jar to help cover the cost of the BBQ meat,etc.

Bill says they have a new Jacuzi if anybody is interested
Bring a suit n towel.

BBQ will be noon to 6pm on Friday August 12th!!!

Thanks Bill!!!!
Hope to see lots of SG101 members there.
Please don't share this post on FB.
For SG101 members and spouses only.


Have SG101 members (some of the coolest people on the planet) and band members from the world's best surf bands come and hang out at my house? Go on, twist my arm!!! Groovy Groovy Groovy Groovy Groovy

Bill S._______

Thanks Bill!!!!


It's a Billbecue!
We'll be there if we can make it in time.
Thanks for the kind invite.


John Okanishi wrote on FB:
thinking about SG101 Convention. You can choose if you want to add it to your timeline.

John wrote: "Recently BigTikiDude did a FB promotion for his upcoming Surf Guitar 101 Convention touting the food of the new venue. He asked me what I thought and I said "Dude, why are you talking about the food ?? You should be talking about the bands !!" He then replied if I could give my personal hand at that.

Here goes... So if I didn't know better, I would have thought the flyer for next month's SG101 Convention was a photo-shopped April's Fools joke. It's so real though, that it's UNREAL !! The Phantom Four, from the Netherlands, are a follow-up to the Treble Spankers whose mid-90's albums are considered to be among the best of the Third Wave of Surf Music. They're joined by John Blair who pretty much single handedly kickstarted the Second Wave revival in the early 80's with his legendary band, Jon & the Nightriders. This will be the Phantom Four's first time in the U.S. !!

We'll also get to see a reunion of the Space Cossacks, who were one of the preeminent bands of Surf Music's post-"Pulp Fiction" peak. They're probably even more popular today as many fans (like me) have discovered their music through their posthumous greatest hits "Never Mind the Bolsheviks". Exene Cervenka of X showed up at the 2010 Convention to see them, and I heard that the Dead Kennedy's Jello Biafra told SC's lead guitarist Ivan Pongracic that the set Ivan did in a side project with John Blair in Nor Cal a few weeks ago was one of the best Surf Music performances he had ever experienced !!

A band that many of us never thought we'd see on U.S. soil is Messur Chups from Russia. They're a great example of an international band that's taken Surf Music as an inspiration and have created an eclectic sound that surpasses genres. I think this is the band that will bring in a greater audience to this year's Convention. Also having the super sexy and talented "Bettie Page-esque" Zombierella on bass won't hurt.

I'm also looking forward to seeing again the 3rd international band on the line-up, the Bradipos IV from Italy, who were a highlight of the 2011 Convention.

A band that hasn't played in a while is San Diego's Secret Samurai. It's always a kick to be with people who haven't seen them before. I remember being at a Huntington Beach Pier show with casual Surf Music fans who exclaimed "Who ARE these guys ?? !!" after SS's set. At a San Diego show attended by visiting bands from the U.S. South, I saw Surf musicians' (all extremely proficient in their own right) jaws drop in astonishment at guitarist Ryan Ruiz's masterful playing.

And bringing in the Exotica crossover is Jim Bacchi's Tikiyaki 5-0, playing the main event for the first time (finally !!) And this isn't even the full bill, only the bands I'm most familiar with. After every Convention, people always exclaim "That was the best !!

How is BigTikiDude gonna top that ??" Well this year he did it again, and to the nth-degree. To make the Convention even more special is this year's first time surreal venue of Alpine Village in Torrance
(I'm wearing my lederhosen). And yes the food there is very good.


Last edited: Jul 11, 2016 21:36:49

I believe in multiple paragraphs !! Yes
BigTikiDude does not. No

Nice write up Johnny-O!!!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

i've been working 7 days a week and am so looking forward to this

mom_surfing wrote:

i've been working 7 days a week and am so looking forward to this

I get that!
Mountains of work here before we go.
It will be great to see you again.


I'm really curious about this odd gig. A deli in Arroyo Grande? Are they going to provision the band for the west coast leg of the tour? I hope the Chups get to relax and enjoy some of the most beautiful places in California, on our Central Coast.
bigtikidude wrote:

For those who may be coming to the SG101 convention from or thru nor cal to central cal, here is a show kinda near San Luis Obisbo. For Thursday night.


Squink Out!

SG101's "Needs more Reverb" aka Terry,
Lives up that way, and asked the Deli if they wanted the band. thank you Terry!
It's good hours too. Hope a few of you can make that show if in that area
On your way to the Convention.

John O,
I could write a lot of stuff about the bands and the Convention.
But in this modern world of smart phones and FB mentality,I think one paragraph at a time is usually good. As I don't want to overload people's
Intake capacity and have them just scroll by.


Last edited: Jul 12, 2016 15:54:19

The deli has an outdoor stage and beer.
Is Terri having a party at his house after the show ?

The SG101 con. Preview show on Jonpaul's Fiberglass Jungle Show
On will be this Sat. From 2-4 pm pacific time.


bigtikidude wrote:

SG101's "Needs more Reverb" aka Terry,
Lives up that way, and asked the Deli if they wanted the band. thank you Terry!
It's good hours too. Hope a few of you can make that show if in that area
On your way to the Convention.

i'm pretty sure i can make this

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