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Permalink The Surfy Bear SurfyTrem

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surferjoemusic wrote:

We are already working on some developments of these first 17 units produced, no changes in the sound or the boards, but just mainly in the look.

There's really only 17 of the Surfer Joe edition? Wow, I'm so glad I jumped on it. This partnership sounds like a match made in heaven - congrats Lorenzo and Bjorn!

Bill S._______

HELLDIVER on Facebook

Same here Smile

Finally - That co-op sounds great and timely, the demand definitely seems to be there, I thought about complete trem units from SB kits myself, but could not muster up the time - Great that this is coming! (Although I enjoyed my build, but many won't).

Last edited: Jun 23, 2016 10:46:27

Thanks for the update guys. Lorenzo, Bjorn, if you say you're making the Surfy Bear and the Surfy Trem proper products, will that be the end of the kit versions? And if not: will the Surfy Trem ever be available as a kit or pcb? There a quite a few diy enthousiasts here and people who simply lack the funds to get another expensive plug and play pedal.

Thanks for the kind words everybody! It really was fun to be part of this project and I love the result. Also glad you guys seem to like it. It means a lot to me that the community appreciates Björns work. Let's see how this thing develops and I wish Björn and Lorenzo good luck with the marketing (don't get too greedy, play it cool Wink )

The Hicadoolas

Yes, I am excited and glad to have Lorenzo as partner in developing this venture. There are still loose ends to take care of.
Feel free post your ideas and suggestions whenever you want Smile

Just got mine. The 'brown mode' sounds very cool and it seems like this pedal is one of those that'll bring new guitar lines right to the table Smile

Tremolo, shimmer and wobbliness on tap, guys.


El Bluesky
El Ray
El Ray on Bandcamp
El Twang on YouTube

Are these pedal numbered inside?

El Bluesky
El Ray
El Ray on Bandcamp
El Twang on YouTube

Very cool; if you're in Denmark then I should see mine in a month or so given USPS 'performance' in this burg sometimes.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

eltwang wrote:

Are these pedal numbered inside?

Sorry no Cry

Got mine yesterday (thanks again to my brotha BTD for the international smuggling and delivery!).

First impression when I opened the box: this looks like a professional made pedal that any retailer could stock. Detailed instructions, proper logos, and absolute top notch quality. Plus it looks so damn cool!

As for how it sounds: in short, I love it. I only have vintage blackface trem and a SupaTrem to compare it to, but this pedal trumps both. The blackface mode sounds spot on but with less volume drop and greater speed range. The brown face mode sounds so good. It's more akin to a gentle vibrato throb, sans the pitch change of course. It's warm, and a little dark (BTD pointed that out as well) and it just sounds lovely.

There is a slight volume decrease, but it isn't as noticeable as with other pedals, or with onboard trem.

In short: anyone want to buy a SupaTrem? I won't be needing mine anymore.

I eagerly await the kit. I plan on making a surfy box with both trem and reverb (and maybe even a dyno brain boost too).

Thanks to Bjorn for a great pedal design, and to Lorenzo for encasing it in a lovely enclosure with a cool design and for putting it on the market.

Now... I'm off to play with it some more. Cheers!

This pedal is a great idea and I hope it becomes a huge success (I would have snagged one of these pre-production ones if money wasn't tight now).
Hey Josh, congrats! Bring it by next time you visit, we can test it here Smile


The Scimitars

josheboy wrote:

Got mine yesterday (thanks again to my brotha BTD for the international smuggling and delivery!).

What a nice gesture - I'm the last guy to knock performing a stupid malum prohibitum act at least once a day. They can pound sand.

Congratulations! Thumbs Up

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Last edited: Jun 26, 2016 12:17:11

I too am interested in putting a Surfy trem in my Surfy reverb tank.
If unfortunately the tremolo kit wasn't to be released, could we at least get the definitive schematic ?

happy to have scored one!
the brown side sounds great!
still I'd be interested in a kit-version
... and of course also in a FET-vibrato kit!

Last edited: Jul 02, 2016 12:11:56

DreadInBabylon wrote:

My recording situation is abysmal, but I managed to come up with... something. Apologies to Madeira... Uh-Oh

Very Happy Thumbs Up Thanks, Ariel!! That was a nice little surprise! I just shared your video (and your post) on the Madeira's Facebook page - so, you've finally ended up on Facebook, despite your best efforts! ;)

(BTW, I REALLY dig that design!! Wow!!!)

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Last edited: Jul 02, 2016 12:50:42

Yes, Ariels video is so cool Cool
He is a wizard with those 3D tools!

It seems like most people interested in a SurfyTrem kit want to build it into their SurfyBear cabinet. In that case I suppose a cable-footswitch in needed, is this a problem?

bjoish wrote:

It seems like most people interested in a SurfyTrem kit want to build it into their SurfyBear cabinet. In that case I suppose a cable-footswitch in needed, is this a problem?

Not doing such a build, just crazily curious. Is this something that would be solved by the simple TRS method a la the typical Fender footswitch; in this case builder can terminate how they want?
Again, just curious.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Badger wrote:

bjoish wrote:

It seems like most people interested in a SurfyTrem kit want to build it into their SurfyBear cabinet. In that case I suppose a cable-footswitch in needed, is this a problem?

Not doing such a build, just crazily curious. Is this something that would be solved by the simple TRS method a la the typical Fender footswitch; in this case builder can terminate how they want?
Again, just curious.

Yes, thats right. Its exactly the same thing. I think most people dont use a footswitch to their reverb tank, but for a tremolo it is probably needed. It makes the build a little more expensive.

bjoish wrote:

Yes, thats right. Its exactly the same thing. I think most people dont use a footswitch to their reverb tank, but for a tremolo it is probably needed. It makes the build a little more expensive.

By some crazy coincidence I've made a double footswitch for my Surfy Bear. Even before I knew there was going to be a SurfyTrem. So switching isn't going to be a problem, but the addition of a STrem brings a new dilemma: will the reverb go first in the chain or the tremolo? With a stomp box chain I'd put the reverb in last place, but in a classic amp like the Fender the tremolo goes in last. Any thoughts?

Gilette wrote:

bjoish wrote:

Yes, thats right. Its exactly the same thing. I think most people dont use a footswitch to their reverb tank, but for a tremolo it is probably needed. It makes the build a little more expensive.

By some crazy coincidence I've made a double footswitch for my Surfy Bear. Even before I knew there was going to be a SurfyTrem. So switching isn't going to be a problem, but the addition of a STrem brings a new dilemma: will the reverb go first in the chain or the tremolo? With a stomp box chain I'd put the reverb in last place, but in a classic amp like the Fender the tremolo goes in last. Any thoughts?

Surely there's a way to include a switch or something so that you can choose the order

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