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Permalink Mosrite Bluesbender! You got one?

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Hi all. I am looking for a mosrite bluesbender or brass rail in any condition.





I like Mosrites but the Brass Rail has eluded me so far.. If you get one, check those frets. If they are shot and need to be replaced, you'll need a luthier on par with a brain surgeon.
The frets are welded/soldered to the center brass rail that runs the length of the neck. This is what gives the guitar such great sustain. Replacing the frets is no ordinary fret job. And it's one of the reasons there aren't many around => too costly to produce.

More great news.. Last time I looked, they are at the $5K plus area for one in good condition.
Another reason not too many were made:
There were produced during one of Semie's numerous Mosrite on again/Mosrite off again periods - the 'on' in this case being a bit short.

Happy hunting Smile

Yeah Thanx,

   I have been a mosrite lover all my guitar playing life! I have had them all, and the ones I have grown to love the most are the M88's. I have three of them, and the only models I have yet to venture with are the bender and rail. I play a lot of blues, and I have read they are good for that(not just a clever name...LOL) I missed the last bender on the bay ![Cry](/media/smiley/images/cry.gif "Cry") but will find one I am sure. I am actually gonna try and build my own and would like to use the bender as my template. I have a cool idea for a headstock, but I am not telling til I get all protected and patented ![Smile](/media/smiley/images/smile.gif "Smile")

Thanx for all your help,




these last two are brand new still in the MOSRITE shipping box! I also have a diamond red M88 like the green one in the pic all are 100% NOS I was in heaven! brought me back to my teenage years. Even smelled the same as the one I had back then.

Ron, you should post an article on your Mosrite collection, I'm sure you'd cause a lot of Drool Drool Drool

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

I never forget a face or an axe.. Did I or did I not see that green M88 on EBAY (with the reserve not reached) a few months back?

And aren't you are part of the Surfalicious Dudes from the New York area. If so, do you guys have any gigs coming up??


LOL, Thanx Danny. I get misty everytime I pick one of those new ones up! They feel and sound so stinking good! The frets are nice and fat on the M88's, still the slim neck and spacing, but better sustain. Throw in a boosta grande, and BAM!!! I will post some more pics if you like.

here is one of the boxes for the 88'S

the case




I will take some more pics of the rest of them this week and I will make a page that I will link so not to offend any email folks...

I never forget a face or an axe.. Did I or did I not see that green M88 on EBAY (with the reserve not reached) a few months back?

And aren't you are part of the Surfalicious Dudes from the New York area. If so, do you guys have any gigs coming up??


Yes sir, I am glad it did not sell. I did it cuz the wife made me...LOL so when it did not sell I was very happy! I am of the SD and we are playing at Otto's in NYC on August 4th. Have a couple new tunes to debut as well! will we see you there?

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