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Permalink The Amphibians - Enigma of the Deep

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This topic was automatically created to discuss the news story The Amphibians - Enigma of the Deep.

Yep Frank-o,

Me too. Love it as well. I am heading to Savannah tomorrow AM and will spin it up plenty.

Great job AmFibs!



Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

I'll add to love... great album!

Wonderful cover art again my friend and well recorded great material front to back. Proud to know you and work with you. Love it.

Don't Fear the Reverb ! Grateful Surf ! SURFIN' Tiki Bandits !
I can be reached through the following or at :

Thanks for the feed back on the cd Mr M Tomato and everyone else Glad you like the songs.

We've been dying to get these songs recorded and wanted to have them for the Southern Surf Stomp last weekend. We're really pleased with the way the recording turned out and especially having a little fun with the sound effects and horns.

These are the first recordings where we added some overdubbing and layered sounds. Our other recordings are just raw one take wonders! We also have 4 members now instead of 3.

My son Marcus did the recording and was forced to come up with the sound effects which he pieced together from snippits of sound on the bubbles and sonor as well as the hangin sound effects of the gallows dropping.

The whistles and cat calls are live and I added the horns from a keyboard, the choral voices (inspired by Morricone) are meant to signify angels as the gallows await Tuco and then the thud!

I also want to add Crazy Ace bass player Alex McCollough for being responsible for mastering and polishing the recordings for the incredibly professional sound!

If you like the album art you can say WoW to Jimmy Gorden of Lexington, Kentucky. Jimmy let us use his paintings on our last cd Surf Guitar Heard Round the World as well as this one. Jimmy has been playing music his whole life and besides painting, loves the surf guitar. The Royal BatFangs.

Turn it up, just don't get a speeding ticket...if you do, blame it on the AmpFibians

ViVa Surf!!

Dave-Tom- Ron- Eli

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