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Permalink New guy, new song

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Hi all, fairly new here!
Thought I'd try and get some feedback on a tune I came up with today!
I called it 'Breaker'
I know the playing is pretty sloppy, and the drum sound is horrid beyond all belief, but looking past that I'm hoping to get some comments about the arrangement and composition. Does it hold interest? Too much going on? Not enough going on? etc., you get the picture. Would love to improve it and re-record it (hopefully with much more organic sounding drums next time!).

Earth. Atomizer. Let's go.

The Atom Jacks
The Tridents

Hey, that's cool. Get busy, write more!


Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

eddiekatcher wrote:

Hey, that's cool. Get busy, write more!


Thanks Ed! I plan to do so!

Earth. Atomizer. Let's go.

The Atom Jacks
The Tridents

Last edited: Feb 19, 2016 17:05:55

Me likey...


MPoppitt wrote:

Me likey...


Earth. Atomizer. Let's go.

The Atom Jacks
The Tridents

Another one, more of a spur of the moment thing. Very short, but it was fun to do.
I'm sure most if not all of you know the hook

Earth. Atomizer. Let's go.

The Atom Jacks
The Tridents

I like it! And, to discredit my opinion, as a fan of ash can drumming, I also like the drum sound. That said, coming through my crappy laptop speakers, it sounds overall pretty cool. I like the guitar sound in and of itself. I would make two remarks/suggestions:

  1. The drums sound pretty in your face in a 3-d kind of way. The guitar sounds like it was recorded in a universe parallel to the drums. It's a demo. It gets the idea across well. If it were a more permanent effort, I would re-dial the reverb a bit.

  2. More to your question, the song works from A-Z as indicated in remarks above. Arrangement-wise, you might play with the second verse a tiny bit. Expanded it, add another instrument, fills, etc. Not a lot. Just so it's a little less similar to the first "verse"

Let me emphasize, this is just me being honest but picky (and trust me, I'm not that picky a guy) have the essentials well covered. Good job!



bent playing for benter results
Do not attempt to adjust your TV set.


montereyjack66 wrote:

I like it! And, to discredit my opinion, as a fan of ash can drumming, I also like the drum sound. That said, coming through my crappy laptop speakers, it sounds overall pretty cool. I like the guitar sound in and of itself. I would make two remarks/suggestions:

  1. The drums sound pretty in your face in a 3-d kind of way. The guitar sounds like it was recorded in a universe parallel to the drums. It's a demo. It gets the idea across well. If it were a more permanent effort, I would re-dial the reverb a bit.

  2. More to your question, the song works from A-Z as indicated in remarks above. Arrangement-wise, you might play with the second verse a tiny bit. Expanded it, add another instrument, fills, etc. Not a lot. Just so it's a little less similar to the first "verse"

Let me emphasize, this is just me being honest but picky (and trust me, I'm not that picky a guy) have the essentials well covered. Good job!


Hey, thanks a lot! I do plan to re-record it at some point with an actual drummer, hopefully by then I'd have sorted a more 'permanent' guitar sound by then (with a new reverb unit too, for that matter).

In regards to the second verse, I was thinking of adding some organ or theremin to it as additional noise. I agree, something else happening would make it more interesting to listen to.

Thanks for the feedback!

Earth. Atomizer. Let's go.

The Atom Jacks
The Tridents

I like a lot of stuff but am a trad guy first; I really like it. Pretty much what Pat said above & I like the drums for the vibe. I think they're crucial. Too many canned drum sounds leave you yelling at the speakers, "HIT the damn thing!"

Guitar has a nice hot-roddish vibe to it.
What did you use for your drum track if may ask?

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Last edited: Mar 06, 2016 12:51:48

Badger wrote:

I like a lot of stuff but am a trad guy first; I really like it. Pretty much what Pat said aboge & I like the drums for the vibe. I think they're crucial. Too many canned drum sounds leave you yelling at the speakers, "HIT the damn thing!"

Guitar has a nice hot-roddish vibe to it.
What did you use for your drum track if may ask?

Hey, thanks! For the drums I used an old version of the program Hydrogen (had to be an old one because new versions don't support Windows anymore).

Earth. Atomizer. Let's go.

The Atom Jacks
The Tridents

Last edited: Mar 06, 2016 08:22:15

Whoops, double post

Earth. Atomizer. Let's go.

The Atom Jacks
The Tridents

Last edited: Mar 06, 2016 08:22:51

Smart_Patrol wrote:

Hey, thanks! For the drums I used an old version of the program Hydrogen (had to be an old one because new versions don't support Windows anymore).

Thanks; I'll go searching for an old version, appreciate the tip.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

A new one, equally suffering a case of 'digital drum-itis', but presentable, I think.
Scientific Noise

Can't wait to try this one at rehearsal this weekend!

And another one! Slower this time
MK Ultra, International Espionage

Earth. Atomizer. Let's go.

The Atom Jacks
The Tridents

Last edited: May 14, 2016 17:17:04

Smart_Patrol wrote:

A new one, equally suffering a case of 'digital drum-itis', but presentable, I think.
Scientific Noise

Can't wait to try this one at rehearsal this weekend!

And another one! Slower this time
MK Ultra, International Espionage

I think I like this one a lot better than the first one.
You have some great chops going on.
If I may, you might get a more pleasant flow if you rethought the position of your passages.
Your sound is good and the playing is good.
I'd just rearrange some of the verse/choruses position.
Your milage may very.
Thanks for listening folks.

Joelman wrote:

I think I like this one a lot better than the first one.
You have some great chops going on.
If I may, you might get a more pleasant flow if you rethought the position of your passages.
Your sound is good and the playing is good.
I'd just rearrange some of the verse/choruses position.
Your milage may very.
Thanks for listening folks.

Thanks for the feedback!
I'll certainly give it a go moving some things around, see how it turns out.

Earth. Atomizer. Let's go.

The Atom Jacks
The Tridents

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