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Permalink Guitar World mag closing it's doors!

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News today is that Harris Publications publishers of Guitar World, Guns & Weapons and many other magazines is closing it doors for good, all employees to be furloughed (what a great economy we have under this ...........).


Though I found Guitar World (GW) and it's writers insufferable snobs, their articles catered to experienced players and their gear reviews targeted those with unlimited financial resources some will miss it.

It's a shame that the last American guitar magazine will be no more. I for one won't miss GW having preferred the now "defunct" Guitar Edge and Guitar One for their articles, interviews and tab (I still buy back issues online).

This announcement leaves only the UK's Total Guitar for us "English" speakers but even on a bad day I find TG superior to GW.

God, guns and guitars, you just can't beat them.

Last edited: Apr 28, 2016 19:39:47

I wouldnt blame the economy ...seen the stock market lately? Near an all time high ,unemployment and interest rates both low , gas prices have been quite low.
Almost ALL print media has been tanking ,people read on the internet . Its easier for content providers AND consumers .
Guitar World seemed to cater to the hard rockin' and metal crowd ...which has been steadily declining since the 80s .

Print media is going the way of the dinosaur.

METEOR IV on reverbnation

Wasn't it "Egon" (Harold Ramis) in Ghostbusters who said "print is dead"?

I know paper (print) publications are taking a beating with the internet and digital age especially among the millennials but there is something about having a "tangible" item, in this case a magazine, to thumb through. Then again I still read "hardcover" books (on U.S. & World history) and know quite a bit but this signals something bigger and more troubling. A majority of members belonging to the younger generations don't possess the requisite attention span to read anything more than a tweet, they are clueless (unless it concerns the Biebs, Kanye & Kim) about everything our nation and the world has experienced thus they are destined to repeat our and our ancestors mistakes.

Last edited: Apr 28, 2016 19:34:22

blackheartsfan wrote:

It's a shame that the last American guitar magazine will be no more.

Isn't Guitar Player mag American...? Are they closing shop along with GW?

The Surf Shakers:
Vancouver BC Canada

shake_n_stomp wrote:

Isn't Guitar Player mag American...? Are they closing shop along with GW?

GP is still going and you can still get a print subscription

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

There's still a few US based guitar rags out there. Vintage Guitar is American - publisher based in North Dakota. Guitar Aficionado is published by Newbay in New York. Fretboard Journal is published in Seattle. There's a number of Acoustic and Classical guitar mags published in the U.S. as well. Get 'em while ya can!

"Hello Girls!"

What about an annual News Stand Day? Oh well, never mind.

The Exotic Guitar of Kahuna Kawentzmann

You can get the boy out of the Keynes era, but you can’t get the Keynes era out of the boy.

I like the tactile presence of a magazine and they don't run out of power in the middle of reading them....

I am not obsolete, I am RETRO.... Cool

A nice aspect of magazines is that you can read them before going to sleep without having to worry that they'll keep you awake - which reading from a phone or computer display probably will.

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Magazines are a collectible for some, frameable for others and like an old friend when you re-discover them. Night time electronics are no doubt a sleep distraction.
I can't see an e-reader in a frame on the wall.......

I am not obsolete, I am RETRO.... Cool

We have thousands of years of physical copies of written word that we can read and learn of the past. Thousands of years from now will anyone have a clue of what is happening now? All of our music, writing and photos are stored on servers and hard drives.
I hate to think of a world without books and magazines.
Put down your Kindle and go to the library!

I used to think that late evening reading was a great way to doze off. It might be if I was reading Red Book, Ladies Home Journal or some technical crap that I needed to read before I retired. Now I read things I'm stoked about and that usually wakes me back up.........

Last night, for the umpty umph time, I re-read the Guitar Player Magazine Surf and Space issue from September 1996. John Blair penned that masterpiece. I climbed back out, picked up a guitar and knocked out Mr Moto (again).

That issue is almost twenty years old! Like fine wines some, of these mags get better with age. Kindle? I still don't have a cell phone and that suits me just fine.

ed Very Happy

Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

I did some digging and Harris doesn't publish Guitar World. They used to but it got sold and then sold again. Now it's published by New Bay Media

Surf_Skater wrote:

We have thousands of years of physical copies of written word that we can read and learn of the past. Thousands of years from now will anyone have a clue of what is happening now? All of our music, writing and photos are stored on servers and hard drives.
I hate to think of a world without books and magazines.
Put down your Kindle and go to the library!

Good point. Now consider the niche markets of today, say, vinyl. With physical artefacts surviving and digital media not, future generations will have a wrong representation of today’s music.

The Exotic Guitar of Kahuna Kawentzmann

You can get the boy out of the Keynes era, but you can’t get the Keynes era out of the boy.

Sidebar - I understand the "niche" market for vinyl but for many it never went away. I always found it offensive to a degree when someone says vinyl is long dead. I now have CDS that have died due to there age ( not scratched but physically deteriorated due to age), but my vinyl is still alive. Digital media is suspect, physical media lasts IMHO.
I now return you to the regular thread...

I am not obsolete, I am RETRO.... Cool

Last edited: May 01, 2016 07:46:06

Do you not get Guitarist and Guitar Techniques in the US? I used to like Total Guitar but when it (and Guitarist) made heavy cut backs on the copyright budget by moving to 'in the style of' rather than proper songs, I lost interest.

Can't read anyway. No use for a paper printed magazine anyway. oh, I might need the paper. Picard Face Palm

Enjoying the surf,sun and sand!!

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