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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Musicians & Gigs Wanted »

Permalink Milwaukee area guitarist seeks other serious surf specific players

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Hello. Been involved in the Milwaukee surf music scene (if you could call It that) for about 20 years. I write my own songs and have a good catalog of originals. Some complete, others that could use some tweaking so to speak. Seeking another guitarist with writing abilities to play lead or rhythm. Actually would prefer lead because I think my strengths are more writing. also seek drummer and bass. Love to collaborate, play together for a while and see where it goes from there. Please, no control freaks or musicians with an agenda who will want to change the main focus from writing surf specific songs. I don't want to focus so much on playing tired old Standards. They are fun to practice to stay sharp but I'd rather record and put some great music out there. Tried to post a link to an old band I was in from the 90s but it didn't work. If you go to MySpace and type in Rev500, there is a song I wrote called Tsunami. It should giv you an idea of the style. Surf with an alternative mix. Thanks!

Good luck finding some players! It looks like you have a really fun rig. I really, really dig the DiPinto. Was that a custom run? Or did you do the mods? Either way, its really cool!

The_southpaw_surfer wrote:

I don't want to focus so much on playing tired old Standards.

No need to focus on them, but I don't think they sound tired. I still love those old tunes.

To Boldly go where no Tiki has gone before...

Yeah, good luck! Need more surf in Wisconsin!

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Artdecade, actually, the Kustom amp and DiPinto guitar was for sale at Cresm City music a few years back. It's just here as a kind of eye candy. My real set up is a vintage Kasino (offshoot of Kustom) "Fever" solid state amp head and cabinet. Very under rated amp IMO. My main guitar is a Italia Modena heavily modified with Mosrite pickups and a Teisco Spectrum 5 tremolo. Just purchased the red Jaguar off of eBay from Japan. Can't wait to get that in 2 weeks.

As far as the surf scene goes in Milwaukee, I don't mean to knock it but one band (Tge Exitics) hardly makes a scene. They are a great band that been around for a long time. But seriously nothing else until you go over the border into illinois. With there was more enthusiasm here but mostly it's metal, cover bands and karaoke in The brew city.

The_southpaw_surfer wrote:

Artdecade, actually, the Kustom amp and DiPinto guitar was for sale at Cresm City music a few years back. It's just here as a kind of eye candy. My real set up is a vintage Kasino (offshoot of Kustom) "Fever" solid state amp head and cabinet. Very under rated amp IMO. My main guitar is a Italia Modena heavily modified with Mosrite pickups and a Teisco Spectrum 5 tremolo. Just purchased the red Jaguar off of eBay from Japan. Can't wait to get that in 2 weeks.

As far as the surf scene goes in Milwaukee, I don't mean to knock it but one band (The Exotics) hardly makes a scene. They are a great band that been around for a long time. But seriously nothing else until you go over the border into illinois. Wish there was more enthusiasm here but mostly it's metal, cover bands and karaoke in The brew city.

The_southpaw_surfer wrote:

As far as the surf scene goes in Milwaukee, I don't mean to knock it but one band (Tge Exitics) hardly makes a scene.

I guess Revomatics don't count?

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.


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