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Permalink Surfin at a Blues Jam

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John Blakeley of the Sandells / Sandals played a 335.

Jim Reese of the Bobby Fuller Four played some nice surf with a 335 on the live BFF recordings.
The story is Bobby was always trying to get him to play a Fender but he wouldn't part with his Gibson.

The Thunderchiefs

John Blakeley of the Sandells / Sandals played a 335.

Jim Reese of the Bobby Fuller Four played some nice surf with a 335 on the live BFF recordings.
The story is Bobby was always trying to get him to play a Fender but he wouldn't part with his Gibson.

Once Jim Reese's 345 was stolen and Bobby was pretty excited that Jim had to use a Strat for a night or two.

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

We played a surf set at a blues jam just a couple of months ago, and after about 4-5 songs the owner came up and said "I'm sure you guys all have big d*cks and everything, but could you turn it down a little, this is a small room you know?"

The rebel in me wanted to say "NO! We're THE SURFONICS and we DON'T TURN DOWN!" Rock

Listening to my sensible side, I turned down and blamed the drummer.

Thanks for the report on the Blues Jam. I've often wondered how surf music would go over in that type of venue.

A lot of people said it was a pleasant change from the blues standards that are done to death at blues jams .

To All the folks that replied to my post thank you It's been an interesting read
here is a link that may be of interest to the forumites

Cool story, echobeach. I've mentioned it here before, but blues has enjoyed a long period of popularity at the club level and I think there are many in that audience that are ready for more melodic/positive/powerful music.

Oh yes, the 4th wave is coming. Cool Very Happy


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