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Just got The Bambi Molesters' Intensity, Man...or Astro man? Your Weight on the Moon and Atomic Mosquitos' Bug Music for Bug People.
I've only listened to Intensity for the first time tonight, but I really dug it.
I'm listening to Your Weight on the Moon right now, just a few tracks in, but these guys are impressive.
I love the guitarcentric nature of surf music, that said the drums on the two albums really stood out to me tonight.
Atomic Mosquitos is up next as soon as I finish Your Weight... and I walk the dog.
Haha I'm listening to Space Patrol, that's funny right there!

Last edited: Mar 31, 2016 23:52:50

Listening to the last track of Bug Music for Bug People. I am now a bug person. This album was great. First Atomic Mosquitos record but it won't be the last!
Same goes for Man...or Astro-Man? Always fun to find new bands you dig.

I bought a vinyl 7 inch from The Terrorsaurs when we supported them last week. Haven't played it yet, but I was impressed by how hefty the vinyl is!
Not really surf, but definitely instrumental..

Just finished Bambi Molesters '13 From the Hip'. Enjoyed it but wish there wasn't the vocals on one two of the songs, same as the MOAM? CD I got. Outside of Route 66 Killers, Phantom Creeps and Creepniks I really don't want vocals on my surf music.
Still, I thought this was a solid record. This is my third Bambi Molesters album and it's easy to see why they're so well liked.

Challengers - The Man From UNCLE

To Boldly go where no Tiki has gone before...

Looking forward to this!


How does Record Store Day work? How will I know if my local record shop is going to get a copy or two? Help a newbie.

To Boldly go where no Tiki has gone before...

Decided to start purchasing a new album on my days off. Purchased "Bug Music for Bug People" today. In the past month i obtained, Los Twang! Marvels - Guitars in Orbit, The Bomboras - Head Shrinkin' Fun. and finally decided to stop listening to the album on youtube and just buy it already, The Space Cossacks - Tsar Wars! (not new stuff, but new to my collection).

Next up, a Bambi Molesters album.

Artdecade, you should contact them and tell them you want them to get it in stock. Otherwise I doubt they will unless you've got a particularly awesome record store!


aqualadius wrote:

Artdecade, you should contact them and tell them you want them to get it in stock. Otherwise I doubt they will unless you've got a particularly awesome record store!

Also, each store gets limited quantities of the special releases so even if they pre-order 10 of something they may not get 10. It can be a little bit of a gamble.


Thanks, guys. I just talked to my local record shop, but I don't think they ordered even a single copy. I'll call back later, but its not looking good for this Philadelphia surf fan.

To Boldly go where no Tiki has gone before...

artdecade wrote:

Philadelphia surf fan.

Nice! The Delaware Valley Representin'! i live 5 minutes from the Walt Whitman Bridge. Here's a non surf cover my old band use to play. Locals will "get it"...

Last edited: Mar 11, 2016 10:55:11

Moonfrog wrote:

Decided to start purchasing a new album on my days off. Purchased "Bug Music for Bug People" today. In the past month i obtained, Los Twang! Marvels - Guitars in Orbit, The Bomboras - Head Shrinkin' Fun. and finally decided to stop listening to the album on youtube and just buy it already, The Space Cossacks - Tsar Wars! (not new stuff, but new to my collection).

Next up, a Bambi Molesters album.

Those are some supremely solid picks!

Moonfrog wrote:

artdecade wrote:

Philadelphia surf fan.

Nice! The Delaware Valley Representin'! i live 5 minutes from the Walt Whitman Bridge. Here's a non surf cover my old band use to play. Locals will "get it"...

That's fantastic! I think Jay Bruno was the original drummer on that track. He gave lessons on Philadelphia for decades!

To Boldly go where no Tiki has gone before...

Just picked up these today!


Got and loving Dumb Loud Hollow Twang Deluxe by the Bambi Molesters.
I think I'll get some more Urban Surf Kings and Crazy Aces next.

Listening to the new Delstroyers Ep right now. Really enjoying it. The cover of Wrong Plant is great.

To Boldly go where no Tiki has gone before...

My favorite two surf music albums of the past six months - The Exotics' "Twangy Surf & Spy Themes" (a best-of) and The Coffin Daggers' "Aggravatin' Rhythms" - both so good, and so FUN!!! Highly recommended!!! (I gotta get the Coffin Daggers' one on vinyl, too.)


Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Got Urban Surf King's Retro Sonic and Surf vs. The Flying Saucers. What more is there to say? Rev's the man and they delivered. Love their sound.
Also got The Eliminators' Room To Move. I'm about 5 tracks in and am really enjoying this record.
I'd recommend any of these albums.
Surf rules!

Got Birth of Surf Vol I today and just finished it. Great compilation by ACE. I have several hillbilly and rockabilly compilations from them and their stuff is always great, so no surprise there.
Great collection of classic surf. Some gems I never get tired of like Squad Car, Penetration and Surf Rider. I also found some great new tracks on here including Beaver Patrol, Jezebel (love the reverb on this one) and Fiberglass Jungle.
Until now I thought Baja was an original Jinx Jones track, don't know how I never heard the original before.
You can tell it's tax return season when my CD collection suddenly inflates like this!

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