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Permalink A Wanker is born everyday.

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I blame the parents.

Umm... Count me in on the kid's side... You'd rather see him with his pants around his knees bein' all ghetto?

Umm... Count me in on the kid's side... You'd rather see him with his pants around his knees bein' all ghetto?

Im not sure those are the only 2 options. Im just saying this video reeks of tab. The weird hand positions, the zero vibrato, and the flat/sharp bent notes. Ill give him credit though he is almost as sloppy as Page.

They are saying this kid is a prodigy? A prodigy is a 5 year old that can play paganini or beat deep blue.

"almost as sloppy as page" That was one of the most truthful and funny things I've heard in a while.

I don't think Page's solo in Stairway is "wanking". I like Page a lot. And kudos to the kid.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I don't think Page's solo in Stairway is "wanking". I like Page a lot. And kudos to the kid.

I dont either I love Page! Im just saying that learning stuff from TAB is not a good way to become a musician. Write songs, figure stuff out by ear, dont try to impress the 'units.

I was at GuitarCenter the other day and this kid like 12 was playing eruption, I felt like slapping him. When he was playing the fast trem part I looked over and his whole family was standing around him in awe and they saw me looking at him. I just shook my head 'no' and walked away. (I was impressed a little though)

Hey I think I found that kids Dad!

Well how do you know he learned it from tab? That's a pretty big assumption. He's just a kid, so that could account for the lack of vibrato, etc. I don't see how hand positions have anything to do with tab. I learned a bunch of stuff by ear but when I go see the actual band play it I find I was playing in the "wrong" position all the time.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Hey I think I found that kids Dad!

I don't know what's worse--the phase shifter, or the lack of pants.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Wow. Well if you ever want to get the crap beat out of your ego, videotape yourself playing the guitar and post it on YouTube. Some of those comments are vicious. Of course that guy brought a lot of that on himself...

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Hmmm. I think the kid plays pretty well for his age. Comments about the vibrato and his bending are clearly true but hey, he's pretty young. He has timing and even some feel. However, for me the disturbing thing is the blank look on his face. This video bears the acrid taint of parental ambition.

I teach guitar to help pay the bills, although I would willingly admit that I have a huge problem with the concept of being 'taught' rock music - because the important things can't really be taught. For me, Rock Music was rebellion - I didn't want my parents to like it - or to hire someone to teach me to play it, because it was mine. If I was a parent I think that I would be happier with my kid liking something I didn't understand.

Contrast this with a 13 yr old lad I used to teach who's dad would offer him $100 to learn a certain Green Day song by the next lesson. The boy himself was much more interested in soccer - even with the $100 carrot. He wasn't untalented at guitar by any means, he had a similar ability to this guy, but he had no fire for it - he was doing it because his dad wanted him to. His face when he played looked much like this.

The ones I enjoy teaching are the ones whose parents say: 'He's not interested in anything but that damn guitar' - but pay for the lessons anyway. I have a couple of puplils like that and although their skill varies from mediocre to excellent, their hearts are in the right place - and let's face it, nothing in music matters more than heart.

PS - there is a surf equivalent to this - anyone seen a little Japanese girl called Chicci? Spot the same face.
Also - I was a huge Zepplin fan when I was young (still love those records too) But I remember being amazed at how sloppy Page was when I saw them live (many many years ago) - and wondered at how he got such a reedy thin tone from a Les Paul.

Youth and enthusiasm are no match for age and treachery.

Last edited: Jun 10, 2007 13:55:04

Wow. Well if you ever want to get the crap beat out of your ego, videotape yourself playing the guitar and post it on YouTube. Some of those comments are vicious. Of course that guy brought a lot of that on himself...

Yeah but I think that guy is kind of cool in a way. I love the vocals.

The problem with Page is when he plays live. Everything on the albums is pretty great guitar playing. His layering is really fantastic.

[Im just saying this video reeks of tab.

Once again... Hunh? Who cares how someone learns something. Woody Guthrie learned by ripping off Leadbelly. Leadbelly didn't care. He said "Shit, you can steal whatever you can, but I ain't showing nothin'" Is that a more honorable way? Everyone who goes to Berklee school of music sucks because they didn't figure it all out by themselves? Gillian Welch met David Rawlings at Berklee in a country music class. What? They didn't learn their old timey style just from listening to old Carter Family records? Oh my god! I just realized, THEY SUCK now! Clutch the Pearls and alert the media! I play music by all the people I listed above. Had to figure it all out myself. There were definitely songs I wish tab were available for...

Dude lighten up. Is musical notation more honorable than tab? Somebody still transcribed it and is telling you what note to play. I have a shitload of musical notation and tab at my house. I'm old enough to remember when Stefan Grossman popularized tab. It was a bitchin' development as far as I was concerned because I could learn old blues stuff you couldn't find on record back then and therefore NEVER HEARD, and it still rocks. Most everything I've learned from tab I play differently than the way I learned it. But it's a cool way to transmit knowledge designed specifically for the guitar fretboard.

I'm actually jealous I wasn't playing when I was his age. Maybe you are a little too?

Tab is just a form of sheet music.

And I agree with badash.

I think its better to develop a good ear. If someone asked me to teach them how to play the solo to 'stairway' I would tell them to learn the pentatonic minor scale and say, "here ya go now you can play every zep solo ever written". If you know the few box patterns those guys used, and a few blues tricks like bends, hammer-ons, slides, etc. you can write your own zeppelin songs.

Okay, there's been a lot of contention on the site lately. Let's all calm our cranky asses down and take a deep breath...

I have to say I think I'm more in the same boat as Ironmaiden and estreet. Yeah, this kid's got some impressive chops, especially for his age. But I do find this video kinda sad because I agree that it does have that sortof parent-enforced-talent feel to it. Just look at the kid. He doesn't move, doesn't emote. Nothing. And at the end of the video he gives a look at the camera like "Was that good enough for you mom? Can I go now please?" I really doubt that at his age he discovered Zeppelin and had an epiphany. The poor kid doesn't seem to care at all, and would probably rather be playing with Tonkas right now. The parents should let him. Regardless of how he learned his skills or learned his songs I don't get the impression it was of his own free will. His skills seem to have been imposed upon him, and he can't be a rock prodigy if he has no interest in contributing those skills to the art form.

You see contention I see an open discourse. If we all agreed then there would be too much stagnation of musical growth, or at least it would be boring.

You see contention I see an open discourse. If we all agreed then there would be too much stagnation of musical growth, or at least it would be boring.

Nope. Fight

yeah maybe he's being pushed into it, or maybe like any kid his age, he's awkward as hell and nervous about being on camera. We don't know. We'll never know.

And I have to say Iron Maiden reread your post about "I looked over and his whole family was standing around him in awe and they saw me looking at him. I just shook my head 'no' and walked away." A freakin' 13 old was playing eruption. I heard eruption when it first came out and thought "Oh Shit! I might as well hang it up!" You admit yourself you were impressed, and here a 13 yr old pulls it off and you felt the need to make his family feel bad. Man... I hope you don't plan on being a rockstar or anything else that requires equal parts talent and good fortune, cuz that Karma is gonna take a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time to work out. You may have the talent, but the good fortune could be hard to come by. I may sound like a hippy but what comes around, goes around baby.

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