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Permalink Spaceman Orion Analog Spring Reverb pedal

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Didn't see a thread on this yet. Not sure this would replace any of our tanks. But it's an interesting pedal. I'm skeptical that a short 2-spring setup could produce a nice drip and you don't hear any in the NAMM video.


I will have two of these pedals in stock at Ferndale Music Company shortly. All of the Spaceman pedals have been way beyond my expectation! I also have a Voyager I and a couple of Spacerockets as well. Contact me if you are interested!

I'll second that. Spaceman effects produce really unique and good sounding pedals. I have the Saturn V Booster.

The Hicadoolas

SanchoPansen wrote:

I'll second that. Spaceman effects produce really unique and good sounding pedals. I have the Saturn V Booster.

I also have the Saturn V (at the recomendation of Starcrunch. He uses it too!). Hell of a pedal!

I'd be down to try one of these as a tank backup. I'd like to hear Paul's review on one when he gets them in stock.

I will as soon as they arrive! I also have the Saturn V... and the Voyager I... both are extremely bitchin'!

Such a cool company...

Here's another video of the Spaceman Orion and the Voyager 1.

Ignore the utterly moronic interviewer.

The Orion can be heard at 2:44. He starts with something surfy. It sounds pretty freaking good. It sounds very tank-ish. But he didn't do any low notes or mutes, so cant really tell if it drips right.

That trem sounds cool too, but seems too complicated for my taste. Keep it simple, imo.

I like Spaceman, but the Orion is over $400. Pretty steep for a tank backup (especially since you can get a reissue for cheaper than that if you watch ebay long enough). But IF (that's a big IF!) it can drip properly, then it would be worth the price easily. But that's just my opinion.

I wish Guitar Center had one so I could go try it.

edit: Edited for clarity.

Last edited: Oct 22, 2015 15:17:56

So, any updates on that pedal?
Does it drip like a real tank?

Surf Rock from the Northern Greece seas

Here's another demo video of the pedal. The guy doesn't exactly get surfy, but the pipeline rhythm gets played a lot. You can hear really good reverb trails and twangs on some of what he plays, especially in the latter half of the demo.

Until I hear some Dick Dale style playing on one of these demos, I will remain skeptical. But the demos so far sound pretty promising. Could this be the pedal to break the curse of bad reverb pedals?!?!?!

The major downside is the price. $450 for a reverb pedal is pretty ridiculous. Might as well get a used reissue tank for that price.

But one thing about Spaceman pedals is that so far many of them actually appreciate in value. They do such limited runs, and they are of incredible quality, that they actually go up in price often times. For instance, I got my Saturn V for $200. They now sell on ebay (weeks can go by without seeing one) for over $400. Sometimes over $500. Will the Orion be a pedal that sells out its production run and becomes a collectors item? Hard to say, but several other Spaceman pedals have reached that level (some of their original limited run fuzz pedals are being sold for over a thousand bucks!). So, ultimately, it's a gamble as far as long term value goes.

If money grew on trees, I'd grab one of these in a heartbeat. I'd love to hear how the Spaceman V driving the Orion sounds.

Last edited: Jan 15, 2016 10:45:34

That little box appears (from the video posted above) to slip rather easily into distortion. I believe the Dwell was a touch above 50% when it started to get noticeably gritty.

I have one and it does not drip the way a tank does, confirmed.

I have used 2 magnets to adjust the spring decay, and was able to get more drip from it that way, but still not the sound of a tank. YMMV.

Also, it works great in my FX loop and in front. YMMV

choice_of_meat wrote:

I have one and it does not drip the way a tank does, confirmed.

I have used 2 magnets to adjust the spring decay, and was able to get more drip from it that way, but still not the sound of a tank. YMMV.

Thanks for that info. That's really interesting that magnets altered/improved it noticeably. If you don't mind my asking, what kind of magnets did you use and where did you place them?

I was hoping this pedal could be used as a good/authentic tank backup in a pinch. I'd bet it sounds better than an FRV-1, but that isn't saying much. And for $350-$450, I'd want it to do a lot more than sound better than a bad pedal.

Anyone else have any hands-on experience with this pedal?

I had to try several different magnets put direct on the internal tank with tape.

I really felt the dwell was overwhelmingly long with no great drip. I think I have 2 semi-strong small magnets right now opposite of each other on the tank to suppress the dwell. And it did help with the drip, but it's still off the mark, but closer.

I borrowed this idea from someone who posted a long time ago about doing this to his Peavey Valverb (which I used to own until it's power transformer blew up on me). I never actually did it before now, on this pedal, and I was just kinda tinkering with no idea if it would work. I was going to actually ask if anyone else has done this in a separate thread, but I just chose to post it here.

Otherwise I think the pedal sounds great, but It's not the drip long tank sound. It's a spring reverb sound though, for sure way better than the digital pedals I've tried. I've also had a Van amps, Valveverb, few pedals (not the latest crop though)and lots of onboard reverbs. I'd put it equal to a good onboard reverb. I still lust for a real tank though, and as that's the sound I really want, I'm going to replace this one. It sure is convenient to have it on my small pedalboard though! I used to hate having to plug in the valveverb; just one more thing to plug in!

Last edited: Sep 02, 2016 13:35:40

I felt the exact same way regarding the Dwell...

I think the pedal sounds nice, but not $450 nice. It sounds good for warming up my tone and not much else.

I got a Uverbia a while ago and it has a lot more range, more control, longer springs, better control of decay for subtler stuff...and more drive if you want it. It does not have a tone knob, but kinda replaces that with the snap switch.

Prices range from $270 - $300 on that pedal depending on build options.

It doesn't get really drippy either, but if I were to choose between this and it, I'd go with the Uverbia hands down.

Tri Pedal Reviews

I did a shoot out of the Orion, Uverbia, and Spring King

I did manage to get SOME drip out of the Orion, which I was surprised about.

Tri Pedal Reviews

bring out your magnets, folks!

Figured I'd add my two cents after putting this pedal through its paces--

This thing is PLENTY deep for surf. Overkill, even. I play in a surf band, we cover surf standards. It also drips very nicely, in my experience! Approaching outboard tank level. To give you an idea, drip was better than on a twin reverb reissue (tube driven spring). The fact that it's a compact, beautifully designed, rugged, gig ready package seals the deal, for me. Wouldn't hesitate to recommend it, even for the price.

I'll try to post some demos to prove it!

Last edited: Jan 22, 2017 22:58:16

Not to diminish the quality of this pedal but hasn't the Surfy Bear pretty much mopped up the issue of drippy reverb for cheap?

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