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Permalink Help need for a name…..

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…. form my chopper! I'm building a custom chopper and I'm scratching around for a name for it. I'd like it to be surf music based, so if you have any suggestions, post 'em!

Here's what I've considered and dismissed:
Mr Moto
Dead Mans Curve (Actually this is not 100% dismissed!)
St Kahuna

I'm considering Chopacubra after the Messer Chups track, but….

Paging Noel, Boss Fink & The Eliminators.

In fact Boss Fink's RPM album has quite a few possible names.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.


What engine? What color? give me something to work with...

With or without 'the' -
The Defector
The Crusher
emmm, Theme From Endless Summer Dead Thread

Last edited: Jan 12, 2016 01:57:37

Some background: It's a Lambretta chopper. It started out looking like this:

And I'm aiming for something like this:
Except with a smaller, single seat. It'll probably be matt black with a red Harley Sportster tank to start with. It'll have a 200cc Stage 4 tuned engine, which should be good for 80mph. Fast enough for me!

Other names I've considered are Agent Orange, Moondawg, even Misirlou is a contender.
I think I'd prefer a name rather than a 'concept'. Endless Summer would be apt, but I want a name, really.

Last edited: Jan 12, 2016 04:26:56

Ahhhh,... I thought you ment a helicopter...

But being an Italian bike, you could name it after a spaghetti western tune. Like the Good, or the Bad, or even the Ugly. Or in Italian: Buono, Brutto or Cattivo.

Davie Allan & the Arrows: "The Toxic Terror"
Various bands: "Experiment in Terror"

Haha! very funny!

I know a name: Hula Roach

Or: Triumphator Electric!

Or: Black Phantom Twang

...old Kilaueas song titles...

Twang cheers!

Ralf Kilauea

Nice project! now to decide if male/female, ironic/cute...

Taco-Wagon, the Squirrel, Watusi-Jo, Mr.Eliminator, Tribal-Thunder, Bandito... just about any other Dick Dale title...
Something with Nitro or Boogie in it

Last edited: Jan 12, 2016 07:19:01

La Bestia Nero-Rosso

Keeping it surf music could always just refer to it as a "Pan-head".

If you want the ultimate,you gotta be willing to pay the ultimate price.


Last edited: Jan 12, 2016 08:17:27

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