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Well, this landlubber is officially not a hodad!

Went to Daytona Beach for our shutdown/Christmas break. We stayed 11 days- most at my wife's aunt's in Ormond Beach, but Christmas Eve/Day we stayed at the Shores Resort. The day before Christmas Eve, my oldest son and I went to the Ron Jon Surf School in Cocoa Beach to learn the basics. Larry and Mike were great, taught us enough to be dangerous then cut us loose. They looked for waves to suit our abilities and helped with great advice. Can't recommend them enough if you want to learn! My son took to it naturally- he was shredding pretty good after about 10 minutes. Me, I have to work on pop ups, but I rode that longboard great on my stomach!

Christmas Eve, we hit Daytona Board Store, and Kimo hooked my son and I up with a killer rental deal for the holiday. I got a 10' board with a gopro mount and my son got an 8 footer. Unfortunately, we left the Gopro at the other house, so no footage.

Surfed all day Christmas (in between Margarita breaks, of course) and hit maybe 3 waves all day where I could stand. No matter, the stoke was incredible. Even after getting hit by a jellyfish. LOL. My son did well, but he decided he liked a 8' instead of the 7' he was riding, and I think I liked the 9' I rode at Ron Jon compared to the 10' I rented.

I can't believe I waited 40 years to try it. I'm hooked. Thank God I live in Michigan and we get waves on the Great Lakes... It'll carry me until the next time we are in Florida.




I hate pebbles.

What a cool time! I long to get back up on a wave again!

The Kahuna Kings

Awesome. Everyone should check something off their bucket list from time to time.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

I took a "lesson" once..........

My instructor pretty much said:

  1. "Don't drag your board in the sand.....It's bad Karma." (I thought, "but damn, it weighs a ton, and it's long way to the water.")

  2. "When you head out, carry the board off to one side so it doesn't smack you in the face." (Well that made good sense)

  3. "See those guys surfing out there.......?" "Don't go there!" (Didn't take me long to figure out why that was.)

  4. "Now, I am heading down the beach where there is less activity, see ya later."

I am still wondering why is that when I wipe out, and most of my surfing has been a series of continuous wipe outs, that my mouth hits the water first, wide open, slurping up the foaming brine. There is only so much salt water that any one person absorb........

On a lighter and more positive note though, I have lucked into a few good rides, and those few have wetted my appetite (pun is intended) for more, and to keep at it.

Hardest damn thing I've ever tried to do.

Oh, and I really did appreciate the pointers, No kidding.


Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

Also, after you wipe out and you're under, lock your hands behind your head to protect your head from your board which is most likely headed right for it.
That pointer saved me a few times.

Atomic Mosquitos
Bug music for bug people is here!
Killers from Space

Without a doubt it is the most physically addictive thing I've ever done. Once you ride your first time there is nothing to replace the sensation. I've snow skied my whole life and it's not even to close to the same thrill.

The Kahuna Kings

eddiekatcher wrote:

I am still wondering why is that when I wipe out, and most of my surfing has been a series of continuous wipe outs, that my mouth hits the water first, wide open, slurping up the foaming brine.

Appetizer to make way for the sand & rocks... Uh-Oh

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Skeeter- that's a good tip to remember. I did get bonked a couple times by my board. They taught us to fall backwards(if possible) and cross our arms to avoid getting blasted by the board.

Eddie Katcher- I am a salt addict. But strangely, for a week or so, my French Fries don't seem to need it. Odd. LOL

Badger- I may have to hit my brother's house in Sheboygan next summer. I hear they get some decent waves for 'your' side of Lake Michigan. ;)

Stratdancer- I totally agree. Even though I've lived in Michigan pretty much my whole life, I hate cold weather. I'm going to try giving snowboarding a whirl (if we ever get snow!) this year now... haven't done that since I was a teenager.

We got Amazon gift cards for Christmas from my parents- I'm trying to convince my son to get a Goofboard so we can 'practice' at home until it warms up!

I hate pebbles.

Last edited: Jan 08, 2016 05:16:55

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