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Permalink Los Straitjackets on Conan O'Brien June 5th 2007

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Martha and I saw LSJ and Big Sandy in Lexington, KY a few years ago and Big Sandy was awesome in person. It was one of the best LSJ shows I've ever seen. Even got a chance to interview Danny Amis and Eddie Angel for a professional videographer who was there to film the show. I do enjoy it when they mix it up and it does keep their shows interesting. They are playing in Atlanta on June 16th but I won't be able to attend it due to doctor's travel restriction. I just know they will have a great show down there!!

Ron (ToneBoy)
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I watched the recording this morning. I can't say I disliked it, but I think a better song selection would have done more for the energy of the performance. To me it was more like a blues act with wrestling mask.

I won't bag on the harmonies. Although it was a little off, with TV, it is one shot and one shot only. Not enough time to really get into a groove.

It looks like they could have some energetic shows with Big Sandy. Just the song for Conan's show was just too tame for my taste.


Ok I just went and watched my DVrR recording of it. (Brian time to step into the 21st century(aka whats a VCR?)).
I actually thought the Back up vocals were ok, but sounded like Big Sandy was a bit off, Not in pitch but not on it like he usually is.
I wonder if he was Nervous. I have seen him a number of times at different venues, and he's always a great entertainer, and stage performer.
But I could hear a quiver in his voice that sounded like nervousness to me.

I thought the song was just so so, and the guitar (especially the lead) was down to low in the mix.

I understand that they want to expand their audience, and dont want to get bored, but is it worth loosing their old fans? Maybe for them it is.



Nice to see them getting time on national television, but I really preferred the days when it was just the four guys and their instruments playing in small clubs for an $8 cover charge

Well they still play in small clubs for small cover charges. Conan just happens to like them and they have made many appearances on his show going back 10 years or more.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I have a recording of their first appearance on Conan, I think it was '96?

They were also on with Big Sandy several years ago doing "Chica Alborotada", that was a strong performance!

I didn't see the one last night though.

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Thumbs Down terrible, i was not impressed at all and i know this will get me in trouble again but they were f------ awful. whats with the mexican guys trying to act black??? my wife watched the tape and said pretty much the same thing. by the way i don't care for the twist party cd or kaiser george. and the pontanni sisters looked kinda henky---not that pretty if you ask me. just not my trip. lsj should stick to intrumentals and i'm not planning on buying anymore of the vocal c---. sorry, Thumbs Down i have guilt!! I'm not ever going to dis LSJ........they're one of the best instrumental bands i have ever heard....i just had high expectations having not seen them before....and i watch Conan and Leno and Letterman almost every night and don't know how i missed them before but.....! I bought the "Sing Along With...LSJ" CD and i didn't like that either. Brian...i still have a vcr so i know what that is!! i use it now to make DVD's of my old movies and stuff....hey i even have a few hundred cassettes too! Very Happy For the record....i'll buy the next LSJ CD no matter what it turns out to be.

The TakeOffs
"Kauai's Only All-Instrumental Surf Band"

In my view, LSJ are ok but I think Slacktone & Madiera are better to name a few bands. They are both far more exciting than LSJ. I dont get why we dont see them on TV. I watched the LSJ performance on Conan. It was not even in the same league as Slacktome or Madiera.

Slightly off-topic: How did LSJ get so popular? I don't mean it sarcastically as in how did these guys get popular, rather what did they do to catch the spotlight? I've only got one album and don't know their story that well, but I've gathered that they've acquired a pretty substantial following. What did they do right while other deserving surf bands (Slacktone, Madeira, etc) are left behind?

can't watch conan but there's always YouTube!!

not bad...

Slightly off-topic: How did LSJ get so popular? What did they do right while other deserving surf bands (Slacktone, Madeira, etc) are left behind?

Ben, here's the 'recipe':

  1. tour, tour, tour, then tour some more
  2. fun (and funny) gimmick (Mexican wrestling masks, rapid-fire Spanish, Eddie's guitar tricks)
  3. many good, positive, happy songs easily ACCESSIBLE to the public (just like the 1st wave classics)
  4. almost all songs very danceable
  5. more touring - for LS, it's been almost 15 years of constant touring

I'm not gonna compare that to Slacktone, but the Madeira fails on all five counts. But that's OK. I know the recipe for "success", I just don't want to follow it. I already make a very good living, so I want to be in a band that makes music without worrying about how widely it will appeal or how danceable it is. And the touring life is very, very difficult. My hat's off to anyone doing it for a living, cause I sure wouldn't want to. Heck, it's actually quite amazing that Los Straits could make a living playing this kind of music for the last 15 years, even following the 'recipe.'

Well, I for one am very glad they're around and that they've been at it for a very long time. I keep running into people that got into surf/instro because of them and for whom they are the greatest influence. God bless 'em for it!


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Was it mentioned that LS tours a lot? Smile

One of the many times I have seen them they played in Iowa City, Iowa. The next night they were playing in Lincoln, Nebraska. The night after that they were playing either Champaign, Illinois or Indianapolis (my memory fails me). Anyway, get out your atlas and do the math.

I have a huge amount of respect for them musically and professionally.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

wooza, have you seen them live? When and if you do, you'll know the answer to your question. Smile

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea


Slightly off-topic: How did LSJ get so popular? What did they do right while other deserving surf bands (Slacktone, Madeira, etc) are left behind?

Ben, here's the 'recipe':

  1. tour, tour, tour, then tour some more
  2. fun (and funny) gimmick (Mexican wrestling masks, rapid-fire Spanish, Eddie's guitar tricks)
  3. many good, positive, happy songs easily ACCESSIBLE to the public (just like the 1st wave classics)
  4. almost all songs very danceable
  5. more touring - for LS, it's been almost 15 years of constant touring

I'm not gonna compare that to Slacktone, but the Madeira fails on all five counts. But that's OK. I know the recipe for "success", I just don't want to follow it. I already make a very good living, so I want to be in a band that makes music without worrying about how widely it will appeal or how danceable it is. And the touring life is very, very difficult. My hat's off to anyone doing it for a living, cause I sure wouldn't want to. Heck, it's actually quite amazing that Los Straits could make a living playing this kind of music for the last 15 years, even following the 'recipe.'

Well, I for one am very glad they're around and that they've been at it for a very long time. I keep running into people that got into surf/instro because of them and for whom they are the greatest influence. God bless 'em for it!


They also appeal to the the rockabilly, swing, or psychobilly crowd(whatever they prefer to be called that year). Along with the guitar geek crowd.

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

A. i love los straitjackets
B. i think big sandy has a great voice and adds a lot of energy to the live
shows when done in moderation. i personally prefer to see 95%
instrumentals, but a few vocals here and there are nice (love it when they
do 'california sun')
C. i watched the youtube of the conan performance and i think it should have
been billed as' special guest big sandy' with some masked guys playing
D. just my opinion

I don't know, sounded pretty good to me. I'll pick up the new CD.

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Yeah it was alright. Im not gonna judge/trash/extoll a band based on 1 song.
Ill give Conan props for booking bands like LS.

I might have enjoyed it more if he sang in English. If I wanted the spanish language version, I would have watched Telemundo.

Now this I would have dug...

I dug it! but I don't know about big sandy singing in espanol (in my opinion). His spanish sounded a little angloized, How bout David Hildalgo from Los Lobos? Just a thought.


I love LSJ and Big Sandy. I wouldn't put last night's performance up as the quenticential example of their talents. But having said that I still enjoyed and think it's great they got the air time.

In my opinion, most TV performances are mixed poorly. BS's vocals were way too dry and I think the song was a bit low for his ideal register. While it's a fun song, certainly not a rocker if that's what you were looking for.

As for their popularity, Ivan nailed it. They write some great songs and tour like crazy.

They deserve all they can get.


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