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Permalink Lemmy R.I.P.

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Crying Crying Crying

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So sad to hear. In the early days of punk, Motorhead was the only metal band considered acceptable. Lemmy will live on forever with his music.

I made my kids stop what they were doing and rock out to ace of spades twice in his honor as soon as i heard the news. We all had huge smiles. I can't hear that song and not smile.
He'll be missed but his rock lives on.

His side project with Danny B Harvey- The Head Cat was stellar!

I don't see it as sad. I don't think he ever slept, so he really lived much more and harder than his chronological age.
Long live Lemmy!

My son sent me a text and said he was 70. That's like 110 in non-rock star years. His mole is eternal.

Da Vinci Flinglestein,
The quest for the Tone, the tone of the Quest

The Syndicate of Surf on YouTube

Lemmy turned 70 five days ago. I wonder if he died from shock!! Big Grin

I have to admit that I do feel extremely sad, but not for Lemmy - I feel sad for myself. The world without Lemmy will suck even more that it already does.

I really cannot find the words to convey what a huge part of my life Lemmy and Motorhead have been since I first got hooked on them around '82-'83, as a 13-year-old. So, here's hoping this picture speaks its thousand words - this is my Motorhead/Lemmy collection:


With expert guidance by Warren Binder AKA CaptainSpringfield on SG101, over the past 10 years or so I rediscovered my passion for Motorhead. (THANK YOU, WARREN!!!!) "Bad Magic," their final release, out in September, was as fine of a Motorhead album as any, including "Ace of Spades." (Yep, I said it!) They really went out on a high. But then, as Lemmy often said, Motorhead never recorded a bad album. And though I'm sure most of the people will focus on Lemmy's lifestyle in the days/weeks to come, I strongly believe that his greatest legacy is a musical one. I very much hope that as a result of this some more people give their post-'82 releases a shot. In particular I highly recommend: "1916" ('91), "Bastards" ('93), "We Are Motorhead" ('00) and "Inferno" ('04).

Long Live Lemmy, Long Live Motorhead!!!

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Last edited: Dec 28, 2015 23:34:43

Motorhead was a big part of my life and a huge influence.

I first saw them in 1981 opening for Ozzy at the old Palladium in NY.
Wow, what a gig!

This pic was taken in
1982 at L'amours in Queens NY:


Last edited: Dec 29, 2015 00:16:26

IvanP wrote:


Wow - that is a very impressive collection!! Any Hawkwind in there?

I saw Motorhead for the first time last year. Obviously he wasn't at his peak performance-wise (and strangely there was a lengthy drum solo near the start of the set!) but it was still an honor to see and experience Lemmy. RIP!

psychonaut wrote:

Motorhead was a big part of my life and a huge influence.

I first saw them in 1981 opening for Ozzy at the old Palladium in NY.
Wow, what a gig!

This pic was taken in
1982 at L'amours in Queens NY:


Victor, once again you win the cool contest!! Worship

Draygore wrote:

IvanP wrote:


Wow - that is a very impressive collection!! Any Hawkwind in there?

Actually, no. I don't know why. I know very little Hawkwind, but like what I've heard so I really should get something by them. I guess this is a good time to do that!

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Last edited: Dec 29, 2015 07:55:27

For Hawkwind, you should get "Space Ritual" and "Warrior on the Edge of Time" Both feature Lemmy playing some great bass lines

Lemmy's first band:

Last edited: Dec 29, 2015 08:01:22

Thanks, Victor, I'll do that!

BTW, for anybody that has any interest in learning more about the music of Motorhead, I cannot recommend this book highly enough:


Founder, sole constant member, vocalist, bassist, songwriter, and living legend Lemmy Kilmister has given author Jake Brown unprecedented behind-the-scenes access into the writing and recording of the band's 26 albums

Motörhead has always been a band whose reputation for the rock 'n' roll lifestyle precedes them, but along the way they have also accumulated an impressive, Grammy-winning catalog of classic songs—and for the first time their creation is explored via exclusive interviews in this authorized account of the band in the studio.

What I loved about this book is that it drives home how dedicated Lemmy was to MUSIC first and foremost. He worked very hard on his craft, both musicianship and songwriting, and took a great deal of pride in it. It's definitely not a perfect book, but I loved every page of it!

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I was catching up on news of Daevid Alan's death of earlier this year and his new album by Gong (I See You) when all of a sudden there's news that Lemmy has popped his clogs also! Gong/Hawkwind stem back from late 1960's Soft Machine of which Daevid Alan was co founder, it's quite a family tree of much intermingling.

Last edited: Dec 29, 2015 15:14:01

I am going to miss Lemmy (he wrote really good lyrics), he seemed to of lived the true rock n' roll lifestyle, not pretend he really did it. I going to put some Motorhead on to cheer myself up

'Surf Music Lasts Forever'

Very sorry to hear that..
Have a cold beer and listen to this video loud!

In memory of Lemmy, I suggest we observe a minute of tinnitus.

Old punks never die... They just become surf rockers.

I would rank the ACE OF SPADES album one of the great Rock & Roll albums of all time! You heard right! I always felt Motorhead bridged the gap between Metal and Punk. Fast, raw and aggressive with lots of tasty guitar work that's in your face but not self-indulgent. Lemmy, Fast Eddie and Philthy Phil are such cool mothers. They look cool and sound cool. Nothing else sounds like those three.

Bach in 1993 while working on THE RAMONES video for "Substitute " I shot this pic of Lemmy's guest bit in the video Yep, Lemmy fronting the Ramones! Hoping he's jamming with Joey, Johnny, and Dee Dee right now! RIP Lemmy


BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

Ah ...Motorhead ....I am somewhat of a super fan , I think I have every studio album and a few live ones ( I did skip a few of the later live albums) ,many videos ,books ,shirts ,jackets ,patches ,pins....I just loved them ,every version /lineup .
I found Motorhead to be amazingly consistent as far as quality ...a very large amount of killer with little filler ...and even the worst albums ( Snake Bite Love , March Or Die ) had some stellar songs .
Most casual fans will tell ya how great Ace Of Spades is but every song on that album is as good as the title song and there are many albums as good as that one .
For me its interesting how their sound changed album to album ,how the writing got better and better as the years went on,how they could find endless variations on the same basic sound ...that's the trick which makes bands like Motorhead, Ramones, AC/DC , Sabbath etc true classics...working within their own boundaries ( and playing to their strengths )rather than trying to escape them just for the sake of art.

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