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Permalink Surf Guitar 101 Pets!!!! Lemme see em!

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stratdancer wrote:

"Dad's testing his new pure vintage 65 pickups during my naptime.....what a dick"

Humans are SO obnoxious!

Haha! I'm digging these posts! Frankie had an attitude when he knew you were taking a picture....he loved giving the stinkeye. Dracula on the right......he hates cameras all together,if we make him pose,he gets pissed off and we end up with a picture just like this haha! They wouldn't harm a fly,but they'd kill every camera if given the chance ha!

If you want the ultimate,you gotta be willing to pay the ultimate price.


CrazyAces wrote:

stratdancer wrote:

"Dad's testing his new pure vintage 65 pickups during my
naptime.....what a dick"

Humans are SO obnoxious!

"I hate that echo'y sound and the stupid whammmy bends"

The Kahuna Kings

stratdancer wrote:

CrazyAces wrote:

stratdancer wrote:

"Dad's testing his new pure vintage 65 pickups during my
naptime.....what a dick"

Humans are SO obnoxious!

"I hate that echo'y sound and the stupid whammmy bends"

"Too much high end, Too much high end!"

"I know you humans are deaf but come on already!"

"for the love of God already, if he plays that stupid riff one more time I'm taking a dump right here in the living room". "that will teach him".

The Kahuna Kings

CrazyAces wrote:

Ha Ha, don't get too carried away Jake.
My dogs were and are much cooler than me!

That's not true at all. I've met your dog, and she is certainly fantastic... but this is not a true statement. Smile


Alice, the Ball Python; and


Blizzard, the Snow Cornsnake.


"You're done, once you're a surfer you're done. You're in. It's like the mob or something. You're not getting out." - Kelly Slater

The Luau Cinders

I've got Big Dogs.

halibutrick wrote:

I've got Big Dogs.

Tails like billy clubs! Gotta cover your goods when a great Dane walks by haha! My uncle has one who will put you in the dirt if you ain't paying attention haha!

If you want the ultimate,you gotta be willing to pay the ultimate price.


Dizzy Lizzy

"Hello Girls!"


Squink Out!

Great thread - they're all rad

These are my boys - Orson Welles in the bed and Gordie Meow (for the hockey legend) pissed off about it. They're not related, but only a month apart in age. In the backround a tribute portrait of a previous rad cat.

They're pretty indifferent to surf, no doubt because it's not all about them.



From past me to future you

My little buddy Smoocher would always help me out when I practiced.

Last edited: Dec 18, 2015 21:44:17


... the ratvurst ...

Those of you familiar with my music should recognize the name of my old pup Ripley. Here's a shot of him in action back when his legs were doing what they were supposed to do...

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Our cat Sahara on my Twin Reverb Dual 15

"Hello Girls!"

Last edited: Dec 19, 2015 23:49:23

Chloe (klo-klo) lying in the surf:


she was a rescue from a hoarder that had passed, and she rescued young rebeccatheripper from being afraid of dogs after an incident.
Definitely not a dog I'd ever have chosen, but she's made herself quite at home.

Last edited: Dec 20, 2015 13:26:50

Chumbly and Bumbly. Bumbly has passed and has been replaced by Bumbino not pictured.


Da Vinci Flinglestein,
The quest for the Tone, the tone of the Quest

The Syndicate of Surf on YouTube

Not my pet but she liked to hang out with me. So feisty only a handful of people could touch her. She had some peculiar habits like tapping my foot three times when letting her out the door and hiding in various locations ready to pounce on me like Kato in the Pink Panther. She died a few weeks ago from a heart condition - really miss having Fearne around.

TS Eliot wrote something to the effect of this:
Cats have three names.
The one the owner gave it.
The one the other cats call it.
And a secret name only known to the cat itself.


Last edited: Dec 21, 2015 12:44:37

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