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I also use Levy straps. They are fully adjustable.


Canadian Surf

You forgot, "extends the length of the strap button on which the strap sits on the outer end which increases stress on that tiny screw that is never really firmly secure enough on your body for how much weight it will bear"

Badger wrote:

Strap Locks: $$ - make you put a proprietary matching button into your guitar that is not of the dimension of standard strap buttons; if you sit down to work something out & don't have tension on the strap they fit their own button so poorly that they make little rattles that make you think something is going wrong with a string or bridge or a fret burr or... Some possibility also exists you'll forget those proprietary buttons are on there if you sell/trade the guitar. Your new guitar now needs a set of those buttons unless you chase new owner down to retrieve your buttons.
Washers: .1$; self-damping. Availability from inside 'boutique' Euro-style beer bottles or the local hardware store grommet drawer/bin. Black available if being under the radar is important (despite wildly colored guitar & wardrobe).

lying on bed without strap does it count ?

Only to ten.

The Reverbivores - we're local favorites!

remora1 wrote:

I've been using Kepur straps for a few years, I'm kinda bummed to find out they're gone - another great product discontinued: kepur guitar straps

Apparently not gone. Here is a comment below the article you linked.

"He guys, the Këpur Straps product is alive and well. We did change manufacturing but they are still made in USA.

thank you for the killer review of the strap.

you can get them here:
Musicians Friend

Këpur Straps
here is the facebook page

Thanks, Chris"

THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.

killbabykill34 wrote:

remora1 wrote:

I've been using Kepur straps for a few years, I'm kinda bummed to find out they're gone - another great product discontinued: kepur guitar straps

Apparently not gone. Here is a comment below the article you linked.

"He guys, the Këpur Straps product is alive and well. We did change manufacturing but they are still made in USA.

thank you for the killer review of the strap.

you can get them here:
Musicians Friend

Këpur Straps
here is the facebook page

Thanks, Chris"

Yeah, I checked the links - the comment was from 2011 and it looks like they're gone for good now. Nothing new on their FB page since 2013 Sigh

Bill S._______

HELLDIVER on Facebook

Last edited: Dec 17, 2015 12:53:15

I'm with faucet washers. Indeed is the best.

Anyone still regularly using the classic Fender leather strap, the thin black one that comes with every guitar?
I'm usually partial to wider straps, but with my new Jaguar I found it comfortable and non-intrusive. It looks cool, and humble... Just needed to secure that pin at the other end of the buckle Rolling Eyes .

There is no need to do any drilling or modifications to your guitar. Earlier this year I bought a "Lock-it" leather guitar strap and haven't looked back since. Seriously, the strap has built in locks so strong the guy in the video was doing pull ups with it. I urge you to at least check it out. No, I don't work for them or anything, just a satisfied customer. - A tribute to Dick Dale. New Singles "Finish Line" and "Paradiso" on Bandcamp and website.

DreadInBabylon wrote:

Anyone still regularly using the classic Fender leather strap, the thin black one that comes with every guitar?

Actually, yes - one was in the AV Strat's case. I like it just fine. During the winter when I have thicker clothing on I keep a somewhat cloth-like strap 'cause it's an easier on/off, but during other times of the year I like it just fine. Yep, understated and works.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

I wear mine kind of low for Surf/Instro/Aces music.
I need that extra physical "attitude" thing and actually find it comfortable for my right arm.
For pop or other styles, slide, I usually wear it a bit higher than my Surf height.
Grolsch style strap locks for me thanks, if any at all.


I really don't have problems with mine sliding off. Well, I haven't since I bought a decent leather strap a few years ago. And I rarely remove it, even when placing in the case.

Ideally, I wish all companies put something on akin to what Gretsch uses.

THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.

killbabykill34 wrote:

"Ideally, I wish all companies put something on akin to what Gretsch uses."

I agree.
When we were designing our new model guitar we searched out a strap button that is safer than most but still simple.

Like yourself I usually dedicate a strap to the instrument and rarely take that strap off. That way there is less fatigue on the slotted area of the strap and less chance for it to slip off.


I wish Gretsch would fix their strap locks.

I too am part of the strap x guitar relationship that never comes off.

JakeDobner wrote:

I too am part of the strap x guitar relationship that never comes off.


SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.


Last edited: Dec 18, 2015 03:07:29

I'm kind of excited entire time of playing guitar since I was 14 iv used cheapo $5 guitar straps,when I finally pull the trigger in getting a new strap I'm gonna get one of them fancy 30 dollar levy straps some of you guys mentioned. Iv been lookin em up on amazon and they look promising,I can only imagine how much more comfortable something like that will be compared to what I normally use.

If you want the ultimate,you gotta be willing to pay the ultimate price.


Ha! You don't want to know how much I've spent on my straps.


Last edited: Dec 18, 2015 03:08:03

JakeDobner wrote:

Ha! You don't want to know how much I've spent on my straps.

If I'd spent a more on my guitar equipment than I did my guns and stuff I'd be set haha! However iv just recently got more serious about playing better and I'm slowly building up my gear,it'll take some time but it'll be worth it!

If you want the ultimate,you gotta be willing to pay the ultimate price.


Not even kidding,I'm 28 now and started playing when I was 14,iv had 4 guitars and only 3 cheap straps. I still have 2 of them and both of which fail to hold my guitar securely! It's definitely due time for a new one. Goes to show how hard I was really into playing,always loved jamming every now and then,just never got as serious as I am now. Wish I woulda got serious a long time ago,cause I'd be way ahead of my game right now!

If you want the ultimate,you gotta be willing to pay the ultimate price.


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