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Permalink The Madeira's Sandstorm turns 10

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Well, I totally missed the Tsar Wars hullabaloo, despite Jake's efforts to include me. Mainly because I've been unusually busy with work and making the new Tmen album. In any event...

JakeDobner wrote:

Sandstorm turns 10 this year as well!

Now, this is an important milestone for me. I remember when Sandstorm came out. At that time, I think I had only a few Space Cossacks songs on some comps, they really weren't in my radar yet. But I was just getting into my reverb addiction and SG101 addiction when Sandstorm was released.

For me, that album set the bar high for what I hoped to accomplish as a surf musician. At that time, I was still trying to figure out my own direction as a songwriter in this genre. I knew I was really attracted to aggressive songs, harkening back to my punk rock days. At the same time I knew I had a good sense of melody, and an indifference for simplistic song structures. I was starting to find the bands that really got me excited about this music. Satan's Pilgrims, The Nebulas, Slacktone, and the Mermen to name 4. These 4 bands stood out as having successfully carved out a unique sound, instantly recognizable once initiated. They actually thought about the music they made in a deeper, conceptual way than the average instro band (though there are others to be sure). In my mind they were bringing art to their music.

I know that's not for everyone, a lot of us surf fans prefer the joyful simplicity of first wave or trad sounding bands. Nothing wrong with that. In fact what I discovered was so cool about our genre, is that both these approaches can co-exist. And most of the time in a genial, inclusive manner Smile

So right when I was really starting to pay attention to the modern bands I found to be pushing the envelope, along comes this brand new CD - Sandstorm. Now I knew Ivan a bit from the Yahoo forum, and he posted a few teasers which definitely pricked my interest. But, when I finally wrapped my ears around this album -WOW! It hit all the marks. Here's the review I wrote at the time:

Hi All,
I just finished listening to the Madeira's brand new CD Sandstorm. I
urge all of you who haven't already bought this CD to do so.
We musicians have in common an extra sensitivity to music that really
speaks to our souls or is true art. For me, my indicator is when I
feel the little hairs on my neck stick up. I felt that when I first
heard The Mermen, when I heard Slacktone, and now - The Madeira.
There's a density to this music, there's lots going on, enough to amply
reward repeated listening. This isn't music to listen to driving your
car or surfing the net. You need to sit down in your most comfortable
chair, dim the lights maybe, and let these guys take you on an amazing
journey. Sandstorm is right, it's like I'm on a flying carpet propelled
by the whirling dervishes of this music.
I may not reach the levels of musicianship of these guys, nor craft
such inventive, dramatic music. But after listening to this CD, I'm
certainly inspired to try, and to emulate not the music itself, but the
care these musicians took to fully explore their musical ideas. They
may not get rich making this music, or even get to share this with a
wide audience, but this CD stands as an artistic achievement and they
should be proud.
Danny Snyder

Of course credit must be given to the entire band. The songs written by Patrick were no less amazing, and his guitar skills still inspire awe when I encounter them. The entire rhythm section is an inspiration, and are to be included in a very select group of bands. We are so fortunate that they have stayed together and continued to provide us with the very best that modern surf music has to offer.

Ivan, being the very accessible guy that he is, reached out to me after reading my review and asked if he could post it elsewhere. That was really the spark that started our great friendship. At first as mentor/neophyte, quickly evolving into to one of kinship and mutual admiration and now, collaboration.

After absorbing this album, I realized I wanted this too, and started working on what would become the TomorrowMen. I did just what I said in my 2006 review. Not to emulate their sound, but to emulate the care they took to explore their musical ideas. I hope more musicians and bands get inspired by The Madeira, we will all be better off for it.

To the Madeira - Cheers

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Last edited: Mar 27, 2015 21:40:27

i can't believe it's been 10 years

The Madeira albums are just insane, each and every album is just new undiscovered country. I fondly remember Sandstorm, I think I had an early mix of the album as Ivan has sent me a care package as I was trying to stay occupied during treatment. Well, it worked. The pleasure of hearing a songwriter/band you truly enjoy for the first time is a treat and this was no exception.

Sandstorm is bigger and more ambitious than Tsar Wars, it is what Dick Dale's albums should have been. Aggressive, flowing, and BIG!

I'm not sure where Ivan finds these wonderful people to be in bands with.

yup! What he said! ^^^^^^

  • this is in no way covering up the fact that I posted something in the wrong thread.........

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

Last edited: Mar 27, 2015 23:07:31

Well, wow, this is simply an embarrassment of honors and tributes the last couple of days! Once again I'm deeply touched by Danny's and Jake's comments, and extremely grateful that Sandstorm had such a profound influence on Danny, leading him to form the amazing TomorrowMen and giving all of us such amazing music in return! (And folks, having been fortunate to get a sneak-peak of the upcoming material, y'all just wait till you hear it - you will be blown away!) I've gotten to spend quite a bit of time with Danny in the past several years, we've corresponded a great deal, discussing personal and less personal matters in much detail, we played in the Atlantics tribute together last year, and we collaborated on a song for the upcoming Madeira album. My respect for him both as a person and a musician knows no bounds. I'm proud to call him a friend. And I only wish I had a chance to spend nearly as much time with Jake - but at least we did meet once in Seattle , in '08, and that was a truly wonderful occasion! (Jake, STOP being a bum and get your ass down to the Convention already - really, WTF?? It's way past time that you be there! I'm sure I'm not the only one in the surf music world that wants so to see you and spend time with you!)

All these posts are making me think that I should probably just pack it in and call it a day - I've accomplished far more than I've ever hoped for, so maybe I should get out while I'm still ahead! Very Happy Well, maybe not quite yet - there's the new Madeira album to release and promote, and then there IS that Surfer Joe and Spain thingy with John Blair, Jonpaul Balak, and Dane... Damn, how lucky can one guy get?? It's freakin' ridiculous....

THANK YOU ALL, in particular, Danny and Jake!!! You've made my day - heck, you've made my month!!!!

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

And Don't forget the Jim Messina Tribute
At SG101 In Aug. Wink

sandstorm is an amazing cd.
Truely Breathtaking at moments.
It's been awhile, I need to break that out again.


There are very few surf records I'd put in front of Sandstorm. It's just got so much FORCE to it and creates such a real space. One of my favorite opening tracks of any album whatsoever.

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

Listening to the Sandstorm paints more than pictures in my mind it paints full on stories! Usually stories involving riding a camel and being chased by 40-some thieves.

Intro: Riding camel
00:36 - Chase
00:57 - Haha, outrunning the thieves. There horses could not withstand the sandstorm
01:15 - Uh oh, a trap ahead
01:26 - Gratuitous fight scene

Oh yeah, and learning one of the exotic scale pull-off licks in Sandstorms was a hell of an eye opener for how to use exotic scales musically in surf.

The Obsidians! (Ottawa surf)
The Obsidians debut EP

Thank you very much, Jeff and Hunter, I REALLY appreciate your compliments. (And yes, Jeff, how could I forget the Jesters' tribute?? Another highlight of the summer!)

el_camello wrote:

Listening to the Sandstorm paints more than pictures in my mind it paints full on stories! Usually stories involving riding a camel and being chased by 40-some thieves.

Intro: Riding camel
00:36 - Chase
00:57 - Haha, outrunning the thieves. There horses could not withstand the sandstorm
01:15 - Uh oh, a trap ahead
01:26 - Gratuitous fight scene

LMAO "Gratuitous fight scene" Awesome.

Oh yeah, and learning one of the exotic scale pull-off licks in Sandstorms was a hell of an eye opener for how to use exotic scales musically in surf.

Very Happy Thank you, el camello. It made me really glad to read that. Thumbs Up

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

All I can say about Sandstorm is that its creativity, beauty, intensity, emotion, and power knocked my socks off the first time I heard it, and still do. Fabulous, fantastic album!

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

If someone ever does a search on the term "body of work" both of these threads should pop to the top of the list.

No other words, just listening.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Last edited: Dec 13, 2015 11:01:26

So, today is actually the day - the 10th anniversary of the release of our debut album "Sandstorm"! It all started with this. Thanks to all of you for all of your support over the past 10 years, we greatly appreciate it!!


Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Oh, alright. Enough Christmas carols for awhile since you twist my arm...

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Big congratulations to the Madeira! Cheers

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Happy anniversary!


Sandstorm was certainly among the first "modern" surf albums I bought after joining up here and discovering the Madeira. Since then, they have been nothing but consistently excellent and consistently inspiring. They keep the bar high on every new release and are a great example of the best of the genre today. One quick look at the Surf Revival Top Ten lists, and I know I'm not alone in thinking this.

Sandstorm and The Intruder from the Madeira's "Ruins" album were an interesting listen. They proved to be more challenging to learn and execute.

Ivan - have you ever thought about transcribing some of your material into a book - real paper or a PDF download??

J Mo'

^^ Yes Ivan, would love to have that solo of Rouge Wave transcribed. Please send it to me when you get around to it Laughing

I'd buy the Hal Leonard Madeira songbook! Thumbs Up

I've decided to give learning "Sandstorm!" a second chance in celebration of the album's anniversary! Thanks!

The Obsidians! (Ottawa surf)
The Obsidians debut EP

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