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Permalink John Lennon jams on a Jazzmaster (edited)

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Cool stuff!


Last edited: Jun 05, 2007 12:37:27

Actually, that just seems wrong to me. I doubt it was his. First thing that comes to mind is perhaps it is Luther Perkins'.

Yeah I know its not his, I should have titled it 'Lennon w/ a Jazzmaster'

Still a bad ass photo no matter what.

Yeah it is really cool. I love how Paul and John are getting along.

Agree John & George were also known to own a few strats behind the scenes and pictured playing them @ Abbey Road for sessions and they also played through Fender Showmans from what my book says "Beatles Gear by Andy Babiuk" but that photo above seems to be more of a jam and not John's Jazzmaster or this book would have mentioned it but it's a cool thought though.


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It looks like there's writing on the guitar.

OK Apparently its Jacky Spelter's Jazz

the above pic has this accompanying text, translated:

"During a break while shooting the beatles movie "HELP!" John went to the club where Jacky was playing, and joined him on stage. Of course, John turned the volume all the way to the max (the Brittish settings). They played a couple of songs together, untill the club owner ended it becaue of the too high volumes. He figured, he had conracted Jacky, not the Beatles. hahaha."

Jacky und John Lennon (Beatles).
John spielt die Jazzmaster von Jacky.

Während einer Drehpause zum Beatles-Film "HELP" kam John in den Club
in dem Jacky auftrat und stieg sofort bei ihm ein.
John drehte den Verstärker selbstverständlich voll auf (britische Einstellung).
Sie spielten mehrere Songs zusammen, bis der Clubbesitzer wegen zu grosser
Lautstärke abbrach.
Er meinte, er habe Jacky engagiert und nicht die Beatles. hahaha!

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

great great pics........ look like they were taken yesterday..... Though I wasn't born yet when they were made.

If he woulda taken a liking to that Jazzmaster we wouldn't be able to buy vintage ones for under $10,000 and the demand for used reissues would be through the roof.

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

John and Paul seem a little bit drunk. Hmmm

Augusto Vite

Truely a great picture.
It's hard to believe they were so young back then.
Like many here are now.

Aspire to greatness young folk!


yeah, it's definately a jam session. But, cool pix! I've never seen those pix before! NICE! Yeah, towards the back of the JM looks like a bumper sticker of some sort.


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