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Yes the limiter on my Quilter MicroPro does exactly this compression/sag thing and this is why I love it so much.

About the Quilter Labs Forum.

"we no longer monitor nor answer questions so it is locked down"

Instead we have the Quilter Amplifiers Users Group on Facebook.

...but only If you have a Facebook account. Argh

Rob_J wrote:

Hey Jeff - I know it's only been a few days since your last report on the Mini but was wondering if you have had time to spend with it since then and if you have any more in the way of a review to pass along. I've got a serious eye on this amp. I have a single 15 inch cab with a Jensen Neo speaker that might pair nicely with it.

I've spent a little time with it at home and tried another speaker but I didn't use it for a show last night as I wanted to use my old Westbury solid state head. I did take the Quilter along though in case the Westbury didn't last, LOL. It weighs so little I never noticed the extra weight in my pedalboard gig bag.
I am digging the 101 though. I'm finding that the different voicings will be handy for various venues. The Full Q setting will be great for smaller venues where I would usually use my Princeton Reverb. The Surf setting will be great for bigger or outdoor venues when I want to push some serious lows. I have found that with my usual pedals/live set up it's very easy to get good sounds with very little fussing with knobs on the amp. I've also found that some of the settings that I was less keen on at first can sound very good and very usable for Surf/Instro just by using the gain and EQ knobs. It's quite flexible.
I think most folks here will prefer it with a speaker that has higher efficiency, at least 99db for it to have "punch" but for other applications, more Fender Deluxe type sounds a lower efficiency speaker will work great.
I still need to gig with it though. Playing a live show or recording tells all.
Your Neo 15" should be awesome with one of these.

I'll post back again later


crumble wrote:

About the Quilter Labs Forum.

"we no longer monitor nor answer questions so it is locked down"

Instead we have the Quilter Amplifiers Users Group on Facebook.

...but only If you have a Facebook account. Argh

I just received a response email on friday from Pat Quilter regarding differences in volume, tone between single 4ohm and single 8ohm speakers as used with the 101.
I didn't hear much difference at all like you would with a tube amp and I wanted to verify my impressions, so......not all is lost......?


CrazyAces wrote:

crumble wrote:

About the Quilter Labs Forum.

"we no longer monitor nor answer questions so it is locked down"

Instead we have the Quilter Amplifiers Users Group on Facebook.

...but only If you have a Facebook account. Argh

I just received a response email on friday from Pat Quilter regarding differences in volume, tone between single 4ohm and single 8ohm speakers as used with the 101.
I didn't hear much difference at all like you would with a tube amp and I wanted to verify my impressions, so......not all is lost......?


I had a similar experience when queried support about my Mach 2 and found myself emailing Pat Quilter in person. It's rare to find someone who cares for his customers as much as Pat that's for sure.

I finally got around to doing some recording with my 101 Mini-Head.
I used it for all the guitar tracks on my 2015 SG101 compilation submission.

For anyone interested:
I used the "Lead" setting with low gain for the melody and BassVI parts
and the "Full Q" setting for the rhythm guitar.
I used a 90's era reissue Fender Tank before the amp and a Warehouse GT90 speaker mic'd with a shure SM-57

I am very happy with the results and how flexible the amp was during recording.

Hope this helps anyone who's considering one.


I finally caved, ordered one of these little Quilter heads. Will have to report back when it arrives.

Any preset on the Mini 101 that sounds like a VOX?

And - 50W in terms of solid state or as if it would be a tube amp?


Another new Mini 101 owner here. Thanks in part to the reports by Jeff plus a lot of other research I couldn't see a downside to this little amp so one of my bandmates and I both got one. We have had them for about a month and a half and have not yet had to chance to try them in a gig setting but this thing has turned out to be everything I had hoped it would be.

I have certain settings that I dial in as a for different guitars but the amp doesn't really have a bad tone no matter where you set it. It's just that with some minor tweaking it can be fine tuned to sound really good. We have even been able to find settings that sound great for acoustic guitars and in my experience it is rare that any amp can sound good for both electric and acoustic use.

I have a 15" Jensen neo speaker cab that should be killer for gigging but at home I pair the Mini with an 8" speaker cab that is converted from a salvaged non-working Mustang I amp. The amp guts have been removed and the speaker wired to a cable jack and the unit is now a small, light cab perfect for home use, small venues and recording.

Last edited: Jan 09, 2016 12:34:04

Mark2Bra wrote:

Any preset on the Mini 101 that sounds like a VOX?

Not exactly but...unlike a modeling device the amp selections on the Quilter don't seem to be trying to cop the exact tone of particular, individual classic amps but rather different sounds that are easily tweakable from there. The amp was supposedly designed around the sound of EL84's and EL34's so I don't think it would be too hard to get a vox sound, especially with the right speaker. FWIW, I've been able to replicate, very closely, the sound of most of my vintage amps with the 101 however I don't currently own a Vox. I may have stated this before as well but if you keep an open mind (ear) the setting you end up liking most could surprise you. I had reservations about the "Lead" setting just because it's name on a simulation amp might suggest nasty blues or rock sounds but by keeping the gain low it's a really usable Surf sound with nice lows and sparkling highs.

And - 50W in terms of solid state or as if it would be a tube amp?

It's pretty loud but I think that Surf fans would best be served using an efficient and higher wattage speaker - if loud volume is your thing.
I'm using a 100 watt ceramic speaker with a 99db rating and it gets as loud as my Super Reverb and can even be cleaner and louder than the Super. Speaker choice and cabinet style will help. For Surf I'd suggest a nice loud Alnico or Neo magnet Speaker. 100 watt rating and at least 99db efficiency or higher.
The 101 sounds good with lower output/efficiency speakers as well but you wouldn't want to crank it for fear of blowing the speaker.

Here's something I dig about the amp: when using a smaller, princeton sized cabinet it's capable of sounding like a good small to meduim size amp. When using a larger cabinet or multiple speakers it can sound good loud as well. Most amps aren't quite this flexible

Hope that helps some.

Rob - I'm glad you're digging yours. I haven't stopped playing through mine since I got it.


Warning - amp dummy here:

I thought taking the advantage of the mini's separate gain and volume thus to have one amp suitable for small apartment playing as well as gigs (not that I do any, for now)

So far I thought that the only thing matters in that case in the amp's Wattage. How does the speaker's wattage come into the equation? Will a 300W 15 inch speaker be not suitable for quiet practice as the 100W? OR the 100W too quiet for gigs?

Last edited: Jan 09, 2016 04:59:22

High watt speaker - Low power amp => fine, no problem. Even for practice.
Small speaker - High powered amp => be very careful! Don't turn it up.

100watts is loud enough for a gig. Turn it down a notch and you can play at home. easy.

Frank summed it up perfectly.

A speaker's sensitivity rating is what determines how loud it is perceived to be, not the wattage rating.
A 15 watt Celestion Blue will sound louder than a 50 watt Jensen C12N with the same volume setting on the amp because the blue has a higher sensitivity rating.
Sometimes the higher wattage speakers don't sound as sweet when played quietly but I often find this to be in-consequential.
The 99db/100 watt speaker I'm using with mine sounds really good at whisper quiet settings.
Another thing I've found about the quilter that may appeal to you; I find myself playing, practicing a much lower volumes with it than my other amps and I still enjoy the tone and feel. I've never been a loud player for the most part but all but my smallest tube amps had to be run at a certain nominal volume to sound and feel good. This isn't the case with the Quilter.
Hope that helps,


When I use my Mini with my little 8" cab (note: in my previous post I mistakenly typed 10" speaker - now edited) I DO have to be aware of not turning up too loud. The 8" speaker is only rated for 20 watts but this is primarily my "at home" only practice setup and I only set the amp gain to about 4 and the watts knob at 5w. I'm sure I could easily blow this thing up if I were to accidentally bump the amp head settings toward the high end and not notice it.

I'm so close to pull the trigger on a Quilter amp - tubeless portable amp which will let me play at home as well as on a gig.

Inspired by Lorenzo's performance on KFJC I'm tending towards the pro block for its reverb.

How does the mini 101 and the pro block compares? Except that one has a reverb and the other amp modulations are there any significant differences one needs to know about?

Go for the Pro Block. The limiter is the most important part on those amps.

The limiter is the most important part on those amps.

Does the limiter acts like a compressor?

CrazyAces wrote:

I finally got around to doing some recording with my 101 Mini-Head.
I used it for all the guitar tracks on my 2015 SG101 compilation submission.

For anyone interested:
I used the "Lead" setting with low gain for the melody and BassVI parts
and the "Full Q" setting for the rhythm guitar.
I used a 90's era reissue Fender Tank before the amp and a Warehouse GT90 speaker mic'd with a shure SM-57

I am very happy with the results and how flexible the amp was during recording.

Hope this helps anyone who's considering one.


Absolutely helpful, thanks (said w/Modelo Uno looping in the background)

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

More like when you push a tube amp to the limit. And this of course is a bit compressed. But the feeling is incredible especially when playing live and it is still really dynamic.

Last edited: Jan 31, 2016 07:43:38

More like when you push a tube amp to the limit

I thought the Fain knob does that. . .

Last edited: Jan 31, 2016 07:44:27

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