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Permalink Recording with just 1 mic!

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Hi all!

Glad to finally have signed up to Surf Guitar 101 after being a reader for so many years...
I know this might look like self promotion in disguise, but my new band The Wave Chargers (from Paris, France) have recently recorded a few tracks including this medley of classic surf tunes:
Just wanted to share it here. It's been recorded live on tape with just one microphone (actually two mics in XY setting in the center of the room... A classroom). This medley wasn't supposed to be kept. We were working on 4 other tracks for a forthcoming 7" debut, but since we were struggling on one particular tune, our recording guy just said: "alright, stop being focused on the mistakes you might make, just let yourselves go... We'll come back to this tune later. Just play something you don't want on the 7". Just play something you usually play live..."
We only did one take and thought it sounded good enough to be put on the internet.
Looking forward to hear what you think about it...
(My appologies if it's not the right section to post such a thing)

The Wave Chargers

Last edited: Aug 04, 2015 19:19:31

Francis, Welcome to SG101! Cheers

First, I LOVE listening to the dynamic of a band playing together for recording. Tons of energy; I don't think you were limited by number of mics at all.

Second, if that's what you can do live, I would come see that show in a minute.
Thumbs Up

Suggestion: I see by the band map you have a Facebook presence. You might consider making that link part of your signature by editing your profile.

Glad you're here and, again, welcome.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Oh thank you very much!
Hopefully we'll manage to travel across the pound for some gigs one day...
And thanks for the advice, I'm going to edit my signature right away!

The Wave Chargers

Powerful! Good recording too. Squad Car still one of my favorites...

Thanks! Glad you like it!

The Wave Chargers

Very Nice work Wave Chargers!

Saw the youtube video That is very cool!

Last edited: Nov 20, 2015 11:56:40

Very wise sound engineer and that was a monster take (excellent playing)! I know very little about recording, but for a minimalist type setup the mix sounds fantastic. Welcome to the board!


"I knew I was in trouble when the Coco-Loco tasted like water!" -- morphball

Wow! You guys sound great!!! I've done some 1 mic recording too. Just walk around the room until you can hear everything then throw a mic up by your ears. Simple & effective. And you guys really pulled it off! Well done!

Really well done, I love the energy


Boy, that is good!

Ten thumbs up.......!


Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

Awesome playing lads and lasses Smile

I really dig your version of Surf Bound.


Last edited: Nov 20, 2015 13:13:52

I was just reading a tape op interview with Deke Dickerson. Here is the one mic quote:

When you start studying older records, you can pick apart what you’re hearing on them. One of my favorite conversations I ever had was with Cosimo Matassa [Tape Op #40], the guy in New Orleans who recorded all the great music. He’s such a low-key guy, and I was trying to pick his brain. He basically said that it was all the musicians, and he didn’t have anything to do with it. That’s very true, but then he told me that he only had one condenser mic, and that was an Altec M11. The Altec M11 has a big omnidirectional field. He said he’d actually have someone in the studio
while the band was playing who would swing the microphone over on a boom to the saxophone for the saxophone solo, and then swing it over to the drums after the sax solo was done. I went and listened to a bunch of Little Richard records after he told me that, and you can hear it! That’s literally the only microphone that you could do that with. You have this giant field, and it almost acts like a compressor, because the drums go down a little bit when he swings it by the saxophone. It’s genius.


Canadian Surf

Hey all!
Thank you very much for your comments! Appreciate it, really...

The Wave Chargers

oh, WOW! Great sounding recording! And great playing!
Aloha Sluts on BandCamp (my photography)
Aloha Fest on facebook

Great sound! What was done after the recording? The mastering is a huge sound

Thanks Vince!
Well, I'm not too sure about what our sound guy did for the mastering. I let him work his magic. But if that's the question: yes he only mastered it, and that was it.
We've just released our first EP recorded during the same session (it took a while to be released) if you want to give it a listen:

The Wave Chargers

Nice sound on the single too! Was that the same recording set up with one mic? I'm guessing the single took a while to come out because of the waiting time in Europe for vinyl seems to take forever!

Last edited: Jun 08, 2016 03:47:03

Well, there was some label issues as well that delayed the whole thing... But yes, the vinyl pressing plants are incredibly busy in Europe! Yes, this is the very same set up since it's been recorded during the very same afternoon as our wee medley. Glad you like it!

The Wave Chargers

The single really does sound great. Did you have to spend a lot of time balancing the sound in the room before you started recording?

Los Fantasticos

Last edited: Jun 08, 2016 09:10:10

You should make sure that we have these tunes at North Sea Surf Radio. I'm sure you'd get plenty of plays. I would certainly be playing it on HangNine FM.

Los Fantasticos

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