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Permalink Songs that Should Be Illegal in Cars

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There should be a law about not being able to play Getaway Car while driving.

This is somewhat dependent on the person and the era. A friend of mine once drove over the clown at Jack in the Box (in another friend's new pickup) while listening to Grand Funk Railroad's version of Locomotion.

We later discovered he shouldn't be allowed to listen to any music at all in a motor vehicle. At least not after a night of partying. Crying

The Nebulas are also good at this effect.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

The Mermen's "Little Stinky Kitty" makes the hair stand up on my neck and I have to strain as my boots turn to lead. It's just a perfect song to speed to. Twisted Evil

I've been in minor car accidents while listening to T. Rex's "Mambo Sun" and Cheap Trick's "He's a Whore," and a not-so-minor one while listening to The Ventures' "Ram-Bunk-Shush." So, uh, those three for sure.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

A drove straight into a queue waiting for a red traffic light a few years back while headbanging to Teisco del Rey's "Pier Pressure". No injuries, but I ended up damaging my own and the three cars in front of me while shoving them into eachother, I dont know the total damage of the other cars but ours was over $10.000.

moral of the story: Teisco del Rey is totally cool, and so are seatbelts. Cool Rock

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

The Nebulas are also good at this effect.

I almost started this same thread a few weeks ago after a near-incident while listening to Nebula One.


This is a really funny thread-- "What song were you listening to when you wrecked your car? Very Happy

In 1987 I was driving with a buddy through San Francisco with the radio on, they were playing a U2 song. Then the DJ came on and said, "Guess what? U2 is playing a free concert this afternoon in downtown S.F." One second later a VW Bug turned in front of me and I hit it dead on in the side and it rolled over. We didn't get to go to the concert...


Buy Speed of Dark @ Bandcamp
Buy Spin the Bottle @ Bandcamp
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Frankie & The Pool Boys on FB
Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

The first thing I do is take the car stereos OUT of the old jalopies I have a thing for.

That way, there's no temptation to break into a rare car and do a bunch of damage just to steal a cheap car stereo.

If I want music while I'm driving, I just sing at the top of my lungs, which has the added benefit of making the other drivers around me give me LOTS of space.

Is "Rap" music considered a song??? OMG

Ron (ToneBoy)
The Mariners (1964 to Present)
Lonzo & Oscar (1999 to Present)
Billy Henson & Summerstorm (2001 to Present)

Tone boy....Rap ain't considered music.....My vote is "Introduction". This is the first track on the first CTA (Chicago) Album. It is the meanest recording I've ever heard. Over the years, I have caught myself going WAY over the speed limit listening to those first CTA albums. Best band in history. IMHO no other group even comes close........ed

Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

Guitar another vote for little stinkie kitty by the mermen. i like to chase dogs in the country while listening to this one. Thumbs Up

i like to chase dogs in the country while listening to this one. Thumbs Up

That's not nice!

If we're including non-surf, AC/DC's Highway To Hell.


About 19 years ago (when I was in the Army), I was driving along somewhere in Columbus, GA, when R.E.M.'s "It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)" starts playing, on the local rock station I was listening to. I've always tended to drive about 5 MPH over the posted speed limit (55 MPH in this case), and before I know it, as I'm bopping along with the song, I discovered I'd gained 20 MPH in speed.


Fast Cars & Loud Guitars!

Wow! Spent the last 8 months of my hitch in the Army working at Martin Army Hospital at Ft Benning in Columbus. I drove back and forth to Atlanta every weekend to play with my band. Back then, the interstate wasn't completed and it was a long slow haul.......ed

Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

hey outsides!!!!--how you been? good i hope. the dogs i chase in the country----its not so bad---i let em go after i catch em Exclamation peace

Three words:

Master of Puppets.

Especially after that scene in Old School, I can't keep it anywhere near the speed limit when I hear this song.

Yet for some reason, "I Can't Drive" always makes me want to pull off the road and not drive any more. Damn Sammy Hagar.


thats funny about "Master of Puppets", I have done some speeding while listening to that and "Battery"

I can't remember what surf band/cd it was I was listening to at the time.
But one time while going to Nor. Cal. with Baja Marty, I was crankin' the stereo in my truck, and kept noticing that I was constantly gaining speed. I'd let off the gas, and coast back down to about 70 ish.
Next thing I know, I look up in my rearview Mirror and Johnny Law was there with his flashers on. I pulled over and he told me that I was doing
95 in a 65 zone. I was lucky he didn't take me in.
But I did get a healthy ticket of about 350 bucks. ouch!!!

after that I made sure I put the cruise controll on.
one of my few vices. I love to fly down the Highways when its safe.



I don't talk about this much, but... I was a senior in high school. Two buddies and I were going Christmas shopping on the first day of (what was then "Christmas vacation". This was December 1971. I was driving my 1963 VW bug. I recall we were listening to The Beach Boys in Concert album on 8-track... Papa-Umm-Mow-Mow. I was told I didn't quite make the yellow light and I was broadsided by a boat of a Pontiac Bonneville. Pelvis fractures, rib fractures, collapsed lung, concussion. Spent the next 10 days in the hospital, including three in ICU. I've had a ton of memorable Christmas', but that takes the cake. My friends were basically unhurt.

I fully recovered and that led to my career as an x-ray tech, which I've been doing now for the last 28 years...

"...funniest sound I ever heard..."

Last edited: Jun 03, 2007 14:44:07

The Surfites latest...
Last week ticket in the mail, did 130 kms instead of the allowed 120
And since that cd is in my carstereo for weeks now I'm pretty sure it's Klas' fault Wink

Clint...YIKES! OMG

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

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