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Permalink Gulf Shores guitarist looking to form surf group!

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Looking for musicians--bass and drums and possible do-it-all type to form surf band. Wanting to perform Dick Dale and Mermen style music.
Contact zzero on forum PM! Guitar Rimshot Guitar

posted May 22, 2015.

Enjoying the surf,sun and sand!!

Last edited: Jun 20, 2015 22:10:27


Enjoying the surf,sun and sand!!

bumpin for the zzero

I guess the Gulf Shores are devoid of surf-minded musicians, besides Zzero himself?
I am catching glimpses of a possible surge of surf in Chicago. I have heard to two upcoming shows this winter. While this doesn't constitute a 'wave'. it's sure better than nuthin'.

Squink Out!

Thanks Horax!!!

JO----it's classic rock and country down here. Over in Florida there are a few surf musicians but I'm talking Gainesville. Too far for this old man. I've had one response here on SG101 on my last posting but he was really wanting a surfing partner. He was thinking about learning to play drums. Had another response from a music store ad--she wanted to know what surf music is.
Auditioned for a classic rock band, got the gig offered but I turned 'em down. I did my time playing classic rock, it bores the hell out of me. Still looking!! Thumbs Up

Enjoying the surf,sun and sand!!

zzero wrote:

I did my time playing classic rock, it bores the hell out of me. Still looking!! Thumbs Up

Ditto. And GOOD LUCK! Cool

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Here in CO it's all metal and country.


We have tourists most of the year--heavy from April until October. No rap, no hip-hop, no metal, no current pop. Classic rock (top 40 variety) and current country. A surf band would starve here. Or a blues band. I know an acoustic blues player/singer that never gets repeat gigs. I think he is damn good! Has his own PA/sound system, nice funky acoustics great voice, great slide player---his audiences don't appreciate him. But he doesn't play what they want to hear. Players conundrum syndrome.
Snowbirds the rest of the year. I have no idea what they listen to. This old greyhair listens to SURF!!! The old ones that live around us think I'm nuts. If they only knew!! Dead Reverb

Enjoying the surf,sun and sand!!

I feel your pain, zzero. Its pretty much the same here in Memphis, country, classic rock, blues, and some jazz. When I tell people I play early 60's surf rock, they have a puzzled look on their face and say "you mean like the Beach Boys?" Sigh I hope you find what you are looking for, my friend. By the way, didn't you use to live here? - A tribute to Dick Dale. New EP Louder Than Life available on bandcamp and website.

ZZ, you describe the cultural desert that is Amurricuh. This is why my wife won't leave Los Angeles, 'cause even Chicago is backward. It seems my whole life is defined as being captivated by interests that remain marginal and even unrecognizable to the majority. I'm shocked how Chicago is virtually devoid of surf fans/players.
Meanwhile Mexico and Europe are burgeoning with surf. I am afraid this is one more indicator of America's decline into a has-been nation. Surf music expresses something close to the opposite of corporate mainstream rock. Something most Americans have no feeling about.

Squink Out!

Corporate mainstream rock. What a horrible utterance. Chicago is backward? Try Mobile or Montgomery or Memphis (my former abode).
My wife and I saw Dick Dale and the High Fidelics about a year and a half ago in Pensacola. No surf groups over there since then. The small crowd enjoyed the show but it was a small crowd. Sad.

America has become Amerika. Sad...... Crying

Enjoying the surf,sun and sand!!

SixString Surfer--I used to live in and around Memphis for 44 years. We moved to Gulf Shores Al. a little over a year and a half ago. Beach, we wanted beach and surf and sand and a tan and---the whole trip!! Got everything except the music. Same responses that you get. I played around mempho for years but no surf music. None. Even had a Mermen type band (before I had heard of 'em). One gig and the club owner says "no one knows your songs!)". We about blew Kudzu's off the planet--"ya'll are too loud!!"

I really enjoy the Mermen. Danny Synder here on SG101 turned me own to 'em!! Thanks Danny!!!

So, the drive to found a Gulf Shores surf band continues. Cancer is all healed up and gone; all my energy is ready for SURF!!! Agree

Enjoying the surf,sun and sand!!

Last edited: Oct 04, 2015 01:16:04

"Blowin' the kudzu off the Planet." Big Grin
That's a tech term I imagine, settings for things with tubes inside.

Would make a great album title. Hold onto that one.
Thumbs Up

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Badger!! Actually Kudzu's is a tiny club on Monroe, just west of Sun Studios. Niceplace for a couple of acoustic guitars! They had their own sound system! We didn't need it.
Blowing kudzu off the planet. Cool!! Great name for an album!! Kudzu can be an atrocious weed at best. Stuff Hits the Fan

Enjoying the surf,sun and sand!!

Last edited: Oct 07, 2015 20:15:49

zzero wrote:

Blowing kudzu off the planet. Cool!! Great name for an album!! Kudzu can be an atrocious weed at best. Stuff Hits the Fan

Yeah, the 2nd variation is what I had in mind. Got intro'd to that when I drove a fellow soldier back to MS on emergency leave when her parents got in a bad car wreck. Learned about kudzu. That stuff is tenacious. I figure it would take mucho reverb and lots of glowing grid current to dislodge it.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Badger-- Agree

Enjoying the surf,sun and sand!!

heck zzzzzzzzzzero, why not start playing some Zac Brown and Jimmy Buffett? Im' sure there's lots down there into that. Smile

Doesn't kudzu make a good animal fodder and excellent source of fibre for fancy paper? Why can't we use it up instead of cursing it? I know it's invasive, but there are goats for those problems.
Badger wrote:

zzero wrote:

Blowing kudzu off the planet. Cool!! Great name for an album!! Kudzu can be an atrocious weed at best. Stuff Hits the Fan

Yeah, the 2nd variation is what I had in mind. Got intro'd to that when I drove a fellow soldier back to MS on emergency leave when her parents got in a bad car wreck. Learned about kudzu. That stuff is tenacious. I figure it would take mucho reverb and lots of glowing grid current to dislodge it.

Squink Out!

Horax--I will remove my fingers before I play Zac Brown or Jimmy Buffet!!

JO--You know , I don't know why goats haven't been tried. It is the weed from down below, it eats old houses, telephone poles, old cars, etc. A small nuke might mutate the damn stuff. Might make it worse too!! ROTFL

Enjoying the surf,sun and sand!!

The High Fidelics tried to get some gigs in the Gulf area after the Dick Dale show but no luck. I grew up in "LA" (Lower Alabama), and there has never been any kind of sustainable alternative music scene there. Never any kind of instro.

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