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Permalink Iron Maiden Rules the World

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You don't like driving though the lovely state of Florida?


No DC area shows either. Argh


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bigtikidude wrote:

You don't like driving though the lovely state of Florida?

Ha. I do not. Love visiting South Florida, but driving to it is soul-sucking. It's flat, boring and TAKES FOREVER.

Well, well...

Here I am, listening to the complete studio discography of Iron Maiden in chronological order, for the very first time.

I was into metal for a few years as a teenager before moving on to punk. But I was mostly into the thrash subgenre and I sneered at more "traditional" bands, especially Maiden. With their harmonized solos, trademark "galloping" rhythm, reverbed wailing vocals, clichéd lyrics, not to mention campy horror-based imagery and spandex-and-leather attire, they embodied the epitome of lameness to my rebellious adolescent ears. Which is why I never gave their music a chance at the time, as much from personal distaste as from fear of being ridiculed by my friends.

A few years ago I heard a friends' "joke metal" band play an incredible tongue-in-cheek cover of The Trooper. I made a mental note then to give Maiden an unbiased listen someday.

Well this day has come. Yesterday I borrowed every Maiden album from the library. That was bound to happen – they only have 3 surf albums, plus a few Ventures and Shadows ones Laughing

I'm in the middle of The X Factor as I'm typing this. Noticeable drop of quality from the previous albums, and it's not just the change of vocalist. And I've heard the following album is even worse. But I've enjoyed everything up to and including Seventh Son, maybe not enough to become a true fan, but at least to give them a listen every now and then. Which is as close to a thumbs-up a metal un-enthusiast such as me could give Laughing

Old punks never die... They just become surf rockers.

You have a way to go past X factor. Bruce Dickinson returns to the fold.
Enjoy and congrats on spreading your musical wings.

I am not obsolete, I am RETRO.... Cool

Like baseball and Star Trek, Iron Maiden is great to re-discover later in life. Cool

Jonathan the Reverbivore

The Reverbivores

Please check out our latest album The Reverbivores Watch TV!

h3dg3h0g wrote:

Like baseball and Star Trek, Iron Maiden is great to re-discover later in life. Cool

I'll stop at Maiden for now if that's all the same to you, thank you very much.

Old punks never die... They just become surf rockers.

Last edited: May 07, 2017 13:57:39

Maiden, Maiden, Maiden!

The Me Gustas

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