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Permalink Any Gretsch owners here?

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I recently purchased a 5120 (orange, of course). Damn fine guitar for $500 if you ask me. When i'm not playing surf I tend to jam on some Setzer and the Reverend. Fits the bill perfectly. Anybody else played one of these?

I don't own a Gretsch, but my Uncle stores his old Gretsch Country Gentleman at my place. Super nice guitar...I love the "on-the-edge-of-feedback" sort of tone one can get at higher volumes...
full-bodied tone,

I've got an Anniversary. I really like it. Not for surf though.


Last edited: May 31, 2007 11:12:19

I've got one of the newer Duo Jets (G6128TDS w/ Bigsby and DeArmond-style PUs). It's a fantastic guitar, but I'm glad I got it used. The nut, wiring, bridge, tuners, and input jack all needed some tweaking. The previous owner did some of the mods and I did the rest. Now that we're done with those, the guitar plays like it should. It's nice and light. It has a nice bright clean cut but can get overdriven and bluesy also. I use a set of medium top/heavy bottom D'Addario 11s. It's great for country, rockabilly, blues, and surf. In fact, I think I might bring it out this weekend to the gig Wink

Hearing my cousin Milton play "Rebel Rouser" on his old Country Gentleman back in '71 is what inspired me to play surf. I remember thinking "now THAT'S what guitars should sound like!"

I've got an Anniversary. I really like it. Not for surf though.

That's a beautiful guitar.
I agree, not for surf.

Whenever I get the chance, I'll likely add an entry level Gretsch Electromatic 512x to my collection. Not sure when, but it's on my to-buy list, where it'll keep getting shuffled to the bottom with other guitar wants, until I've got a decent home recording studio going. I do know, for sure, that I'll steer clear of ALL hollow/semi-hollow bodied guitars by Carlo's a wonder I don't have nightmares, from the feedback I experienced with the one I was going to try through a Fender Hot Rod DeVille 410, at Sam Ash in February. The Gretsch sounded quite sweet through it, and I may eventually have to decide between a Fender Hot Rod DeVille 410 or Peavey Classic 50/410, when it comes time to add an all tube combo to my stable.


Fast Cars & Loud Guitars!

Get the Deville 410. Our guitarist used to have one. It was a pretty good amp. Especially for non-surf, which isn't saying it was bad for surf.

JakeDobner: Love that bamboo yellow.


I have a ´67 Tennessean. I love it. My Tenny and my AC15 are all the material possesions that I need.


I've got a 6120 in my collection.

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

I have a 1966 Tennessean, which sounds amazing with flatwound strings. Actually, wait -- it always sounds amazing. I had a new Duo Jet -- the 1957 George Harrison model with Dynasonics -- but I sold it earlier this year. Although it looked cool, I never liked it.


This is what my 6120 looks like, except my bridge is gold, and so are the pickups. I think it works well for some surf songs. But not so well with others. I was not impressed with the sound until I switched the strings to 11-50 D'Addario chromes ribbon wound strings. Then the sound just started coming alive. I think the next set of strings will be 12's just to see what happens then.



I just put .12s on. I don't like them.

Also, Mr. Neutron. Any chance you sold it to our guitarist? Seattle?

Jake is the picture posted actually your guitar?
The bridge looks out of wack.



No, that wasn't mine. I find it near impossible to get a good picture of my guitar. Gretsches are hard to photograph.

I have a Tennesee Rose. It is great for rockabilly.

Is that too much reverb?

I have a Tennesee Rose. It is great for rockabilly.

Tennessee Rose here as well.

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