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Permalink Tune in today to hear HUNDREDS of Spanish surf music tracks!

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To make the choice for your personal Spanish Top 6 a little bit easier we will rerun all earlier Spanish specials.

Today we will rerun ALL Spanish specials by Carlos Yela.
If you have not made your Top 6 yet, tune in annd listen to over 150 great surf music tracks from Spain. It starts at 16:00 CET / 7AM PDT / 9AM CDT / 10AM EDT.

And in case you want to keep track, here is the tracklisting for today:

Spanish Special #1 - Spanish Surf Bands Vol. 1

Intro "The Wangs" - Wangs Stomp
Durango 14 "Aracena" (Vol. 2, 2014)
Hattori Hanzo Surf Experience "Super Uranus Surfer" (Attacanos ... con todo lo que puedas, 2014)
Five Finger With Parasol "Tablao Chicken" (Surf'n'Frus, 2014)
Five Finger With Parasol "Kebab Riders" (Surf'n'Frus, 2014)
6- 13th Magic Skull "Cel Rogent Kill'Em All" (Sungazing in Rapa Nui, 2014)
13th Magic Skull (Sungazing in Rapa Nui, 2014)
The Longboards "Gordini" (Insane!, 2013)
The Weekend Turtles "Watanga!" (Watanga!, 2014) unreleased
The Phantom Dragsters "Bikini Beach" unreleased
The Panteras "Black Velvet" unreleased
The Crazies "Cowboy Spacial" unreleased
Surflamingo "Surf o Muerte" (Creatures From The Deep, 2014)
Camarada Nimoy "Satélite Disidente" (Camarada Nimoy, 2013)
Los Tsunamis "Amigo Neutrón" (Los Tsunamis, 2012)
Chewbacca's "Alpha Channel" (Chewbacca's meet Espectroplasma, 2012)
Electrohúmedos "Apocalypsis Psicotrónico" (Electrohúmedos, 2014)
Los Winston Lobo "Liberty Wave" (The Man Who Surfed The World, 2014)
Durango 14 "Villa Paquita" (Vol. 2, 2014)
The Weekend Turtles "La Noche Que Mataron A Modesto Venganza" (Watanga!, 2014)
The Weekend Turtles "Muñeca Mía" (Watanga!, 2014)
outro Supertubos! "Atmosfera Zero" (La Fórmula de Papini, 2011)

Spanish Special #2 –Spanish Surf Bands Vol.2

Intro The Wangs "Wangs Stomp (1999, Kamikaze Records)
1.- The Longboards "Jerry Pole" (CD "Insane!" 2013, El Toro Records)
2.- The Kanaloas "Surf Like An Egyptian" (7" "Letterjacket", 2012, Butterfly Records)
4.- Born Losers "Cycle Guitars" (12" "Cycle Guitars", 2012 Kingsnake Records)
5.- Kings of Makaha "Hornet's Nest" (12", "En Ebullición", 2013 Freeky Dicky)
6.- Dirty Surf "Miss Acapulco" (7" "Luchan, Cantan, Sangran", 2013, Devil Records)
7.- Los Galerna "J. F. Murray" (mp3,from LP "Akelarre" 2013) tema cortesía de El Bumper
8.- 13th Magic Skull "Subway Surfers" (12" "Sungazing in Rapa Nui" 2014 Buenritmo Records)
9.- Los Coronas "En el Lago (surfeando)" (cover Triana) (10", "El Extraño Viaje", 2013, Sonny)
10.- Hattori Hanzo Surf Experience "Mermaid" (CD "Attacanos ... con todo lo que tengas", 2014, auto release)
11.- De Surfures "GuadaFornia" (CD "De Surfures Surf Rock", 2014, auto release)
12.- Los Derrumbes "Lago de los Cisnes" (7" "Split Festival Surforma", 2014, Sleazy Records)
13.- Surflamingo "Door To The Hyperspace" (12" "Creatures from the deep", 2014, auto release)
15.- Supertubos "The Demeter" (10" "The Demeter", 2014, Action Weekend Records)
16.- Redneck Surfers "The last path that will lead to the herd" (WAV from LP, "Heartbeast", 2014) tema cortesía de la banda
17.- Durango14 "Salamandra" (CD "Vol.2", 2014, Maldito Digital) cortesía de la banda
19.- Els A-phonics "Albufera Stomp" (CD "Els Aphonics & Friends", 2014, Sleaze Records)
20.- Phonocaptors "John Virgin" (12" "Danse Macabre", 2014, Delia Records)
21.- Le Grand Miércoles "Fukhusima" (12" "Ghost Cowboys", 2014, Liquidator & Golden Single Records)
21.- Melopienso "Bajo el Sol" (cover Melopea, 1989) (CD "Only Locals", 2012, auto release) vocal
22.- despedida Melopea "La Ola Perfecta" (LP "Surf, Chicas y Rock and Roll", 1989, Proa Records) vocal

Spanish Special #3 – SPANISH SURF BANDS VOL.3

Band - Theme - Source - City
1. Pornosurf "Bukake Baby" bandcamp (Tenerife)
2. Apocalypso!! "Devil Race" 10" (Pontevedra)
3. Santos Morcegos "Mr. Surfman" bandcamp (Pontevedra)
4. Los Perloras "Amor de Hembra" bandcamp (Asturias)
5. Los Tiki Phantoms "Muertos y Furiosos" CD (Barcelona)
6. The Crazies "Masacre" bandcamp (Girona)
7. Surfing Quatro "Bucs" youtube (Barcelona)
8. Tuareg "Guadalajara" cassette-bandcamp (Barcelona)
9. Los Mambo Jambo "Hot Guindillas" 7" (Barcelona)
10. Five Finger With Parasol "Sr. PC" CD (Castellón)
11. Los Blue Marinos "Superbólido" bandcamp (Valencia)
12. Ninchi Surf System "Devil's Hole" youtube (Zamora)
13. The Magnificats "Zorongo Surf" (Valladolid)
14. The Panteras "No Beach" bandcamp (Valladolid)
15. Durango14 "Hairy Lemon" CD (Madrid)
16. Les Panches Surfers "Storm Surf" bandcamp (Madrid)
17. The Limbos "Space Mambo" 7" (Madrid)
18. Los Tsunamis "Sabadaba" 12" (Jaén)
19. The Picoletones "Land Rover" bandcamp (Sevilla)
20. The Weekend Turtles "Black Tomatto" CD (Cádiz)
21. Los Daytonas "Santa Fe II" bandcampp (Madrid)
22. Los Winston Lobo "Ciudad Rendida" CD (Madrid)

Spanish Special #4 - Spanish Surf Bands Vol.4

13th Magic Skull "The Fabulous Bistró"
Los Mambo Jambo "La Maldición de los Rockers"
Los Daytonas "Cal Viva"
The Phantom Dragsters "The Last Wave"
The Longboards "Down Hill"
Los Tiki Phantoms "Heavy Surfers"
Hattori Hanzo Surf Experience "Kobayashi Maru"
The Kanaloas "Moroco Surf"
Pedrito Diablo y los Cadáveras "Lunatic Romance"
Camarada Nimoy "A Fantástia Bici de Hofman"
Los Pataconas "Mazinger Z"
Martini Surfers "In Nomine Patris"
Los Derrumbes "Viva las Vegas"
The Vibrants "Thunderbird"
Los Twangs "Amor Amargo"
The Magnificats "Surfspiros de España"
Point Panic "Flight of the Surf Guitar"
Tuareg "Sahara Freedom"
SCUDs "Marejada"
Los JETS "How Deep In Your Love"

Spanish Special #5 - Twenty Years of Surf Music in Spain 1995-2015

Los Coronas "Coronas Stomp" (Los Coronas, 1995, mp3)
Los Nitros "Bay of Pigs" (The Fuel Injected sound of ..., 1996, CD)
Lobos Negros "Borrachos en la Carretera" (Instrumentals, 1998, CD)
Golden Zombies "Creepy Conga" (The 24 Kilate Sounds, 2000, mp3)
Los Daytonas "Theme From Narc" (Bad News, 2001, bandcamp)
The Brillantinas "El Perro Vicio" (Pulp-A-Mandrila, 2002, CD)
Los Walkysons "Emilio el Surfer" (Travellin' Around The World, 2003, 7")
Los Coronas "Hacha de Guerra" (Caliente Caliente, 2004, mp3)
Chewbacca's "5000 Light Years Away from digit zero" (5000 Light Years Away from digit zero, 2005, CD)
The Longboards "Jeff Phillips" (Big Surf, 2006, CD)
Los Derrumbes "Krakatoa!" (Let's Go To The Lava, 2007, 7")
Los Justicieros "La Maldición de Mr. Blasfemo" (¡¡¡Waka Wakaaaaaaa!!!, 2008, 7")
Los Coronas "Big Wave Records" (El Baile Final ... de los locos y los cuerdos, 2009, CD)
Los Tiki Phantoms "Estampida" (Los Tiki Phantoms y el Ejército de las Calaveras, 2009, CD)
Los Malignos "Rock roll" (Los Malignos, 2010, 7")
Supertubos! "El Rey del Aftersun" (La Fórmua de Papini, 2011, LP)
Born Losers "Cycle Guitars" (Cycle Guitars, 2012, LP)
Camarada Nimoy "Super Post Panamax" (Camarada Nimoy, 2013, bandcamp)
13th Magic Skull "Cel Rogent Kill'Em All" (Sungazing in Rapanui, 2013, LP)
Els A-phonics "Guitar Party" (Els A-phonics & Friends, 2014, LP)
Surflamingo "Cantina" (Creature From The Deep, 2014, LP)
The Phantom Dragsters "Isla Tortuga" (unreleased, 2015, bandcamp)

Spanish Special #6 - Spanish Surf Bands Vol.5

  1. The Longboards "Playa Gris" (Motorhythm, 2008, El Toro Records)
  2. The Longboards "Surf City Girl" (Motorhythm, 2008, El Toro Records)
  3. Surflamingo "La Momia Hula Hula" (Creature From The Deep, 2014)
  4. Los Coronas "Baila Lola" (Adios Sancho, 2013)
  5. Supertubos! "The Demeter" (The Demeter, 2014, Action Weekend Records)
  6. Hattori Hanzo Surf Experience "Mermaid" (Attacanos con todo lo que tengas, 2014)
  7. Durango14 "Aracena" (Vol.2, 2014, Maldito Records)
  8. 13th Magic Skul "13th Magic Skull" (Sungazing in Rapa Nui, 2013)
  9. Els A-phonics "Albufera Stomp" (els A-phonics & Friends, 2014, Sleazy Records)
  10. Le Grand Miércoles "Wicked Dub" (2013, Ghost Cowboys, Golden Singles Records)
  11. Five Fingers With Parasol "Surfin' Donuts" (7"EP+CD, Surf'N'Frus, 2014)
  12. Los Derrumbes "Mag Wheels" (7" EP, 2013, Sleazy Records)
  13. The Panteras "No Beach" (2013, bandcamp, NSSR)
  14. The Magnificats "Dinámico Twist" (maqueta)
  15. Los Mambo Jambo "La Rubia de la Curva" (Soul Pilgrim, 1995, Estrus Records
  16. Los Daytonas "Santa Fe" (7" EP, En el Salvaje Oeste!, 2014)
  17. The Phantom Dragsters "Greengo" (The Phantom Dragsters, H-Records, 2015 (bandcamp))
  18. Santos Morcegos "Quinqui Fronteirizo" (7" EP, Corre Canceliñas,Corre, 2014)
  19. Redneck Surfers "Middle-east Hell" (Heartbeast, 2014)
  20. Los Galerna "La Cruda" (Akelarre, 2013)

Spanish Special #7 - "Spanish Surf Bands Vol.6 - Underground"

The Crazies "Smocking Duck" (maqueta)
Pedrito Diablo y los Cadáveras "Rockin Brahma" (Bandcamp)
Los Wrayajos "Nautilus" (Bandcamp)
Los Perloras "La Gran Muralla (Bandcamp)
Apocalypso!! "Julietta" (10", 2013)
Los Twangs "Go Go Karateka" (10", 2005)
Los Pipelines "El Salón" (CD, 2015)
Los Blue Marinos "Off The Lip" (7"/Bandcamp, 2015)
King Jartur & His Lords "Halulah Does The Hula" (adelanto 7", 2015)
Santos Morcegos "Goldfinho" (CD "Ectasy Of Fedorento", 2010)
Los Sfinters "El Domador De Palos Contra El Hombre Lobo" (7")
The Bitkitures "Atraco A Las Tres" (Bandcamp, 2014)
Echo Express "Surf Up" (maqueta)
Mistery Man "Madrid City" (maqueta)
Redneck Surfers "Sheep's Shit" (LP "Surfferin", 2013)
The Weekend Turtles "La Noche Que Mataron A Modesto Venganza" (CD Watanga!, 2014)
Acapulco Riders Band "Latido" (LP split)
Dirty Surf "Herida De Plomo" (7", 2013)
Los Mutagénicos "Surf In The Tanque" (7", 2010)
El Gran Quelonio "Maquillaje" (Bandcamp)

Spanish Special #8 - Spanish Surf Bands Vol.7

  1. The Wangs "Wang's Stomp"
  2. Durango14 "Last Oil Station"
  3. Pornosurf "Bukake Baby"
  4. Los Coronas "Soul Surfer"
  5. Surfin' Beards "C uarto de Milla"
  6. The Phantom Dragsters "The Last Wave"
  7. A-phonics "Muixeranga"
  8. 13th Magic Skull "Lubantum Secret"
  9. Supertubos! "El Rey del Aftersun"
  10. Los Galerna "Soy de la Costa"
  11. Los Pipelines "Tema del Hombre Murciérlago"
  12. Santos Morcegos!!! "Mr. Surfman"
  13. Los Tsunamis "Morrococo"
  14. The Magnificats "Don Quijote"
  15. Los Derrumbes "Planeta Atlon"
  16. Camarada Nimoy "Super Post Panamax"
  17. Phonocaptors "14 Knives"
  18. The Longboards "Molokai Drunken Hawaiians"
  19. Ninchi Surf System "Crucero por Os Arribes"
  20. The Weekend Turtles "Sleepwalk"
  21. Mistery Man "Mustang"

Niels Jansen
Program Director
North Sea Surf Radio

To submit your surf music to North Sea Surf Radio send the tracks as .mp3 in 320kbps bitrate with correct tags to via Dropbox.

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