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Permalink New World Relampagos Review

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I’ve had this CD for a few days now and the one thing that strikes me is that every time I listen to it, it has a different character. I always love listening to something new, and even better something foreign to my regular routine. And that’s where this CD really packs a lot of punch! It goes between really large sonic western landscapes, all the way to more subtle and tasty instrumentals, and what I keep thinking sounds like tinges of James Bond-esque moments (the song Nocturno being the most obvious). It’s sprinkled with a foreign paradise exotica sound, mixed in with a Spotnicks type Telstar sound, and some straight up Surf! And I can’t agree more with the liner notes, WHY I HAVE NEVER HEARD THIS BAND BEFORE?

I had never heard of Los Relampagos before acquiring this CD, which is actually not the original band, but some of our favorite Surf music Superstars playing the music of the original band. But of course once I bite into the apple I have to research as much as possible. I’ve looked at every youtube reference I can find at this point, and all I can say is that they were definitely a unique and awesome band. They represented Spain as the #1 instrumental combo throughout the 60’s and for good reason. The songwriting was not encumbered by the sound of the Shadows or the other music that was the mainstay instrumental fare for Europe. It seems to have had a life of it’s own and encompasses so many styles and tastes simultaneously that the end result is independently brilliant.

One thing you can take to the bank however, is that there are some stellar performances on here. I think when you mix Ivan Pongracic with Dusty Watson in any setting you’re going to get some type of symbiotic magic that will convincingly inspire you to give up your craft, while simultaneously inspiring you to get off your ass! And this CD is no slouch in that department. I can’t really tell whats going on from the liner notes, but it looks like the original players are involved.

The sonic quality is very rich and full and it sounds like a few of the treatments pay homage to the original recordings to some degree. This is definitely a keeper and will gain a place among some of my favorite CD’s. Do yourself a favor and get a copy of this for your collection. It’s hard to find but well worth it!


Last edited: Sep 03, 2015 16:54:39

Thanks very much for this great review, Jeremy, I'm very glad you dig the CD! I'll reply to some of your review next week, but for now let me just link to the Amazon review of this CD posted by Brian Parrish of The Casbah podcast: I think his review complements yours nicely, and even fills in a few blanks. Here it is:

"A few years back while browsing around through my favorite local record store for surf music, I found a strange 12" vinyl LP with plain black & white graphics. The record was called GUITAR MOOD... no record label was listed on the sleeve! How odd?! I looked at the bands... I didn't recognize any of them. Naturally, I bought that curious piece of vinyl. When I got home and listened to music, I heard one band that since I've never forgotten... LOS RELAMPAGOS.
The original Los Relampagos was a Spanish instrumental rock & roll band with a prolific output of material throughout the 1960s. All this in a country where a dictatorship was in charge! Finally, after years of languishing in obscurity, Los Relampagos' brilliant music lives again. Dick Dale and Ventures fans take note: There is something else!
THE NEW WORLD RELAMPAGOS is an all-star shootout modern surf music greats: Ivan Pongracic of the SPACE COSSACKS on lead guitar, Sam Bolle of AGENT ORANGE on bass, and Dusty Watson of SLACKTONE/DICK DALE/AGENT ORANGE/BOO-YA TRIBE on drums. The CD host a number of surprise guests... most importantly keyboardist Pablo Herrero and guitarist Jose Luis Armenteros of the original LOS RELAMPAGOS.
The music on NEW WORLD RELAMPAGOS ranges from traditional Spanish-style rock instrumentals, to haunting ballads, and spaghetti-westerns fills out the CD. It rocks right out to the end! Songs like "Macerena" (don't confuse it with that stupid dance), "El Arlequin Del Toledo", "Aster Nova" are rich in atmosphere and mystery. As you may have guessed, THE NEW WORLD RELAMPAGOS aren't your typical surf band. Unlike Dick Dale or the Ventures, you're not going to hear a musically degenerate song like "Wipeout" on this album. Rather than play fast, NEW WORLD RELAMPAGOS have the ability to bend and wrap chords with the shimmering, hyper-reverbed guitar sound similar to other 1960s European bands like the Shadows, Spotniks, and the Outlaws... and then they take it up a notch!
This CD is a classic! A must have for all instrumental rock collectors and fans. Listening to the NEW WORLD RELAMPAGOS will provoke you go out and seek out LOS RELAMPAGOS' albums for yourself..."

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Ivan I do agree. This is a cd that any collector of instrumental music should have though it is not surf.
I didn´t check the webpage ( I don´t know it is still valid.
The cd was released by Sirena Music (SM9029)in 2000, it has 17 tracks
additional musicians were:
Cranston Clements - guitars
Jose Luis Armenteros - guitars
Ron Eglit - pedal steel guitar and bass guitar
Mike Bucalo - trumpets
Nic Farkas - additional keyboards
Jim Hammond - harpsichord
Red Devecca - bass
Mark English - rhythm guitar

producer: Mark Huber with additonal assistance of Ivan,Bruce Kane, Dusty Watson and Art Bourasseau

I have a cd compilation of the original Los Relampagos with 24 tracks called "Sus Mejores EP´s Los Relampagos(1962-1965).

Ivan I do regret that we didn´t have a chance to talk at the SJSF as I had a little breakdown on Sunday and had to return to the hotel, so I even missed your gig.

Thank you for all that information, Ruediger. I'm very sorry to hear that you were not feeling well on Sunday and had to miss our show - that's terrible! I hope you feel better. It was still nice to meet you, even if we didn't have a chance to speak much. Hopefully the next time!

I've recently acquired a stash of 130 virgin New World Relampagos CD, and I will be selling them for $10 each, which includes shipping in the US. (If you're in Europe, I'll sell it for $20, since it's now pretty expensive to ship CDs there - about $15 to send one CD, I believe - crazy!)

If you're interested just email me at

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Last edited: Dec 12, 2015 15:33:34

My copy arrived at the start of the week and was the soundtrack to my commute all week.

Jeremy, you've really given a fantastic description of what the listener can expect on this album, so I don't have a ton to add.

As you very well put it, Jeremy, this record is anything but narrow or stereotypical... unless you wanted to stereotype it as an amazing collection of songs by some phenomenally talented players. The diversity of the sounds and styles is pretty vast (entirely appropriate comparison to the Ventures there from the liner notes).

I will say that there are a couple of songs where the lead melody is keyboards or where a dash of harpsichord that shows up in a few places that aren't my favorite. That's 2, maybe 3 songs tops of the 17 and less about the instrumentation than it is the style of the songs that happen to feature those sounds. Coincidence I guess.

On the other hand, some of the added percussion touches and the songs featuring pedal steel and trumpet are really amazing.

I regret not picking this up sooner - it is an amazing record. I'd mentioned to Ivan that I'd had this in my shopping cart at various outlets at least a half dozen times over the last couple of years, never quite committed enough to actually make the purchase. But I guess like they say, good things come to those who wait. I still got the album in the end ~and~ at an incredible bargain! Thank You, Ivan!!!

For anyone who doesn't already have it, stop perusing SG101 for a minute, launch your email and send a note to Ivan to get an order going. You'll be glad you did. And Ivan will too - despite how great the record is, I doubt he needs 130 copies to fully enjoy it. Win Win. Whatchu' waiting for?!?!?!


El Mirage @ ReverbNation

Last edited: Sep 26, 2015 11:24:26

Awesome, thank you, Fady!! I really appreciate this!

Onslow_Beach wrote:

For anyone who doesn't already have it, stop perusing SG101 for a minute, launch your email and send a note to Ivan to get an order going. You'll be glad you did. And Ivan will too - despite how great the record is, I doubt he needs 130 copies to fully enjoy it. Win Win. Whatchu' waiting for?!?!?!

EXACTLY!! C'mon, people - I've got a lot of them waiting here for you! $10 includes shipping in the US. ($20 to Europe - the shipping alone is about $15!) What a deal!!! And you've got Fady's, Ruediger's and Jeremy's testimonials above here to assure you it's a great CD! Email me at

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Last edited: Dec 10, 2015 21:38:35

You're the one who deserves thanking, Ivan! $10 for a fantastic CD... shipped. Seriously?!?!

Thumbs Up

PS - Anyone who particularly enjoys MACARENA from the Madiera's Sonic Cataclysm (Live album) and various live sets, you can hear it here in fine form.

Adding another great cut from the album to convey the sense of what you'll find here - El Arlequin de Toledo.


El Mirage @ ReverbNation

Sorry ...prolly should be a post in the "What are you listening to?" thread. It's returned to my commute listening this week. Still blows my mind that it's 15 years old. Just timeless.

Get your copy here ^^^^

Thumbs Up


El Mirage @ ReverbNation

Yes Thanks, Fady!!! Very glad you're still diggin' it, and thanks for the plug! Yes, folks, I've got a crapload of these, so c'mon, hit me up for a copy! I really don't think you'll be disappointed! And it's the time of the year to spend too much money, right?? ;)

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Ivan, bring them to the convention and we can sell them at the front table
if you don't want to watch them.


Received my copy from Ivan last Saturday and very happy with it. Fabulous tribute album. Not surf but guitar/organ rock instrumentals. Excellent sound/mixing quality. Highly recommended!

Instromania on Bandcamp

Last edited: Dec 21, 2015 15:45:30

Great, thank you, Jeroen!! Very glad it arrived safely and promptly, and that you like it!

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Who wouldn't want to hear the REAL 'Macarena' - Big Grin

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

So, any other takers for this wonderful CD?? $10 in the US (shipping included), $20 to Europe (shipping included)!! A heck of a deal!! I've still got a large box full of those CDs....

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

This is a great deal on some amazing music. Jeremy's review is spot on. There may be more keys than the average surf music fan might want, but at 17 tracks there is more than enough here for fans of Ivan and these stellar players. It's an Andalusian fantasy where parched desert sand meets azure blue Mediterranean. If you like the Madeira, there is a lot to like here. It really is ambitious, even orchestral in its approach and very inspiring if you are looking for something instro yet which departs a bit from the usual. Track seven, El Tren De Las Tres Y Diez is positively cinematic (CinemaScope at that). With the brass, it should be on the sound track of some epic Western. You can't go wrong dropping Ivan a line and getting this.

^^^ Them are some fine words. Cool

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

websurfer wrote:

Track seven, El Tren De Las Tres Y Diez is positively cinematic (CinemaScope at that). With the brass, it should be on the sound track of some epic Western.

You nailed it, websurfer!!! (See below.)

You can't go wrong dropping Ivan a line and getting this.

Thumbs Up Thanks!!!

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

No wonder! I just synced that clip with the track and listened to them on top of each other. I'm even more impressed. You did a fantastic instrumental interpretation of that vocal! Cool

Well, to be fair, we just covered Los Relampagos' version of that song - they came up with the original interpretation of the vocal. (Though the project producer, Mark Huber, did add the trumpet arrangement to replace the kinda-cheesy male choir on the original - I thought the trumpets were MUCH better.) You can hear their original version below. But thanks, really glad you like it!

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Last edited: Jan 05, 2016 21:58:00

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