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People, I am extremely happy of the shows yesterday and I had fun fun fun. Nothing to say about this, lots of instro music (not all surf to me, but - hey - you know how i think...), but all great.

Now an analysis on Niels comment: YOU HAVE TO PLAY MORE LIVE SHOWS.
Stand up from your chairs, stop writing about strings gauge and speakers and book shows!!!

The analysis reveals clearly that the more surf bands tour, the more this music is known. You all know I tour a lot so I can tell that we are back to 1992, when people did not know what surf music was, never heard of it. Pulp Fiction era is gone. 3rd wave is gone. In the top 101 there are few new releases compared to the 90s one.

You need to carry around your Showman (does not matter if it's heavy) and reverb tanks. People have never seen them and they appreciate the sound. Leave home your pedals, masks, cloths, theremins... just play play play play. This is unfortunately the ONLY way to get people to know this music.

Festivals do, Radios do, Forum do. But all these bring much less results then going out, show your music and talk to people, invite them to buy your records and if they don't know explain what the fuck surf music is.

If you care about this music, about its history and roots, about a "scene" around the world, please do this. If you care only about you, your band, your music and your little world it's ok too. Then don't read my message... but don't complain about small audiences, lack of knowledge and low or not existing fees. There is very little for you out there. Instrumental music means nothing to most people.

Think surf music, then yourself.

Lorenzo "Surfer Joe" Valdambrini

What Lorenzo says Agree

And the result of the list show it.
90% of Surfer Joe bands benefit in this list.

Playing comes first, the rest comes later.
You can make an amazing record but if you don't tour it, it's a waist of money.

We started off with The Phantom Four playing 100 shows in our first two years for fees as low as 50 euro and something to eat, playing to 10 or 20 people. But eventually it got us a fanbase, we had 800 people at our 10th anniversary and now it brings us festivals paying 1000 to 1500 euro.
Tour, tour, tour and expect to loose money on crossing the border the first times. Our first Spanish tour costed us 1500 euro, the second 500 and the third we broke even. I do realise that for people in the US this will be very difficult though.

But if you want to make money stop doing surf music.
Or convince The Coen Brothers to do a blockbuster movie with only surf revival tunes in it.

Niels Jansen
Program Director
North Sea Surf Radio

To submit your surf music to North Sea Surf Radio send the tracks as .mp3 in 320kbps bitrate with correct tags to via Dropbox.

North Sea Surf Radio: Website- Facebook - Twitter
North Sea Surf Festival: Website - Facebook - Twitter
The Phantom Four: Website - Facebook - Twitter

Last edited: Sep 07, 2015 11:34:58

nielsjansen wrote:

and as for the John Blair & Ivan Pongracic band:
- John & Nightriders: 4 albums on the rise, 3 dropping slightly
- Space Cossacks: both albums moving up of which one from 10 to 4!
even though The Madeira has all 3 albums going down slightly

Not quite true, Niels - Sandstorm moved up eight points!

I'll happily accept my five positions in the top 101!!! Big Grin Seriously, thank you all very, very much for voting for both the Cossacks and the Madeira. I'm once again completely blown away that both bands did so well, and especially blown away to see Tsar Wars going up to the fourth place! Holy cow! THANK YOU ALL !

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Oh, and huge thanks to Niels and Jonpaul for doing all this again! It's a lot of fun, though due to the two CD release shows the Madeira had this weekend I didn't return home until late Sunday afternoon, with a lot waiting for me to do, so I was not able to listen in - bummer. But looking at the list makes me feel so much joy and pride at being a part of this remarkably creative scene, that has produced an astonishing amount of great music over the past 35 year! GO SURF MUSIC!!!! So many people out there have no idea what they're missing!

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Yeah you're right Ivan. I overlooked that album rising which basically makes my point even stronger (I edited my post now). Congrats on the #4 position, what a great achievement. Looking from a composer point of view you are one of the top artists in there with 5 albums.

Niels Jansen
Program Director
North Sea Surf Radio

To submit your surf music to North Sea Surf Radio send the tracks as .mp3 in 320kbps bitrate with correct tags to via Dropbox.

North Sea Surf Radio: Website- Facebook - Twitter
North Sea Surf Festival: Website - Facebook - Twitter
The Phantom Four: Website - Facebook - Twitter

First of all, thank you to Niels and Jonpaul for all their work on the Top 101 Albums of 2015. NSSR is a wonderful resource for all surf music lovers. Keep up the great work. Next, thank you to everyone who voted. It is in the best interest of the surf music community to put our best foot forward, and the more people who vote, the better and more valid the Top 101 list is.

I have enjoyed studying the list and reading the analysis. Here's my number crunching. I was interested in the relative impact of the various bands on the list. So I devised a formula for calculating impact. I am not a statistician (not even much of a mathematician) but here's how I decided to gauge impact. First I assigned each rank a point value. I kept it simple. First place in the list gets 101 points, second place gets 100, and so on with last place getting 1 point. I then sorted the list by band and summed up each band's total. More albums on the list and higher rankings equal more points.

Then I decided to calculate the average impact: total points divided by number of albums. This gave bands with one really good album a chance to shine.

I limited my list to the top 20 bands according to total points.

Here is the list ranked by total points


Here is the list ranked by average (total points / album count)


So there your have what I came up with for your consideration. Thoughts? Is there a better way to calculate overall impact? Just for the record, I'm not trying to determine a "best" band. Every band on the list is marvelous in my book. I'm just trying to gauge what I've decided to call "impact" on the 2015 list.

My Classic Instrumental Surf Music Timeline
SSS Agent #777

Wow, thanks for that thorough analysis. I really enjoyed that!

Behind the scenes I am working on a new project for 2016; The Surf Artist Top 101. This will be a list compiled by a combination of factors; listener votes, scores on all our combined lists (including two new lists coming up next year) and online popularity. This is gonna be a list spread out over a long broadcast where we will be playing several tracks by all 101 bands.

It's going to be a very delicate and complicated task and I am already going through different calculation methods. I love number crushing and am already looking forward to this. Probably going on air early May.

Niels Jansen
Program Director
North Sea Surf Radio

To submit your surf music to North Sea Surf Radio send the tracks as .mp3 in 320kbps bitrate with correct tags to via Dropbox.

North Sea Surf Radio: Website- Facebook - Twitter
North Sea Surf Festival: Website - Facebook - Twitter
The Phantom Four: Website - Facebook - Twitter

Thanks to everyone who voted for Satan's Pilgrims! We are humbled to be ranked among so many bands who play their instruments with such virtuosity!

Hi Niels, I am glad to hear that you enjoyed my analysis and I appreciate the feedback. I look forward to seeing your Surf Artist Top 101 and the other lists you have planned.

Good luck with determining your calculations for the Top Artists. It's great that you enjoy that kind of thing. That the task will be “very delicate and complicated” is an understatement! There are so many factors and weightings you could include that the math could approach the complexity of quantum physics Big Grin .


My Classic Instrumental Surf Music Timeline
SSS Agent #777

I like the idea of the top artists. I found hard to select a top 10 for albums, but easy to select a top 10 artists. That being said the list will probably pretty close to the top album 101 (I could be wrong!). I liked the recent Latin surf (and I like the idea of the the upcoming Spanish surf lists) as it highlights music I am not as familiar with. Thanks for all your effort, I really enjoy listening to each countdown.

The Obsidians! (Ottawa surf)
The Obsidians debut EP

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