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Permalink The future of SG101 3.0

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One thing I was curious about was if there was a way to mass delete inactive accounts? When you look through the members page there are so many that either have never posted, posted once or twice years ago, or have not logged in for years. Would it be beneficial to get an accurate idea of how many people are legitimate members, logging in and posting?

I was also wondering if we could have a pin for people with successful classified transactions. Almost like "positive feedback" on eBay. I am not sure how that would be implemented and it is still a leap of faith doing online transactions, but it might be worth doing.

WaimeaBay wrote:

One thing I was curious about was if there was a way to mass delete inactive accounts? When you look through the members page there are so many that either have never posted, posted once or twice years ago, or have not logged in for years. Would it be beneficial to get an accurate idea of how many people are legitimate members, logging in and posting?

Do not make the mistake of equating a lack of posts to being 'inactive' or not being "legitimate". I agree that a member who has not logged on in a long time (12 mos?) is 'inactive'.
Many people lurk, learn, but do not post. That is not a bad thing. How can it be? Maybe some folks just do not wish to add anything because they feel that they cannot contribute anything at the moment.

The Surf Shakers:
Vancouver BC Canada

Last edited: Aug 30, 2015 15:37:09

Kawentzmann wrote:

… and a printable pdf with explanations of the color codes ;)

Ha, yeah I wasn't envisioning something complicated other than maybe a note in the site notes (ya know, info for first time visitors that unfortunately many never read). Something like use of [pick color] font is meant as "just kidding." But it's just one of those things you can do when there is a darker background and the text editor allows true highlighting (like the yellow highlighter pen), font colors, underlining, etc.

I think that many of those responding have shown the feasibility of a SG101 v3.0 - and the question of either/or with regards to discussion forum or that other place has now been answered.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

JakeDobner wrote:

Something that I think NEEDS to happen is for users to be able to integrate Bandcamp into their user profiles. And for those who have a bandcamp integration, they would have flair or a link (like the PM link) to visit their profile/bandcamp.

Just MORE and MORE music. There isn't enough music directly available on this site and I feel bandcamp is the best way to listen share, sample, and buy music for artists like ourselves.

I'm not very interested in checking out youtube samples/videos, I don't know why, but I am very likely to visit any band's bandcamp to see if it is something I want to buy.

...Agreed! I think this site needs more music; by that, I mean actual music samples or Bandcamp links that people can visit to hear music. A 30 second live YouTube vid (although it might be interesting) doesn't count.

  • I think the site should stay!!
  • Yeah, sometimes people on the forums are a-holes. I've personally felt censored at times (perhaps due to me, myself, being an a-hole or just an overly opinionated jerk) by the site. My personal thought, is that a reasonable amount of conflict and differing opinions is what makes a site interesting. Sure, nobody should be bullied or meant to feel unwelcome...but opinions should be welcome and uncensored as well, even if unpopular or controversial.
  • I don't always log in. That doesn't mean I'm not viewing the site. I DON'T think user accounts should be deleted for inactivity.
  • If this site became more of a "Magazine" that has a forum attached to it, it would be WAY better, IMO. What I mean by that, is that if there was content that was written by one or more individuals on a regularly scheduled basis, it would provide more incentive for me to check out the site. Right now the site is very hit and miss...maybe I'll read a post that interests me, or I'll answer a question. It's sometimes difficult to sort through everything to find content that is personally meaningful to me. Now, if there was a "New Music" blog that was updated every month or two weeks (on a set date), that included reviews along with sound clips of tunes...I'd visit more often. Other ideas would be "Surf Gear" (review of guitars and equipment new or old), "Classic Surf" (reviews of old records including rare or obscure surf), "Interviews" (Q and A with surf bands and musicians).

-Just my 2 cents.

shivers13 wrote:

Brian, one thing that would be cool is if a band could create a permanent profile that they set up and maintain themselves that was clearly seen on the main page with perhaps with a map to locate the group by region.

Agree But I would add that even disbanded bands and bands who don't post here regularly should have a profile (such as Ventures) and all bands should be classed in an era by dates they are/were active.

The home page should have links to everything a student would need to write a really comprehensive school project on Surf music. Part of that would be the ability to sample or stream songs and videos by artists.!/rich.derksen.7

Pappa_Surf wrote:

The home page should have links to everything a student would need to write a really comprehensive school project on Surf music.

That would be a cool goal... It would take not a small amount of effort by members, even to collate from existing history in many posts here and put it in some format like that. (more effort than currently shown in the site's wiki...)

OT: such a hypothetical report would get a 'D' from me if all it sourced was one website. Laughing

But it's an interesting direction.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

shivers13 wrote:

In the immortal words of JFK... "Ask not what this forum can do for you, ask what you can do for this forum"!

All Brian can do is set up the canvas. It's up to YOU to make it interesting.

Thanks Norm, this is my feeling exactly. A lot (all?) of the "magazine" type features being talked about can be done today with the current website between the forums, the wiki, and the news posts. Album of the month, tablature exchange, songwriting exchange, instructional videos, etc. are all possible. Someone just needs to step up and do it. I look at this like an open source software community. We are all volunteers here with limited time. But if you have an itch to scratch (say you like to write software, or you like to write reviews, or you'd like to try making videos, or you'd like to dissect songs and write tab) AND you like surf music here is your platform for that. The rest of the community will thank you and you will scratch your itch.

Many folks have done this of course. Ivan has written countless reviews. Lots of people write show reports. Dick from the Aquatudes creates drum backing tracks. And many more. So consider this period of introspection about where the site should go into the future as a call to action. If you want to help out and you have the time, let's do it together. It will be amazing.

I'll try my best to write software to support these efforts, but I can't provide the content myself.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
Need help with the site? SG101 FAQ - Send me a private message - Email me

"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

EDIT: I rewrote my post on this existential topic. It seemed too negative.


I derive benefit from the site. I happen to think that it's quite cool. There is nothing else quite like it, so it has a unique value proposition. Most others seem to like it also, except for a few outliers. SG101 has been very, very good to me. I can't even begin to complain. It certainly has given more to me than I have given it.

Regarding leaving SG101 to shrivel up in the sun while moving to other social platforms: why not? That is the question you need to answer. And you should have a good one.

Of course, SG101 is a thing unto itself, so maybe let it be? To incorporate more modern ways of communicating would be very nice, however. (The very medium of a bulletin board is looking pretty old fashioned these days, for instance.) But you could make improvements here and at the same time preserve whatever content you have accumulated, at least for posterity.

That said, you are looking at a whole lot of work with a minimal personal ROI. Reading between the lines, it appears that you are fed up with certain types of chatter on the site. So, for purely personal reasons you ought to weigh the potential ratio of effort to reward. (And if you think for a second moving to FB or some other FB-like format is going to improve the signal to noise, think again. This is about as good as it gets.) Unfortunately, no one can help you make this decision; it is up to you and your family.

Another option, if you have had enough of all this, may be to create a cooperative team that handles at least some aspects of site administration for you so you might quit tightening every loose screw while you still have a modicum of sanity left.

Though, as I am fond of saying at the workplace, "It is rarely a good idea to create one problem to solve another." Pondering this simple idea has saved my ass more than once. YMMV.


Last edited: Aug 30, 2015 19:00:23

I agree with Brian. It's the members that have to help change things. I think I have some great ideas and I'd love to collaborate with anyone who wants to work with me, to make some fresh content around here.

For example... One thing I really struggle with as a surf guitarist is rhythm guitar playing. Learning the leads has always been the easy part for me. How awesome would it be on the "surf musicians" forum section if their was a thread where everyone posted a cool rhythm guitar technique or chord progression that they used effectively? You might have 10-15 videos before you know it in the same thread, with people asking questions, interacting and learning. I don't think it is that time consuming for someone to spend 20 minutes to an hour to come up with some type of content that others can learn and grow from. I don't think that is asking too much.

Or what about on the gear thread someone wants to hear the difference between a Gomez Reverb and Fender RI unit. and their is a quick 5 minute video showing the differences. Or if someone wants to know about an AC-30 for surf and bam, their is a video of someone playing surf music through one. Their are a lot of how-to videos out there, but not a lot using surf music as its main theme. It would be awesome if this can be a one stop shop for anything surf related.

As for the site in general, yeah, it might need a face lift and a more streamlined presentation. But we as members need to step up and help Brian. This is a site filled with creative people and awesome musicians. We can do more in my humble opinion.

I agree with the sentiments that there should be more special content AND that it should be user-sourced. Like Brian said, it's already happening in a way, and I think this thread shows that people care enough to do it.

HOWEVER! A post in the middle of a thread on the internet feels kind of insignificant. I always felt bad for Noel when he would post these extremely well-thought-out reviews in the review forum because I felt like they weren't getting the attention they deserve.

I think things like this could use some curation. A reviews section on the sidebar with reviews or other spotlight articles in their own html layout like the news section, comments underneath. I think that would make a difference between "SG101 reviewed my album" and "some guy on the internet reviewed my album". And stuff like that should be posted on an official sg101 facebook page. Does that exist? Again, I don't think facebook should be seen as competition before it's even been leveraged for bringing people in here.

Based on your last post, Brian, it sounds like you were already thinking something similar, but I don't know if others realized they could volunteer their time like that. I didn't at least. You might need to ask before you get people volunteering.

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

I use FB quite a bit - I like it fine. But for anything that I might want to post on FB and SG101 both, I put on SG101 and then post a link to the SG101 post in my FB post.

I look at SG101 several times a week.

I put links to the archives of my surf shows here - very rarely get a reply. But if I look at stats for, I see that there are a lot (maybe 100 a month) of hits that come from that post on the SG101 site.

Brian, if you have time to do 3.0, I will be very grateful.

ElMonstroPorFavor wrote:

HOWEVER! A post in the middle of a thread on the internet feels kind of insignificant. I always felt bad for Noel when he would post these extremely well-thought-out reviews in the review forum because I felt like they weren't getting the attention they deserve.

I think it's totally fine to cross post reviews... here, Amazon, CDBaby, iTunes. I see a lot of work going into the reviews, better get some mileage out of them.

Buy Speed of Dark @ Bandcamp
Buy Spin the Bottle @ Bandcamp
My Blog- Euro Tour Blog
Pool Boys on Spotify
Frankie & The Pool Boys on FB
Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

No Facebook, please.

I want to hear Caravan with a drum solo.

being someone who spends a good amount of time on SG101 and various facebook groups i say...

  1. keep running if you update it or not, it is a fantastic resource.

  2. if you want to flirt with facebook start a facebook group, i run one for my podcast and its a great way to manage a likeminded community on FB

2b. the surf music/guitar groups on FB are all really weak right now, it would be great to have sg101 come in an be the main unified place instead of 15 groups with 300 members each. many with all the same members posting the same stuff. if you want help setting up a group i dont mind lending a hand.

i enjoy reading other radio show playlists but i seem to miss hearing most of them because it's not right in front of me. i'd love to see a permanent list of shows and their times at the top of the home page.

i'd also love to volunteer my time on sg101 but between running a retail store MANY hours a week and volunteering at my local community radio station 15 hours a week (and having a little bit of a life) i'm tapped out.

I really like coming here. I don't post a lot, but there's always great reading, and links to music and videos I might not have found any other way.

Would it be possible to embrace other instro sub genres with surf to broaden the appeal of the board? is it possible that having guitar as part of the name keeps us from seeing input from bassists, drummers, keys players and horn players?

  1. No FB. I bailed on it two years ago. Noise, noise, noise. And they own the content. Once it's below the fold, it's effectively gone. No useful searching, searching by date, etc.

  2. I love finding new (new or new-to-me) bands from the the posts like "Surf Music Releases in 2015" or "Surf Music I bought recently".

  3. If you need help to keep it going, I'd be glad to help some. I've run several websites and blogs over the years. Also, I'm an infosec guy at an internet company.

Also, it seems like there is plenty of traffic, and recently too.

See attached totals for posts and last update dates. This excludes the section of posts where we talk about the site itself.


Last edited: Aug 31, 2015 13:43:34

northerncrown wrote:

  1. No FB. I bailed on it two years ago. Noise, noise, noise. And they own the content. Once it's below the fold, it's effectively gone. No useful searching, searching by date, etc.

Agree I also don't mind donating periodically to this site (or NSSR for that matter). Regarding FB, as the current saying goes, "If it's free, YOU are the service." I don't vibrate on that frequency.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

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