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Hey just signed up here, seems like an intresting idea for a site and I'm just getting into surf but anyways...

My friend told me he wants to get a guitar and amp to mess around with surf music and classic rock and within his budget I suggested the Ibanez Jet King 2 guitar and the Vox Valvetronix 15 watt amp. Would this be fine for him or should he get a guitar with a vibrato bar?

Hey Bob, welcome. I'll give you the info I give my guitar students:

I would suggest to your friend that he get a made in mexico strat or if you want to hunt ebay you can find a US strat for around 300 - 600. I think the mexican models are really good quality for the money, much better than low end Ibanez guitars. Another issue about Ibanez: I grew up playing an Ibanez they don't even make anymore. That Ibanez neck really influnces the way you play when you are learning on it. It's so thin that when you "grow up" and want a Fender, Gibson, etc that you really have to reevauluate the way you play. I always tell people that Ibanez/jackson necks spoil you. Just my two cents. I would go with the Fender. I have two Mexican made Fenders and I love them. Yeah, go with the tremolo, too. If he decides he doesn't like using one he can always just hard tail it. Oh, and I recommend for newbies string wise: start playing on like 10s. They help you build those callous that you need. It's hard being into surf. You're gonna play your friend's Ibanez with the super lite .8s on it, with the razor thin neck and think it feels so much better, but unless your playing metal (I don't even think metal guitar players go for the thin sound anymore) you'll be happy you played a fender. MUST RESIST THE DARK SIDE!

Just checked out the Jet 2 guitar. It looks pretty neat, although the new headstock is fugly. Might be a good guitar. Anyone played one? I wonder if you get it with a trem.

The Jet King 2 is different from most Ibanez guitars in that it has a pretty fat neck. It has coil taps and a cool, trashy retro vibe. Might be a little dark sounding for trad surf. Otherwise, I think it could be a fine surf guitar.

The Valvetronix has been getting raves all over.

I think this setup would be perfect to cover both classic rock and surf.

Here is a review:


Here is one with a Bigsby and SD Phat Cats:

Well the local shops don't have the Jet King 2 but they had a bunch of Strats. I think he'll probably get a Fender MIM strat or a Godin guitar because I've heard good things and its pretty cheap.

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