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Permalink Ever forgotten to unclamp the Fender 63 Reverb's spring?

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Launched into Miserlou at last night's gig with transport damper still locked... 'doh...

Youth and enthusiasm are no match for age and treachery.

Several times. My clamp doesn't work that well so I couldn't tell.

Once or twice. I still get some booch, but man, does it sound off to me.


Richard forgets that everytime we set up for practice after a show......I find it pretty funny ed

Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

I forgot a couple of times during gigs, but the worst was during staright to 2 track recording. Found out after everything was done for the day. And I wondered why my reverb crash (that came from a kick that rolled the unit to the floor) wasn't as good as it should have been.

The Scimitars

Headphones my boy....always monitor in real time....ed

Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

I fell for the "Hey! I just got this Reverb come it sound so crappy?" routine. I finally turned it around and looked in back...voila!

big "duh!" moment,

Along those lines, when we play the Saturns Voyage Around the Moon it requires a drop D tuning that I sometimes forget to tune back to E. It doesn't take long to realize that clam upon the start of the next song.



Yep - done that as well - several times. It's quite re-assuring that everyone else does these things. I was beginning to suspect the early onset of senility.

Youth and enthusiasm are no match for age and treachery.

Along those lines, when we play the Saturns Voyage Around the Moon it requires a drop D tuning that I sometimes forget to tune back to E. It doesn't take long to realize that clam upon the start of the next song.


I was going to post the same thing until I scrolled down and read yours. I do it all the time. I even write on the set list 'TUNE BACK UP TO E!'

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Yup Danny, perhaps I need to write it down as well. I have the detuning notation on my set list, but not the other way around. However, the scowl our bass player shoots me when I forget is almost worth the screwup.


I have enough trouble with normal tuning to venture into some where did I put my favorite pick?.............ed

Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

i also fell for this when i first got my fender RI unit. i plyaed that thing for over an hour before i realized why it sounded like the reverb on my Twin.

also, i had the drop d tuning experience in highschool while playing Wipeout, no less. we played a foo fighters song( Embarassed ) just before that and i was telling the drummer to stop but he just shook his head and said were not stopping. i had to tune up while everyone else was playing their parts. back then that was a big deal. i was proud of myself for being able to get it back in tune with all that other noise around.


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