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Bay City, Michigan

Posted on May 24 2007 11:14 AM
yeah, we are kind of getting sick of our stagewear, and we need something new, but are out of ideas. we only want something simple, just matching shirts, not a whole outfit or anything. we tried red and white striped shirts but we all wear blue jeans and they look kinda funny with that. the main reason is because we are evolving into more of a trad sound, and we have pretty much a progressive(if not anything else) look.
just any small suggestions would greatly be appreciated. also if you think that our current shirts work fine also add that, because that may sway our opinions.
Here's a pic of our current choice.

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mojave desert, california

Posted on May 24 2007 11:22 AM
something like this might be cool:
or this:

Joined: Jun 17, 2006
Posts: 1010
Bay City, Michigan

Posted on May 24 2007 11:32 AM
something like this might be cool:
or this:

haha. i like the last one, but none of us have nice enough legs for a skirt.
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Redlands, CA

Posted on May 24 2007 12:20 PM
JoshHeartless> the main reason is because we are evolving into more of a trad sound,
Josh, why don't you and the guys just go down to a mens store, or even a JC Penneys store and buy matching dress shirts with nice small stripes. Wear them with the tails out, and the sleaves roled up a notch or two. That way you have a nice shirt, a tradional look and it is always tradional style with jeans. I remember the sand colored jeans being the most popular during the original surf wave. Blue was common too.
AS for t-shirts. Most were heavy weight plain white JC Pennys brand. Unless you had a t-shirt that had a spray painted car or surf picture on it. (ala Big Daddy, ed Roth).
I was a teenager in the 60's and that was a common look here on the west coast where I lived. (La Puente).
not many of us wore gym shoes then. we usually wore some sort of penny loafers, lace-up shoe, or blue boat deck shoe. The gym shoe look came much later, like in the 70's.
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Bay City, Michigan

Posted on May 24 2007 12:25 PM
thanks for the reply, joel, and i will try to put that into consideration.
whereas yes, we are heading for more of a trad sound, it still isnt completely trad, sorry i should have cleared that up. again, i dont really want to look too fancy. i actually wanted to try us wearing all red plain T-shirts but none of the other guys wanted to do that.
and once again, thank you for the input.
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Redlands, CA

Posted on May 24 2007 12:37 PM
Josh, your welcome.
I see where you are headed now. Just changing t-shirt colors to solid colored ones with each member wearing a different color. Whatever they choose for any given day.
Maybe reserving the current one's for special events. They seem approiate for the band name.
Stage wear can be a challange when there is more than one input as to what it will be.
Good luck.
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San Francisco

Posted on May 24 2007 01:13 PM
What about a knock off of the "I heart NY" shirts -- and make it
I <3 Eaters
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Oceanside, CA

Posted on May 24 2007 01:34 PM
I love the name of the band.
But I have to say that if you are going to do anything with stage blood and make up to look bruised, cut or injured in anyway. Be ready for last minute back outs by club owners and venues.
Recently we have lost a couple of spots not because we are obnoxious, rude or disrespectful to clubs and their patrons. But because other artsy experimental that came through the venues just before had done something. Because they had a stage costume and blood, we lose our gigs. Even we trying to negotiate with no stage make-up or blood. We have still been pigeon-holed into being a possible liability.
So maybe get a stage shirt that has that typical I Love NY heart and have bite take out of it or anything less threatening then actually suggesting injury or violence. Take the uncomfortable aspect out of the equation and your band will be greeted with open arms in more places, especially if you are playing to play with more Trad bands. The older folks will be less likely to walk away while you are playing.
Hope this helps. I love seeing the young bands keeping the music alive.
_Redd Tyde
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Bay City, Michigan

Posted on May 24 2007 01:39 PM
we only had fake blood at one show. actually those blood splatter are painted on, so we can wash 'em and theyll always look the same. so i would have to say that we arent that extreme, but yeah, another poiunt to this is i kinda wanted to tone it down.
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Posted on May 24 2007 05:04 PM
What about a knock off of the "I heart NY" shirts -- and make it
I <3 Eaters
LOL, I like that. 
— "Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty
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Posts: 1540

Posted on May 24 2007 05:06 PM
we only had fake blood at one show. actually those blood splatter are painted on, so we can wash 'em and theyll always look the same. so i would have to say that we arent that extreme, but yeah, another poiunt to this is i kinda wanted to tone it down.
Josh, you have a week to come up with a cool gimmick! ;)
— "Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty
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the outer banks of north carolina

Posted on May 24 2007 09:38 PM
find yourselves a seamstress and some cool fabric
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Posted on May 25 2007 01:25 AM
Buy thrift store suits and tear the hell out of them and dress like zombies.
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mojave desert, california

Posted on May 25 2007 10:36 AM
Recently we have lost a couple of spots not because we are obnoxious, rude or disrespectful to clubs and their patrons. But because other artsy experimental that came through the venues just before had done something. Because they had a stage costume and blood, we lose our gigs. Even we trying to negotiate with no stage make-up or blood. We have still been pigeon-holed into being a possible liability..., do these club owners have a problem with stage vomit?
that's my new thing these days,
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Denver, CO

Posted on May 26 2007 02:59 PM
... yes, we are heading for more of a trad sound, it still isnt completely trad, sorry i should have cleared that up. again, i dont really want to look too fancy. ...
It's pretty near impossible to look fancy with your shirttail out. It was the look of choice for the casual in the early 60s. I still remember watching as a child one evening while a policeman asked the adult neighbors if a young man he'd collared was the one who'd knocked out the streetlight. "Let me see his back," said one woman. He turned around unhappily and she took one look at his shirttail hanging out (and his sleeves rolled up and his ducktail) and said "That's him." Well, anyway, he was in the wrong place at the right time, and wearing the uniform.
If you want the hodad look, rather later I noticed the greasers in junior high liked to wear garrishly red shirts, tails out, front and back, over black slacks and the characteristic boots.
Last edited: May 26, 2007 20:05:37
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The jungle

Posted on May 26 2007 06:19 PM
How about a shirt like this?

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Posts: 1010
Bay City, Michigan

Posted on May 26 2007 08:04 PM
honestly, im sure you all ahve seen this picture before, but this is the exact kind of feeling and look we wanna go for. the only thing is, white pants are definetely out of the question, and we tried red and white stripe shirts like these, and they dont look good with blue jeans. we could try white and black, but i dont think that would match the name as well. we dont want to look like we leaped right out of 1964, but we want to look somewhat like we tried, haha.
another thing i like about these outfits is it is a very youthful look, and epitomizes the youthful energy of surf in fashion IMO. we are only 18-20 in the band, so i want to take advantage of the idea of "bringing the youth back to surf", not saying that being old in a surf band is bad, but we are young and so were most 1st wave bands to my knowledge. again, we dont want to look fancy at all, so no full suits or dress shirts. i dont know, you think black & white t shirts would fit with our mostly red and white color sceme? go to our myspace to see what i mean, haha.
alex painted his drims white and black, maybe it would look good. what do you all think? white and black certainly would look good with blue jeans.
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the outer banks of north carolina

Posted on May 26 2007 09:04 PM
hey LHR, i like your idea
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Posted on May 28 2007 04:41 PM
Get Black Jeans.
— Jeff(bigtikidude)
Joined: Feb 27, 2006
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the outer banks of north carolina

Posted on May 28 2007 07:46 PM
Get Black Jeans.
pair it with the black t-shirt design of LHR and get some black lights