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Permalink BigTikiDude gets a new computer and a trip to Surfer Joe

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last day of the fest,
Sun. June 21st.

We woke up around 10 am, I was surprised it was so early, as it was another late night before. But it was the last day there, and we wanted to grab a bite at a nice place that Lorenzo hd recommend. We got ready and grabbed a cab, and I texted Ran to meet us on the main street in front of Surfer Joe
as there was Prosciutto place right across the street. As we were getting close in the cab, I saw Ran walking on the street, so I asked the driver to drop us off a block early. I didn't get a good look at the place that Lorenzo had pointed out, so when I saw a deli that had many kinds of meat
I mistook it for the place he said. We went into the relit for about 30 min. and tried many different meats and cheeses, and got 4 meats, 3 cheeses, and some great bread, then went across the street to the little park in front of Surfer Joe area to have a picnic. Jonpaul's fiancé Marie was riding down the street on a bike and we yelled for her to come over and join us. We all ate so much, it was amazing, and there was still left overs, that we gave to Lorenzo and surfer joe crew to finish.
Then we slowly made out stuffed way to the diner. Smile
We had quite a bit of time before the show was going to start, as the Surf Music discussion seminar had been canceled, as Ivan,John Blair, Jonpaul were at a rehearsal, Lorenzo was busy, and there really wasn't a lot of people there at that time anyways.
Rev Hank and guys from Urban Surf Kings did do a Ukelele version set of surf standards etc. in the Ungawa tiki bar upstairs.
I caught some of that, and also sat in on some of the NSSR broadcast, if there was somebody there to talk to.
I again was there for all of the early bands,
THE BIARRITZ BOYS (The Netherlands)and THE TAIKONAUTS (France)
But I was running around talking to people, helping with nssr, eating etc. I would catch a few songs in front of the stage, But I was really running low on energy from the weekend, and would go and sit down to rest in the shade, and listen from afar. Again, all of the bands were good,
and I wish I could have given them a more close listen. I was never more than 200 ft. away from the stage. But mentally I felt like I had been there a whole week.
up next was, JOHN BLAIR & IVAN PONGRACIC BAND (USA), I mustered the energy to go up front and witness this epic performance.
If you haven't yet, please do yourself a treat and watch the videos.
I have been a long time fan of John Blair, and the 2 bands of Ivan's
This set was absolutely mind blowing, and Dane Jonpaul were the best 2 guys to fill out the rhythm section for this show, and later tour of Spain. I heard many people saying they were one of or THEE highlight of the festival for them. And that there was many goose bump moments in their set. Up next was another band I was really looking forward to seeing, MESSER CHUPS (Russia) was a big one because its been an issue trying to get them over to the USA to play. So I thank Lorenzo for having them at Surfer Joe, so some of us from USA could see them.
They are all great players, and put on a good show. I was a little bummed that they didn't have their projections behind them. and I felt that maybe they might have been a bit of a better fit on the small stage.
as they don't reAlly move around much. Just my observations.
I heard they did a song with a lap steel, in a hawaiian style,
sadly I missed that As I had to run back inside to be on NSSR again.
up next was,THE TREMOLO BEER GUT (Denmark)
I was on the air for half of their set, but they were right outside the diner, so I could hear them rocking, and when I was finished I ran out as fast as possible. I have some of their early albums, and was really stoked they were on the bill. Very cinematic in some ways, heavy then quiet,then intense, all over the map, I really enjoyed them a lot.
I need to get their stuff that I don't have.
To Close out the night and weekend was,LOST ACAPULCO (Mexico)
They were on the big stage, and they did a good job on it, and had a fair sized crowd for the end of the weekend. I have so say that Im not a huge fan of their style, but they seem to have fans, so I can see why Lorenzo had them. after they finished, there was DJs spinning tunes till into the wee hours.
Lots of us went up into the mercy room, and said our goodbyes, and some tears were shed. Some contact info was exchanged for possible tours of USA, and many hugs and hand shakes were shared. It was a great long weekend, but it had to come to an end. We had a taxi called to pick us up and ended up sharing a ride to the hotel with 2 of the guys from West Samoa Surfer league. Thanks for picking up the tab on that.

I could go on and on about all the small details,
about the 4 patty burger that Lorenzo had made for me, the huge bag of cds n vinyl that Dorthy and I brought home. about all the friends we made, and old friends we saw again.
but basically I want to say that it was a trip of a lifetime, and again
I am so happy,grateful,and just still in awe of all of the donations to help get me there. I again say Thank you to all who donated.
It really means so much to me. And I still get a bit choked up thinking about it. I would never ever want, or expect such a thing. So to receive it and follow thru on going was just the most amazing gift I have ever received.
Thanks also to Lorenzo, Luca, Francesco, and the amazing Surfer Joe diner crew,for all of your hard work.
And to Lorenzo for your gracious hospitality and help with the picking up, taking to the airport and hotel rides.

I have a bunch of pics, that I should post. Ill try to get to that soon.
Ciao everybody!!!!


Last edited: Jul 01, 2015 09:02:00

Welcome Back Jeff!
Thanks for the great recap of your awesome adventure!

  • Surfbeatnik

Last edited: Jul 01, 2015 09:01:17

Excuse me for a moment, there is something in my eyes...

Awesome, just awesome.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Hear! Hear!
Congrats, Jeff!

I really loved the NSSR coverage and the videos are great!
Thank you all!

bIG wAvE Dave

Great write up, Jeff. Once in a life time comes to mind. Smile You can go back but there's only one "first time" .

Last edited: Jul 01, 2015 17:16:29

Jeff, Thanks for the great write-up. Hope to get over to Europe in the near future for some surf music and more traveling and adventure!

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