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Permalink surf music--is it bad for hawaiian shirts??????

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Good call Danny.

Though I think this one might be a bit more up Jake's alley:



That's hilarious.

see you at practice tomorrow.

drummer-Lava Rats

Ferenc......thanks for not wearing that shirt when you were here. I don't know but....thanks for not wearing it. Would you like a nice Hawaiian shirt? I would gladly send you one so you can give that one back to the Dead!!! should keep it and put it in the PDM museum in 20 years.....or wear it to your induction into the R&R Hall of Fame.

The TakeOffs
"Kauai's Only All-Instrumental Surf Band"

I say we take up a collection and sent it to Jake. Razz

We should get him one of those keyboard neckties, too. It'd go great with the sax shirt.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Ferenc......thanks for not wearing that shirt when you were here. I don't know but....thanks for not wearing it. Would you like a nice Hawaiian shirt? I would gladly send you one so you can give that one back to the Dead!!! should keep it and put it in the PDM museum in 20 years.....or wear it to your induction into the R&R Hall of Fame.

Surely you jest! Very Happy
While I admit to having no taste, a blind man could see how u-g-l-y that shirt is! I saw it on EBay so if you must have, it can be yours! (Current bid is $6.15)

PS- Hi Ron, good to hear from you again, I haven't seen you post in a while. How's the weather in Kauai?

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OMG when surf musicians wear hawaiian shirts; does it reflect badly on the shirt and maybe even tiki culture?? please, send me your thoughts on this!!

Here is an Aloha shirt sure to offend everyone-- Tie-Dyed!


Pair that with an antigua instrument, and you have something that could cause irreparable harm to surf as we know it.

haha, I pictured the types of reactions that Ran, Jeff, and JP would have to this one. Laughing


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty






Do you think Kirby would wear that? hehe
hmmm what about Chongolio?

"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

would flip-flops with socks complete the ensemble?

would flip-flops with socks complete the ensemble?



Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Hell, I'd wear it...
I certainly wouldn't pay money for it, but i'd wear it! Laughing
Please someone help me, I have no fasion sense Sad
Bob (flamin'shorts) Bitchin

would flip-flops with socks complete the ensemble?

That would definitely work, but that shirt just screams for Birkenstocks and socks! Cool

would flip-flops with socks complete the ensemble?

Only if you have the hand-knitted beanie! Very Happy

"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

Cool oh man, i like tha blue tie-dyed shirt!!!! i'd wear one with flip flops. but not around here, maybe in florida where i could get away with it!!

Ference......don't call me Shirley!!.....and i ALWAYS jest :D.....the weather is perfect.....maybe 83-84......the water is about 80.......and there's a W/N/W swell coming and this late in the season......we've been having Kona winds from the South making it hot and muggy but the "trades" are returning soon. On a more serious note.....i have worse shirts than that in my closet Wink I haven't been posting much cause i'm so busy playing and costs a fortune to visit OR live on Kauai so i gots to keep workin' so's i can pay that fat electric bill to keep my computor runnin so i can yak with you jakes once in a while!! I have noticed that when i get home from a gig......usually late (like right now!).....there's only a few people on here but........oh well......right now it's 4am your time and where are you?

The TakeOffs
"Kauai's Only All-Instrumental Surf Band"

Surf Daddy may have been a kuk,
but I really liked this thread he started.
time for my meds, Wink



MMMMMMMMmmmmm.......meds! I hear that a lot around here so i went and got my own prescription....the Doc says"what do you need them for?" "Well, there's this hawaiian shirt on this website and......."

The TakeOffs
"Kauai's Only All-Instrumental Surf Band"

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