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Permalink Project Jazzmaster for sale

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Well here it is for sale Very Happy before it hits ebay I wanted to give you guys 1st dibs, yall know the specs? everything is AVRI but the neck and body.
I am asking $750 OBO for this rare matching head/body ol' lake placid blue color only found in Japan and not for export PM me if your interested.

Aged pickup covers, control knobs, toggle switch tip
AVRI pickups, and all hardware, pickguard
US CTS 1meg pots, 1 US 50k mini pot, US 1 meg mini for upper controls
AVRI capacitors for master controls and upper controls



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Last edited: May 18, 2007 22:45:31

wow - that was a short marriage

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Aaaw man. If I had $900, this is exactly what I would spend it on. Kyle, you're gonna make someone really happy, but why are you parting with it so soon?

I'm gonna speculate that he's been bitten by that dirty ol' Bass VI bug, and needs a little extra cash to feed the monkey.

Then again, his Jag side could have just taken over his brain again.


or he's on to his next project. Im fairly certain Kyle has CTD (compulsive tinkering disorder) Thumbs Up

no money here, but someone should grab it.

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

If that had a mint pickguard I'd buy it in a second. Just is beautiful.
I thought you two were so happy together!

If that had a mint pickguard I'd buy it in a second.


Good luck on the sale, I'm sure it will be a great guitar for someone.

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Man id so buy that thing if i didnt need a cab. I tell you what, make a black one and Ill buy it in about 2 months.

Me want. Drool I'd better check with the CFO...


My first thought was: "I'd give my right arm for that guitar."

Then I realized that I couldn't play it if I did.

don't you have a kidney to sell? you can play guitar with one kidney.

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Good point, WR. And I could save money by attempting to do the procedure myself...

I dig the Jazzmaster I built but that's what I do build them and sell them.


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I dig the Jazzmaster I built but that's what I do build them and sell them.

Kyle, how about your quote from May 6th:

"The Jazzmaster got a bunch of ooohss and aaaawhhhs @ the show... I do have to add that I'm very very impressed with its tone and action. I am so tempted to play it full time and switch from always playing Jaguars to Jazzmasters, but who knows."

Were you tempted to keep this one? And what ended the love affair?


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I haven't had a chance to realllllyyyy Verbtone it! the only show it has played was The Link Wray tribute night so it hasn't surfed yet we do have a gig at the end of the month and I will try it out, but it's like you your main guitar is a stratocaster and yes you have a Jazzmater but you couldn't turn to play the Jazzmaster full time??? The Jaguar has been my main guitar since 1989 so it's hard even though tempting to play a Jazzmaster full time I just can't but I see my self playing it for 1 or 2 numbers or as a backup??? but we'll see I need to give it a few trys and it's not that the guitar sucks no way I just need more time and that's why I sold 1 of my vintage Jazzmasters and AVRI Jazzmaster back in 01' The Jaguar holds a big warm spot in my heart I guess it might be cause my father played a Jaguar in his youth in the 60s and still does for fun, the Jaguar has always been my roots in all styles of music I got my self into over the years from Mainstream to present.

Hey how's your Showman going with the gold sparkle cloth any updates yet?


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it's like you your main guitar is a stratocaster and yes you have a Jazzmater but you couldn't turn to play the Jazzmaster full time???

Hah! Well, true, but I would never get rid of my Jazzmaster. Though a Strat will always be number one for me, I love playing the JM, and there are some songs that just need the JM for the recording.

Anyway, I understand where you're coming from.

Hey how's your Showman going with the gold sparkle cloth any updates yet?

Not yet. I've had an insanely busy two months that's finally coming to an end in a week. Given that the guy that has to do this for me lives 2 hours away, it wasn't really convenient to do it yet. But it will almost certainly happen in early June. I finally took three of my guitars to a shop last week for some badly needed fix-ups, something I've been wanting to do for over six months now! Well, that shop is an hour and 15 minutes from me. It sucks living in the middle of nowhere....

Good luck with the beautiful Jazzmaster!


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