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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Suggestion Box »

Permalink Suggestion for Brian and all SG101 members

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From time to time someone asks where/how to find a gig or a venue for surf music. It would be very helpful for those that post about playing gigs to include the venue, city and state. This can be helpful to others, which I think is one of the objectives of this forum. Some of us post about this but don't have their location in their profile.

Maybe a future improvement would be a permanent forum topic for just Surf Music Friendly Venues. Tell us where you are playing, where you have played.

Thanks for all you do.

Happy Sunsets!

There is a calendar with history of gigs, in the description the venue and city is always listed.

And when there are "Help me find a gig/venue" the original poster specifies a location and then other people talk about venues in the area. If it is the next town over, people generally refer to that.

I don't get the feeling that people are listing venues without context. There is probably location context earlier in the thread.

A "Surf Music Friendly Venues" is a good idea for the wiki if people update it regularly. The problem is that message boards hold information for years at a time. How many of these surf friendly venues will be around in 5-10 years?

And 'Surf friendly', most places are surf friendly. Bookers aren't going to turn down a band that they feel will put on a good show. Obviously, there is some ageism against some bands, but we've played the gamut of venues around the Seattle area. Only one actively books surf bands, the rest you get to play on a weekend if you show you can put on a good show and draw on a weekday.

We have a wiki that almost no one uses. This would be a good thing to put on the wiki. Someone just needs to step up and do it!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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